As for the word of God to you, dupes, saying the Almighty .aa ye - TopicsExpress


As for the word of God to you, dupes, saying the Almighty .aa ye who believe, do not take Jews and Christians, some parents and some of you, it turns them that God does not guide the unjust people (51) who believes in their heart disease rushing them afraid to say Tsaibna circle deeds that God comes conquest or ordered from him on what Faisbhawwa captured in themselves ruing (52) (O ye who believe, do not take Jews and Christians parents) differed in the descent of this verse, though year-old rule for all believers. Some said that it was revealed in the bin silent worship and Abdullah ibn Abi son Salool, so they Achtsma, said the cult: that my parents Jews many numbered severe thorn, and I turn to God and to His Messenger from their mandate and the mandate of the Jews, nor sire me except Allah and His Messenger, Abdullah said: but I do not healed from the state of the Jews, because Im afraid circles, I have them, said the Prophet, peace be upon him: O Abu Hubab what vented him from the state of the Jews on the bin silent worship is yours without him, he said: If you accept, ejaculates God this verse. Saddi said: As the repast a heated up to a range of people and feared that Idal them infidels man said of Muslims: Im right Pflan Jewish and is it safer, I fear that Idal we Jews, and said another man: But I inflicted Pflan Christian people of Sham and take him safer, Allah revealed this verse Anhahma. Said Sabri: I got in my father Lubaabah] bin Abdul Mundhir sent the Prophet peace be upon him to Quraizah [while trapped] Vascharōh to go down, and said: What do you do to us if we went down, pushed his finger on his throat that slaughter, ie: kills you, then this verse. (Some of them parents) in aid and the victory of their hand and one on the Muslims, (and you Itolhm) [Veoffgahm and Ienhm] (it is of them that God does not guide the unjust people) (You see those in whose hearts is a disease), namely: the hypocrisy means Abdullah bin Abi and his companions from the hypocrites who are loyal to the Jews, (rushing them) in their aid and Mwalathm, (say fear that Tsaibna circle) state, means that internationalized eternity state Venanaj to victory us of, Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them: meaning fear that is not ordered Muhammad Fedor up to us and said: we are afraid that going on forever, we happening to the waterless and drought do not give us MERS and loan, (deeds of God that comes conquest) said Qatada and fighter: Elimination Chapter of Nasr Mohammed peace be upon him on who disagreed, and said the canine and Saddi: the conquest of Mecca, said Dahhaak: Open the villages of Jews such as the Khyber and Fadak, (or ordered from him) said: complete command Muhammad peace be upon him, and said: This is agony for them, and was told: evacuation Bani Nadir, (Faisbhawwa) means these hypocrites, (I captured in themselves) from the pro-Jewish Woods news to them, (repentant) He says those who believe Ohala who swore to God effort on their oaths Theyre with you frustrated their work they became losers (53) O ye who believe the boomerang you about his religion will God comes a people love them and they love submissive believers noblest of the unbelievers are struggling for the sake of God and not afraid of anybody as long as it Fadlallah bestows on whom He will of God and the broad education (54) (F) Then, (say those who believe) [read the people of Kufa: «say» Ballowao and lifting] and read the people of Basra Ballowao monument lam further to come any: Perhaps that says those who believe, and read others delete waw and raise the lam, and also is in the QURAN people [high] shedding conjunction with his clothes this verse as before, I mean, say those who believe, in time to show God hypocrisy hypocrites, (Ohala who swore to God) had sworn to God, (the effort their faith), namely: sworn Bogz faith, (they are for you) any : They are believers, wants: that the faithful then marvel at their lies and their alliance with falsehood. Allah said: (frustrated their business) champion all the best Amloh, (they became losers) lost Pavtdhaham minimum, and the afterlife of torment and reward too. Saying the Almighty: (O ye who believe rebounding from you about his religion will come a people God loves them and they love) read the people of the city and the Levant «Ertdd» Bdulan to show Altdaev «religion» is attributable to infidelity. Hassan said: The Science of the Almighty God that some people return from Islam after the death of the prophet peace be upon him was told that he would come a people God loves them and they love. They differed in those people who are they? Said Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him and al-Hasan and Qatada: They are Abu Bakr and his companions who fought the people of apostasy and those who withheld Zakat, so that the Prophet peace be upon him when he arrested rebounded General Arabs, but the people of Mecca and Medina and Bahrain Abdul Qais, and