As I began my literate and articulate life as a self-employed - TopicsExpress


As I began my literate and articulate life as a self-employed observer at about nine months old in 1970 and in my paternal-paternal lineage English (allowed to look at books and read them until I could comprehend text in them not just pictures, and read it aloud, looking up words unknown to me in dictionaries and/or encyclopaedias). I was taught not but it was mentioned to me as desirable to scan newspapers cover to cover, most important dailies, daily, and I started reading them as also my grandmother did, sometimes all day long if need be, drawing own conclusions without any controlling discussion other than her commentary about how she had been raised, what works and what does not, to TV news and old 1940s films in the evenings to me, mentioning none were allowed to touch me, least of all in any heavy handed manner, ever, for my diplomatic immunity and also sovereign rights, not even my mother. It had been mentioned to her in lighthearted jest that this was so after my toddler years were over and that she tended to do things with an overly firm grip on everything, and particularly and not allowably me as toddles the baby she and grandfather and his brother called “Carin/Kaye/my little friend.” An example was soon also given of my father as a boy of similar age raised by my grandmother, his natural mother, as “more interested in mechanical constructs such as antique alarm clocks with which she could play with hours, taking them apart and reassembling them – every time he was addressed to come to even eat at mealtimes thus occupied he would turn it into a fiasco of saying ‘yes, dear mother’ every time he was called until a two hour delay had occurred” and grandmother “feeling taxed by his darling impertinence by then” once grabbed “a large hammer for emphasis and tapped it down so hard in the kitchen on the bottom of a chair that it fell out of its frame after which my father looked up baffled as she explained herself as needing his attention about coming to eat two eggs and little breakfast canapés: Frenched toast cheese sandwich I also had and is now found in dry form in individual piece-sizes known as Paris Toasts. The cheese was cream/Brie: the breakfast. The moral of the story was that one never physically was allowed to attack anyone, or grab them. My parents when they were children and “what they said to me before you were born and what they are saying now” and also her own childhood were her favorite topic of conversation, mostly one way, asking me to memorize relevant facts about family which presented over breakfast sounded trivial but were not such. I can only conclude that she noted engineering talent in my father and the propensity to keep to himself a lot, brooding in a way not, just not socializing with his mother, and also grand uncle, who was raising him, unlike me: listed as father at times but his brother’s son off and on while my grandfather remained kidnapped by a deranged lecherous suitor who had taken shine to that I came of four Dynasts for grandparents and also very senior English, Swedish, French and Swiss-Austrian aristocracy and qualified as a pre-18th Century Baroness in Britain and Estonia and also wealth and in my current net worth also and was running a theft campaign to have us all murdered in kidnapped circumstances in a second rate then and now third rate state at war illegally since 1898 and run by illegal or extrajudicial networks of terrorists posing as counter-intelligence officers and Head of State. I was much loved by them for resembling their beloved parents and also correct manner in temperament and even posture since birth, also I was high IQ and not at all evil, never intriguing and indecent, an contrary to many we did not discuss other people much. The problem with the network against me is that they are sodomists and gays both men and women, retards as compared to authentic senior aristocrats, some sort of RCMP kitchen contingent with said illegals as Jews and illegally in NATO also having run and systematically re-appointment-formed that organization wrong after Dwight D. Eisenhower. We do not at all approve of their temerity and sense of obligation in contractual relations/statesmanship. None of the said network has ever been authorized in my life and any of our lives, and in Britain indeed at all. It is much worse educated since the very beginning as compared to me and they seem to function as scripted and illiterate and inarticulate, while increasingly now “globally” pursuing illicit aims including war aims by illegal means, thieving, pestering and exploitative, also impertinent, in that they clearly also steal information while they are incapable of correctly relating to it and assembling it so as to apply it correctly most of them and to perceive anything but U.N. constructs lifted out of what was assembled as a corrupt policy-planned so-called macro-level directives’ code quagmire and construct by