As I begin each day, I always ask God to give me a fresh start. - TopicsExpress


As I begin each day, I always ask God to give me a fresh start. And He does. We have a new chance every day to be a better version of ourself than we were the day before. With His help and reminders, its possible. He can fix the broken us we were yesterday and make things new and fresh today. Same goes for your marriage. He can heal the brokenness. It takes simply a willing heart to say, God, please heal me and my marriage. Its as easy as that. He will intervene, when we allow Him. But after that, we have to be willing to put forth the work and effort it will take. We must be intentional to change. God will show us where those areas are. Things we need to give up. Bad habits. The way we speak to our spouse. I know when we went through our marriage transformation one thing God showed me was softball. I loved playing and the time I got with my team. We had fun, we encouraged each other! But it was taking time away from my husband and I was putting it before him. Once God showed me that, I made the decision to not play anymore. It wasnt easy, but my marriage was more important to me than softball. Im not saying you have to give up all the things you love doing. But if God shows you that you are putting it before your marriage, then you may need to consider giving up! Once I gave up softball, God gave me something better. The same Sunday nights I spent countless hours on the softball field have now been replaced with a Sunday night community group. I get so much more from that time than I ever did playing softball. I loved my team, but God has put me in the midst of some incredible people that we hold near and dear to our hearts. Its a closer bond. Its family. And the best part is... My husband is there with me! I look back today and Im thankful for all that we went through. Our marriage fell apart because we allowed it. We quit trying. People say I just dont love you anymore. I said it too. But love is a choice. You made a decision along the way to stop loving your spouse. And you can make the choice to start loving them again. I remember the day that I made my decision. I prayed that morning for God to heal me. I didnt know what to do do with all the bitterness and resentment I had allowed to build up. So I asked Him to take it. At 9:38 am, He did just that. He took it away. It was my fresh start. My new beginning. Since that day, we have both worked towards all the things God has shown us, and our marriage is stronger and better today than ever. Instead of us trying to change each other, we let God show us what needed to change. He knows best! Of any relationship you have here on earth, outside of God, your marriage is most important. Make the choice today to start your new beginning. Your marriage and your spouse are worth it!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:20:05 +0000

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