prevent some of Zakat, they are Abu Bakr, may God bless him fight them thought that the owners of the Prophet peace be upon him, said Omar may Allah be pleased with him: How do you fight people have said Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: «ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, it is uttered has Asm me his money and himself, but right and calculated on God Almighty? »Abu Bakr said: God Oqatln of the difference between prayer and zakat, the alms right on the money, and if God prevented me [hug] were performed to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to fight them to prevent«. » Anas bin Malik said, may Allah be pleased with him: I hated companions fighting those who withheld Zakat and said the people of direction, girded on his sword, and Abu Bakr went out alone, and they found none seemed to go out on impact. Ibn Masood said: we hated it at the first and then Hmednah him to finish. Said Abu Bakr bin Ayyash: I heard Abu Husayn says: What was born after the Prophets born better than Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, he has the shrine of the prophet of prophets in fighting the people of apostasy. He had bounced in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him three teams: Them [the sons Mzhj] and their boss with Muffler, Abahlh ibn Kab, al-Ansi, nicknamed black, and was a priest Mhabma prophesied in Yemen and seized her, he wrote the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to Maaz bin Jabal and his Muslims, and ordered them to urge people to adhere to their religion , and the advancement of the war black, killing him Fairuz al-Daylami on the bed, said the son of Omar may Allah be pleased with him came the news of the Prophet peace be upon him from the sky tonight, which killed, said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: «kill black yesterday, killing a man Mubarak», It was said: It is? He said: «Fairuz, [Vazveruz] preached the Prophet peace be upon him companions doom black, catch peace be upon him tomorrow; came [news] killing of al-Ansi city in the last month of March after out Osama was the first opening came Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him. » The second band: the sons of Hanifa Balemma, and their boss Musaylimah a liar, and his name Thamama bin Qais] and had predicted in the life of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in the last year of ten, he was allegedly involved with Muhammad peace be upon him in the prophecy, and wrote to the Messenger of Allah peace upon him from Musaylimah the Messenger of Allah to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, but after the earth, half me and half of you, and sent [it] to him with two of his companions, said to them, Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: [Ochhadan that Musaylimah Messenger of Allah? They said yes. The Prophet, peace be upon him] «Lula that the apostles do not kill to hit Oanaqkma», then answered: «From Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to Musaylimah liar, but after the Earth God bequeath wills of His slaves, and the consequence for the cautious», and disease Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him him and he died, he sent Abu Bakr Khalid ibn al-Walid to Musaylimah liar in the Army, many even Ohlkh God at the hands of a brutal, Ghulam Restaurant son Uday, who was killed Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib, after the war, severe, and it was brutal to say: killed the good of the people in ignorance and evil people in Islam . The Third Division: The sons of a lion, and their boss Talihh bin Khuwaylid ibn al-Walid, was Talihh another cringe, claimed prophethood in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him, and the first Fought after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him from the people of apostasy, he sent Abu Bakr Khalid bin Walid him , Vhzmanm Khaled after heavy fighting, and escaped Talihh Famer on his face on the run toward the Levant, and then after that it is the safest and a good Muslim. And rebounded after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him [in the caliphate of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him] the creation of many, until enough is Allah ordered the Muslims and their religion at the hands of Nasr Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him. Aisha said: «died Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and bounced Arabs and hypocrisy raised, and went down Abu Bakr what if it came down to the mountains headers Hadha». He said the people: what is meant by saying: (ll God comes a people love them and they love) are Alocharion, Roy Ayaz bin sheep Ashari said: When this verse was revealed: (ll God comes a people love them and they love) The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: «They are the people of this , and pointed to Abu Musa al-Ashari »and they were from Yemen. Tell Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn al-Fadl Abu Hassan I Kharqi I Taisfinu Abu Abdullah bin