As a continuation of what I said about how I can cite what happens - TopicsExpress


As a continuation of what I said about how I can cite what happens in the news feed, Id like to point out what I said 24 hours earlier about the 1969 song Sugar Sugar by the Archies and how a baby moose got caught in a fence aligning with the character Moose in Archie. From page news one day later cites the awkward interview with Archie Miller when Greg Gumbel confuses Dayton coach Archie Miller with University of Arizona Coach Sean Miller. Its the name Archie. Greg Gumbels last name is Gumball. I said the 1969 song Sugar Sugar by the Archies was referred to as bubblegum pop. The person who got mad at me was chewing bubble gum on Skype while talking to me with her friend on Second Life who created his character on 12/5 aligning with the birthday of Andy Kim who wrote the song. She got mad at me and blocked me online because she didnt like the mathematical interpretation I gave regarding her mothers birthday 10/18. I had cited how a soccer referee threw out the wrong person at a game. I said the player Kieran Gibbs who got thrown out was born 9/26 like James Caviezel as Jesus Christ. Its a Jesus Christ Symbol. Its a metaphor indicating that the Jesus Christ Symbol tagged to information was not well-received and was discarded or thrown out. If people actually understood how to interpret the encrypted data feed by the Consciousness of the Planet and truly understood the message, the wrong person wouldnt have gotten tossed. Like I stated, Ive been transcribing the news feed since 2004. Thats 10 years. I know what the news feed says. When you look at Earth as a Super Computer and look at the news feed as a print-out of lines of code of that Super Computer running trillions of calculations, youll see the real-life Matrix Code rise to the surface. In the Matrix, Neo asks Cypher what those dripping green symbols on the screen are. He says thats the Matrix. You have to learn how to read the code. Cypher points to how he can already see how a dripping green line of symbols means redhead, blonde, or a brunette. Thats the way you read the Associated Press Feed. Its just lines of code like a ticker tape printing out the life signs of the Planet. Its a shame that people dont get it. For those of us who do understand, we get ostracized and drummed out of society.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:17:07 +0000

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