a pair of authors, one from France and other Harvard University et al, in recent years on so-called “transnational (read: illegally trespassing and impermissibly interventionist) relations” and do not practice even so much of the minimum of correct discrete thought and proper behavior such as polite non-subcultural slang or syntax let alone other more sophisticated West European (Canada belongs with Britain and France not) and Euro-American vocabulary or civilizational values other than arguably not needed total lies, statistics and admitted demagoguery keyed to open sneering since about 1815 religious and ideological sedition, and statements in the new book about the network needing money as some kind of “European civil service” convinced it has been not above financial motivation to thieve so it now openly does, brazen, vulgar and attempting to take or retake hostages to kill as kidnapped to be illegally in power. In this connection it has positioned its illegals on the British throne (Elizabeth II as of 1952 as a Middle Easterner and Princess Royal is not her daughter’s or sister’s title which they assumed in connection with the CIA coups d’état in Egypt instead of rescuing British Royals proper from kidnapping by the same group stalking my grandfather and his brother et al on the battlefields during generals’ visits and by aide de camp in increasingly corrupt army ordnance systems having asked them to lead the Second World War and before the first they started in the 20th Century illegally on enemy side pitting us into fratricidal lawsuits – their thinking is all wrong and arises from their practice of corrupt Home Office also and House of Lords since 1832 illegally reforming itself with Queen Victoria in charge fully as of 1837 as a Jewess à la Frances Bolton Braham argued also through disciplines of sociology and anthropology, circus gimmicks, and impostor. They are still identifiably Jewish through not the same ones possibly in lineage (other Jews now largely et al in same sort of hoax) and their palace guard and are not needed as such by us at all – we are self-sufficient, also Arabic versions exist of all of them except Russians possibly due to some kind of rapist sperm bank) all squatting in advance on intended old and new kidnap victims’ capital assets ancestral and current/matrimonial net worth even, seeking our faces and identities and superior bodies to illegally govern. I/we (Royal “we” and technically also “Sire” applies to me as Queen and not as man for it at all in any way and we do not deal in signals, the network is aping my grandfather while illegally squatting on my assets, and illegally speaking on both of our behalf and as Crown (there is no such right): they are kidnappers, terrorists and also immoral staff of former MI5 since 1908 they were angrily with good reason told I gather by my great grandfather the founder in 1940 not only but already 1936 to disband not ‘vamp’ or ‘revamp’ in any way and also illegal monarchy, while the plotting continued to try to take over peerages from us, Crown and Crowns and seat impostors inexplicably with our faces on sans credible pedigree or Jewish or Iranian actors as European aristocrats), now fully appreciate Windsors as concept “anti-King/anti-Queen” which need not be there for being regicidal, with their claim to the throne illegal and line of succession bogus pursuant as drawn up. They are merely illegally in possession of stolen assets as habitual, meaning recidivist, criminals, and not decent or well-born at all meaning they are either wrongfully born/potentially enemy ethnic without proper feelings for the nation and upper class proper they batter with foreign and low class persons they illegally hire and troops, selves illegals, also ethnic non-Europeans which is punishable: to be squatting for two hundred years secretly on the British throne as substitute decision makers to British monarchy proper hating us for being selves mistaking selves for British society while remaining in essence a Roman Imperial opera company kitchen Jew group of sorts as former gladiators and also illegal nationals of both Britain, Switzerland and Austria of which I am also now monarch without any interest in multinational in ethnicity Eastern Europe and to any Slav land or governing in the Middle East in their stead or being their lackey anywhere (it is absolutely illegal to do, what they have done is disgusting and they need to leave for Israël and their ethnic fan club for their own homelands even if in developing South Africa and Washington, D.C.), we have never needed them for anything and in particular needs to leave Cate Middleton as a whore of sorts by half originating in fat short Jewish television dancers of Estonia and American actresses and rapist as such of my decent and loyal to me and my grandfather junior grand uncle kidnapped by them for such a perverse purpose as to extract his sperm and peddle it internationally to graft our faces and better bodies on said ogres