Omar bin Ahmed Al Gohary I [Akoshmihna Ali, Ben Ali told us] Stone I Ismail bin Jafar I Mohammed bin Amr bin Alqamah from Abu Salamah from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: «There has come to the people of Yemen are weaker and thinner hearts of hearts, faith and wisdom Lehman Sirius» Kalbi said: They are neighborhoods of Yemen Alnkha Two thousand and five thousand of Kinda and Bjeelh, and three shade and thousands of people, for Gods sake Fjahdoa day Qadisiyah in the days of Omar may Allah be pleased with him. Saying the Almighty: (submissive believers) means: slaves are the merciful, for saying the Almighty: And lower to them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, did not respond to his humiliation, but he wanted him to their side lane on the believers, and said: This is from the humiliation of saying beast Zlol, mean they are humble as Allah says: and sunflower Rahman those who walk on the earth in humility, (the noblest of the unbelievers), namely: tough stern on the infidels Iedonhm and Agalbonhm, of saying: Azza any drop, Ata said: submissive believers: Kalold to his father, and a servant to his master, the noblest of the unbelievers: Ksba on his prey, his verse: severe against disbelievers and merciful among themselves. (Struggling for the sake of God and not afraid of anybody as long as) means: do not fear God blame people, so that the hypocrites were watching the infidels and are afraid to blame, and Rowena for bin silent worship said: «pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to hear and obey and do or say right where we are not afraid of God to anybody as long ». (That Fadlallah bestows on whom He will) any affection to God and Lin side of the Muslims, and the unbelievers of need, by the grace of God to them, (and God knows wide) It complements but Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, who establish the prayer and pay the alms they kneeled (55) and ruler, Allah and His Messenger and those who believe the Hezbollah are the victors (56) (But but complements Allah and His Messenger and those who believe) [narrated from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with it landed in bin silent worship and Abdullah ibn Abi son Salool when discharged worship of the Jews, and said: I take Allah and His Messenger and those who believe, sat down in them from saying: O ye who believe, do not take Jews and Christians parents, to saying: «It complements but Allah and His Messenger and those who believe»] means bin silent worship and companions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. Said Jabir ibn Abdullah: The Abdullah ibn Salaam to the Prophet peace be upon him said: O Messenger of Allah that our people Qurayza and Nadir may Hgrona and Varkona and swore that no Ijalsona, then this verse, and theirs will be the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: «O Messenger of Allah we like God and His Messenger and the believers parents ». On this interpretation, saying he wanted: (they kneeled) voluntary prayer night and day, said Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with. Saddi said: saying: «Those who believe, who establish the prayer and pay the zakat they kneeled», wanted by Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, passed by means of a kneeling in the mosque gave him his ring. He said Joubert Aldhak in saying: (but but complements Allah and His Messenger and those who believe) said: They are believers some of them parents, said Abu Jafar Mohammed bin Ali al-Baqir (but It complements Allah and His Messenger and those who believe) landed in the faithful, was said to him: The people who say it I got in Ali may Allah be pleased with him, he said, is one of the believers. (One ruler, Allah and His Messenger and those who believe) means: The do obey Allah and His Messenger and the believers victory, said Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased: he wants immigrants and supporters, (Hezbollah) means: supporters of the religion of Allah, (they are the victors) O ye who believe, do not take your religion who have taken them as tricks of those who were given the Book before you and infidels parents and fear Allah if you are believers (57) Saying the Almighty: (O ye who believe, do not take those who have taken your religion in mockery and played) Ibn Abbas said he Refaah bin Zaid bin coffin and Sweden ibn al-Harith has demonstrated Islam, then dead and the men were Muslims Ioadonhma, ejaculates God Almighty this verse «O those who believe, do not take those who have taken your religion in mockery and played », showing that their tongues word they Mstbtnon disbelief, (of those who were given the Book before you) means: Jews, (the infidels) read the people of Basra and Alexaii« infidels », cut Alra, [means: it infidels and others read the monument, ie: do not take the infidels, and (parents and fear Allah if you are believers)
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:14:24 +0000

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