As an avid fruitie, I often hear people say, But its so high in - TopicsExpress


As an avid fruitie, I often hear people say, But its so high in sugar - you should stay away. Nothing could be further from the truth! People get so caught up in fads & misinformation, so Im here to set the record straight. Fruits & vegetables are whole foods, from nature...& there are IMMENSE health benefits to eating them. The reason the sugar in fruit (or potatoes, carrots, etc) is different than refined sugar in sodas, candy, cookies & the like? >> Refined sugar contains no fiber or nutrients. It rapidly metabolizes in your system (due to the lack of fiber) & causes a spike in insulin & blood sugar levels. This can give you a burst of energy, but if that energy isnt used immediately, your body will tend to store the glucose as fat & the fructose can overwork your liver. The quick absorption of refined sugar also doesnt fill you up ~ so even though you ate a bunch of calories in that Ho-Ho, youll feel hungry & need to eat again soon after the sugar high fades. Fruit & veg, on the other hand, provide incredible nutritional value in your diet bc they are high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Plus, fruit & root veggies are an excellent source of fiber! Fiber slows down the absorption of the ingested sugars AND also expands in your gut ~ so it will actually fill you up. It is actual FOOD - not junk. There is a major difference. It is digested in a completely different way than refined sugars...fiber being the key. This is why juicing (or cooking) fruits in actually not as advantageous. It strips away the cell wall & leaves you with a higher concentration of sugar --- WITHOUT the fiber. So while the nutrients are still intact, the benefits are not the same. Fruit fiber is your friend....remember that. The more you know......... ;)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:20:26 +0000

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