together with our assets, lifting a fat short pervert on our perfect legs (both were over 6 ‘ 4” tall and said hop and clapper playing the clown but 5’3” at best). Dead will be in particular Robert Clegg Austin, Daryl Copeland, Sebastian Copeland, Phlilippa Geddie, Paul Tralla (he needs to be back with me also and not anywhere in the company of anyone designated by them, self now dangerous for having been illegally made diplomat since we met at age 17 and 22, his, mine) and also Paul Attemann if continues with that group and also others including the House of Lords as at and the palace, in USA with his face on, also every member of the Swiss military assisting, Dutch whores, palace, same are proud male whores and also using faces and bodies stolen the same way to peddle selves about bearing illegal likeness to Uradel, old most senior exclusively ethnically West European aristocracy of North-West (pure, I am, they not, near any and any such assimilation of us is illegal and punishable by death, including of Janet Boyer et al in Canada), many of them Jewish whores of the Kim Philby and U.S. Army and Paul Attemann illegally resembling my grandmother’s Swedish stepfather and also natural father, my family and even self, while abusing our superior body and mind stolen for him at birth, his, to but whore for them in palace and USA) and various presidents. I am taking him back, shutting down scheme and also punishing said as terrorists. Do conclude all sued (by advance publicity also) hereby as both respondents and defendants (he is latter until removed onto my diplomatic passport and not without me on it myself, and as my subject not more) currently form a total and absolutely and categorically immoral and illegal bloc and what amounts to a war against any normal person and collective legal entity of nuisance and more: persistent illegal mobilization for it by a fraud group but purporting to govern. It is clearly wholly and deliberately juvenile and incoherent in sensible behavior, while scripted in a goal-oriented manner so as to be entirely devoid of any proper logic and desirable outcomes, extemporated and competent projected rational legally valid and decent behavior, with bullying idiots and hired hands constantly egged on to swagger, nuisance, crowding out and trespass. Other than their desire to harass, baselessly de-nazify non-General Staff non-Germans of Britain itself, whore and thieve and denigrate superiors, and indeed all adequately individuated decent persons as upper class proper for the past 2000 years -- I am and not they --- there is little the network does (it is all a hoax, with the said palace Jews in symbiotic relations with harasser and pressure groups). They have wished harm to come to me by chanting their forward war aims still illegally broadcasting and still do not at all understand I have not paid attention to them and know not of them, and have been and am not failing in any way but only when they do not have access to my home and marriage, as of 2006/7 openly sneering at me about selves and the Windsors deserving the death penalty to the best of their knowledge were they of course not getting away with it: being religious terrorists and run as a European state of Israël and British Theocracy and piracy via Canada by evil juvenile system of lurid simplistic fantasy à la queer for illegal action falsely claiming to be my grandfather’s and great grandfather’s MI5 legacy and British throne and Crown et al, it is not, he has never permitted any such to be in government and qualified they are not as I also do fully as King (Queen in my case not queer any of us ever or perverted or foreigner) and also the responsible not for their terrorist fraud by actual British and Swiss-Austrian security service I am, of, also, alongside the monarchs, of various families, not they, and ancestrally and fully qualified political police and educator in our historical and also monarchical and legal tradition, correct constitutional lawyer and historian, of proprietary archival rights at that. They never had any right to insider trade in them and also deny them to me for past 17 years. Had their fraud been known sooner than 2013/2014 since 1914 after 1814/5 since 814 death of my ancestor Charlemagne and 1952 with Kim Philby making decisions at the palace and thereafter to 1988 from kidnapper locations, then as of 2005/6 after the 60 year British disclosure deadline fell on year 1945/6, it is plausible they would not be still on the throne, also Victor Rothschild et al alive for treason similar to Kim Philby’s and also several more guilty parties still burrowed as BURROWS by name some of them in trade unionist opera and kitchens as BURROS and cooks various illegally into Britain/Canada, palace, also Swedish-Hungarian Jews anywhere but the Middle East/Hungary to which I have absolutely no interest, neither did my maternal grandparents, to lay any claim, post-1956. Arrested need to be Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)/Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) and members of the Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FO/FCO), USA. Christina Prozes should be arrested for advertising whores in NOW magazine as “classified” advertising director for the project working illegally through Canada’s Human Resources system as now squat on te cusp on salary between the provincial and also federal governments of Canada and organizing concerts hopefully no even for ones she has included who are Foxy Moo Moo’s or Mocksy Früvous: “once I was the King of Spain” and “now I…” and then some and this cannot be sensible or pleasant for Juan Carlos I of Spain and also his wife who is I guess a Princess of Greece as the Duke of Edinburgh also theirs apart from being from Denmark while he and Elizabeth II appear of the “yes, but they/we are all Jews” scam in the Second World War in Copenagen of the King of Denmark who appears to wish to make all aristocracy Jewish and none of us are/should be in Western Europe since Charlemagne even, Kings/Queens as in Dynasts of us not at all and neither gay at all unless it occurs in nature to two perfectly straight lineages (not bloody likely and Jewishness neither indeed unless intermarried in the Middle East in tribe!), a large stolid Nordic ogre with a degree in German language and literature and no other skills or education at all but said scam and membership in an international trade union movement of sorts through Eastern German republicans. In Sweden and Canada’s hydro-electric generating system and so-called energy sector are guilty parties also, and whoever maintains a false storefront of impostors illegally using and abusing name Waldegrave while as of 1996 a “Chris Martin, John Buckland, Marcus Dravs,” as Latvian, possibly all four of them, et al as “Coldplay” keyed to an Estonian not bur German likely children’s choir trained voice singing “Coldboys” in that language while likely of Pilar von Pilchau with the stage name Jörgen Pillau with name to city government and the message: “…yes, but(t), they were all yellow” (about “the stars,” he mentions, presumably of David and either hepta or pentagon and Monica Lewinsky, here “I drew a line for you”…) and theatre season overheating for Prof. Bert S. Hall, hopefully not ADMIRAL BLINKER HALL (a Stuart of Charles I line according to himself not even likely, we are and not he, a Medievalist and Early Modern visual and print culture studier, friends with “an accountant to the stars” and Europeans illegally in Canada and supporting the scam through Victoria College called SLEDGEHAMMER and involving to this day Ukraïnian and Jewish and Russian and German troops and illegal action via perverted British as of 1940 so in particular MI5 to which as all-gay and butch subculture was grafted Metropolitan London Police and all others, a dysfunctional organization ordered by its founder to be shut down in his capacity as Head of State so as to quit running it through personal budgets and also private wealth and even superior as I am also gene pools so as to make illicit agents of the state squatting arguing selves aristocrats by cannibalizing the senior aristocracy and running impostors with jews and Germans/Communists continuing their illegal revolutionary war; we have never wanted any of them in the family and disallowed it, any interest of theirs to pervert that family to try to create malevolent Cinderella sisters hell bent on “winning the peace” still for the swindlers illegally against us by bullying all upper class Europe into war and offering to stay squat behind with all kinds of riff-raff as of 1939 again as in 1914 as so called Home Office with my Dynast great grandfather appearing to be engaged in a revolutionary war against his own relatives and also any and all Kings of Western Europe and the Crown of Britain openly on radical terrorist side on a possibly Jewish basis and also pan-Slav and pan-Communist while continue the singing of praises to selves in churches such as the Catholic and Orthodox so called churches and all religions indeed as the so-called “chosen people” peppering the rites with notions such as eating human flesh and drinking blood: they need to be gone, also anyone still not separating church and state and a pirate or other unlawful such as by immigration and still saving to so called Jews and campaigning against us expecting deaths or the guillotine to be newly re-erected for profit from any perverted spectacles such as also theatrics) to his Luftwaffe (which Windsors and perhaps Eskell Sassoons and Siegfried Sassoon harassing after murdering Prince Albert through gay fat commoner hidden as Queen Victoria, now they tell us, and not well for selves, in 2014 at the 100 year anniversary from the 28 June 1914 terrorism by so-called “Eine Kleine Schar Irregeleiten” 25 of whom were convicted only for sedition and terrorism as radical Slav university students, Jews possibly as also was Jewish Dr. Joseph Mengele, anthropologist and