As can be seen as to Judge Mills and his kindred spirits - TopicsExpress


As can be seen as to Judge Mills and his kindred spirits nationwide, We need to have every judge examined psychologically before appointment, something that has not been done and as a result a large number of malignant narcissistic sociopaths infest our court systems. Under our constitutional government, The people make the law by way of congress, the US supreme court interprets and applies the rule of law, and all the lower courts are supposed to follow it. However the founding fathers never expected the US supreme court to abandon supervision of the courts by adoption of an honor system. It doesnt matter what the judges do, regardless of how bad, once the rule of law is stated, the US supreme court ignores the lower courts conduct. The country is going to hell in a hand basket as a result due to judges obtaining judicial positions while being sick malignant narcissistic sociopaths. By thier fruits ye shall know them. A narcissistic sociopath is someone with a combination of narcissistic personality disorder and definitive behavioral signs of sociopathy and malignant behavior towards those they deem inferior. People with narcissism are characterized by their excessive and persistent need for others admiration and positive reinforcement. They generally have grandiose opinions of themselves and believe they are superior to other people. Narcissists are also frequently convinced that they are above the normal responsibilities and obligations of everyday life, so they usually have significant difficulties maintaining employment or relationships as a result. The narcissistic sociopath has this type of malignant personality along with a noticeable lack of regard for the rights of others and a tendency to regularly violate those rights. One noted difference between a narcissistic sociopath and people with narcissism alone is that the narcissist with the sociopathy reacts strongly and sometimes even violently to negative feedback. True sociopaths generally do not respond to criticism or care what others may think of them. A narcissistic sociopath is unable to tolerate criticism and needs constant praise, as well as deference from other people, and react malignantly to those who could expose them. Many with this condition are attracted to the power and prestige of being a judge, and present themselves in the best light possible and are able to easily charm others to gain their trust to obtain these judgeships. The defining characteristic traits of narcissistic sociopaths covers a much broader spectrum of individuals in the American Judiciary than most of us would ever imagine. The narcissistic sociopath is a truly self-absorbed individual with no conscience or feeling for others and for whom social rules limiting conduct have no meaning.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:23:03 +0000

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