As i was praying this morning and getting ready for church my - TopicsExpress


As i was praying this morning and getting ready for church my heart begin to feel heavy and burden. I read all these post on Face Book from people who use to serve the Lord Jesus talk about their partys and visiting bar rooms and bad experiences theyve had there, some would even say they need to be closed down, but if the people who go to these places would sale out to Jesus and stop going and supporting these places they would have to close. Its so heart breaking to see such deception but Gods word said this would happen in the last days! Gods word says you cant serve two masters! Please search your heart today and ask your self if God is pleased with you, ask your self what your children see in your life and are you leading them to heaven are hell! Just saying you believe in Jesus is not enough! James 2:19 says The Devils in hell also believe and tremble! Surly theyre going to heaven! Im also amazed by the fact that we will teach our children how to hunt and fish on the Lords day never teaching them about Jesus are taking them to church and think nothing of it, but when they die we will tell everyone that theyre in heaven! Matthew 7 says Straight is the gate narrow is the way that leads to heaven. Please stop being deceived! Please stop asking how far away from God you can get and still be ok! That exactly what youre doing when you try to justify the drinking, partying and staying out of church! Now before i get criticized for this word, it was done in Love and i know that i have my own family members that fall into this, so lets pray and serve the Lord with all our hearts! 1 John 1:9 Look it up.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:45:03 +0000

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