pseudo-scientist and murderous incompetent which Waldorf-Astors as biographers of his in exchange for living illegally in our Hever Castle appear to have been hired to hide, also at Chewton and Stanning Hall previously made a lunge for seeking serial murder and posts as palace whores perhaps we do not and have never supported only said Jews and Napoleon Bonaparte, and much more property, also their so-called Catholic Church in the Vatican which is illegaly running a converso scam and also various sectarians Catholic and non, all illegally), ENIGMA GLOWWORM to guide a strategic joint German and German Jewish bombing raids on our properties and persons also as Germans later reported to us through livid senior Austrian Uradel officers of ours on Britain as of 1940 and they clearly did to try hang onto power on that basis by battering Britain proper to leave gay Jews in charge. We will be deporting all of them and punishing the said Modern Hundred/Two Hundred Year revolutionary war, fought illegally on their side also by who are Danish and American actors and also Dutch and Physicists of known religious leanings and also total moral turpitude in evidence, and Polish National Trust we support not, and East and West German gay burlesque with gay and commoner and as of Queen Victoria in 1819 already on their umpteenth hoax as Windsors referring to said air force as “whores in cans.” They are not Brits, we are, and also have they turned illegally to the U.S. Army and Air Force to try to remain up greasy pole for them. Prof. Tiina Ann Kirss and also Prof. Nash Mayfield need to leave Canada and more of theirs so called reseaux such as Camp-X Canada and also LILLICO and other states and PROSPER/PROSPEKT and Bell Canada, which were in the Second World War front line saboteiur-terrorist recruitment camps, all low class which now includes what Robert Cooper of Britain illegally lauds as “combined European Armies” which act through Wolfson College, Oxford, as some kind of a gay JEWISH by half at least, no all. Werwolf, organization cancelled in 1945 also by a radio announcement from Adolf Hitler ordering it down in Denmark, which was done upon the request of Dwight D. Eisenhower who as an element in the Windsors’ scheme threatened “to bomb Israël” even presumably to continue to facilitate their continues squatting in Europe as non-Zionist and Zionist at the same time militants and battering us for upper class exclusively and rightly so West European Alpine and Nordic including Celtic to extent but not terrorist republican Irish. They are running the scam through Iran and thunder and counter-thunder for drama revenue and tabloids. Bert Hall has admitted to being ALBERT HALL here to an extent and having put on the theatre seasons with plays in text as in Hollow Crown by Vanessa Redgrave and Ian Richardson threatening to sodomize Royals (Windsors are not Royals, they have admitted and not even Europeans they brazenly admitted in 2014), and Copenhagen (about Niels Bohr and Enrico Fermi, Marie Curie) celebrating the scheme as Catholic also. They need to be gone with Omnium Gatherum (2004), Art by Sean Connery (“con artistry”) and Daniel Craig, Georges Clooney and many more, French Cinema’s Jean-Claude Annaud and U.N.’s “RAJ” Anands, Sweden, latter famous for idiotic and gay and low class ABBA and also similar copy-cat act Ace of Base for Hermann Göring and his brother Albert as the so called “rat Albert” dear to not any but said criminals and low class revolutionary gumshoes not legal to be Head of State anywhere and also most certainly not in Britain, more. They are not welcome here on any state visit and to stand down the scheme needs to also their self-declared Princess Royal who is planning to come/go to Canada again this November and has been squatting on my English property Walgrave and emitting publicity fomr there illegally in the company of lower classes, police. She will be dead as terrorist if she stand the seditionist scheme down and the perverted revolutionary war and kidnappings while continuing to squawk at us obscenities from what they ilk regard popular media none other and this includes Mathew Gordon Sumner and his pedophile and desert terror ring called Police. The Copelands tdo not needs to be there any o them by said name and drummer least also Deoeche Mode, it is all a gay burlesque to them and includes clearly also the Montreux Festival (Swiss), concert peddlers, all ugly and most British and Canadian populace in danger of being force mixed to jews and Slavs and Rome. We are not open to any of it and will be deporting all of them and also religiously mad sects, university. The Ministry of Education is guilty of terrorism and also illegal mergers of colleges to university. They are particularly corrupt through history departments and law schools and education not in diplomacy. In this connection Philippa Geddie, Francine McKenzie, Robert Clegg Austin, Rebecca Spasgnolo, Trish McMahon and George Walker Bush and his wife and Ellen