As a mother, I remember holding both my baby girls and asking God - TopicsExpress


As a mother, I remember holding both my baby girls and asking God for only a few favors. First I thanked God for granting me the privilege of being a mother. I did ask that God give us no challenge that Bob and I could not handle as we believe parenthood should never be taken lightly and is a lifelong commitment. Secondly I prayed that my girls will be able to learn from any mistakes or challenges they are faced with and help to make the world a little brighter in a world that can at times feel dark. I will admit my girls have had me up at night, not just as babies, many times! But lately as I see the lessons they have learned and how they have grown ... I feel my prayers have been answered. I am so proud of Brittany Welp this week. When I got back from my conference Sunday, after herself being up with little sleep in 48 hours, she was home waiting for me, even though she had to head back to Terre Haute. My Brittany has always tried to be tough and not let many people see her softer side that I always knew was in her:-) I recall her loving and caring for Baby J when he was dying of cancer at 4 years old... She was only 5. Because of him... She has been determined to be a nurse to care for children and cancer patients ... Which she is working on. Last summer she told me she wanted to go on a mission trip for spring break, as last year she went to Panama City and wasnt interested in going back. She did fund raisers and saved up money to make the trip. Going through her pictures and talking with her, she has realized whats really important in, family, God and taking care of each other, even those that may not seem to deserve it. In a society where it seems that greed, power and money seem to destroy so many, my prayer is that she continue on her path to make the work a little brighter! Brittany never lose those beautiful lessons and memories as we never know that person whos life you touch in a positive manner may be the one you help save
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:09:14 +0000

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