Leivat, R.S.W. and Estonia’s agency MAINOR (“minor” in age presume of the pedophiles and sodomist pederasts and said Jewish gays including all their women like Elizabeth II and also fashion models illegally in Canada and Hollywood) organizational psychologist also with the latter two’s face on Talvi Märja and RCAF’s Laas Leivat need to be arrested and also particularly as an imminent threat to any normal person for even life and limb and face Kevin A. O’Brien. It is a Jonathan Evans Stella RImington network which should not be in existence at all and also none recruited from low class Estonia into the House of Lords by Elizabeth II in exchange of idiocy and crass goonery such as Mart Sander per Paul Attemann’s expected selection as he told me in 1997 as such vetter. He is not, also neither is she and any of them but total inferiors without any legal license as Crown at all. They need to quit their Second World War in real time since they started it in 1939 and also First World War, both were improperly fought on their part and seeking to win the peace form authorities proper is and has never been legal: they are terrorist and seditionist Jews who illegally deciding much for the Crown as hidden radical perverts of non-European origins and also South in the North South and French revolutionaries they really are and also Belgian Jews some of them, seeking to continue being impostors having bullied the Crown into the continental war in war leadership as also Henri IV now seeing assassinations. They will be punished for all of them in historical perspective including Bloody Mary and Francs Bolton Braham and any and all of their illegal and wrongfully born pseudo-heirs and pseudo-assigns and also trespassers over 2000 years of diplomatic immunity in my case as Head of State level indisputable Dynast to whom Leze Majeste laws apply and immunity from prosecution with Crown rights to prosecute them which they have been expecting: mouse party of sorts partying in palaces afraid of cat coming home. My grandmother paternal explained to me she and my grandfather and also grandfather’s younger brother had been educated by their fathers, as also early I, by her and grandfathers and other grandmother. It is not legal to dispute me and also seek to bluff me with archives open now as of 2005 in their attack scheme. We do not work for them and they do not work for us and also neither do their allies who are our enemies pretending illegally to have been at all friends of ours, they are not. This includes the USA VICTOR & DIANE scam funded by DFAIT/FAC and coming here with who surely must be five Polish uban planner tankists with Canadian military backgrounds and not welcome anywhere in my life and also none of their hop clap circus. The U.S. Army needs to leave also and start taking responsibility for shooting JFK and Bobby Kennedy even who were our envious enemies not theirs and also we are not Israëlis to their other universalist churches for it or Hollywood’s Opus Dei seeking to kidnap aristocrats and also gang rape superior heritage for lesser. They have assembled an illegal coalition of impacable enemies and all unpopular with us and seek to attack us also terrorizing any normal person and us also to no avail emotionally, to rile, as wrongfully born: whores such as illegally made sod and lesbian cult object and bland illicit rubber product Cate Middleton b. 1982 since 1971 depredations in kidnapping and also illegally stealing through 1970 death of my great grandmother Constance Rawdon-Scott that year with her children kidnapped in the war still. Note that I am wealthier and always have so been than they are and have no intention sharing and of my paterimony/proeperty paying thee lecherous rapist whores and Paul Attemann’s illegal pawing objects anything and nor to himself having established a whore house in Canada and serving these fiends abusing our superior likeness and body commercially for this purpose for my money such as his own, mine superior. They need be executed or jailed for life and all of their Latin American and East European/Portugal agents also. There will not b an pardons issued or implied and also the magnitude of their crimes warrants caution. They are wrongfully born wall of them and in spite of the obsession to make them perfect they are less than us in human body also in quality,, self, not Paul Attemann so much any longer: he looks birthed with her. They and all else need to quit any and all such activities and also be accountably to utmost to me as Crown. They will not be pardoned at all as also 1976 sedition laws and counter-terrorist v. Trudeau law all dictate and it is for me not them to override it at will and them to curtsy and obey. I have the right of way as Crown. Their services of any kind are not needed and gain not any value from their continued activities, grimaces, tabloid fantasies. You are less.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:10:51 +0000

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