As most of my friends know, when I left here in Feb 2011 and went - TopicsExpress


As most of my friends know, when I left here in Feb 2011 and went to WV, I lost everything including 2 of my grandchildren(they will always be in my heart), a day after my father passed away his children accused me of everything under the sun, disowned me and threw all my belongings outside, (I will be opening my fb page on this soon and will be telling my side of this biased and corrupt system and the lies from family members that just kept running)...if it wasnt for my awesome family and my family of friends who took me in and showed me there love and support I wouldnt have made it...and I love you all dearly you know who you are....I am not a church going person, I never have been...but God has always been a very important part of my life and we talk on a daily basis and always have....he has brought me to where I am today and given me the beautiful people and friends I have in my life...he has been with me 22 years in the military and all my years as a contracter and he has never left me for doing some of the crazy things I have done and still do...I will always have my faith and God by my side...I have always tried to find a positive side to things, but that is hard and seems impossible at times and when they say everything happens for a reason...I dont always see the reason....I have came along way since last year, awesome job, awesome coworkers, nice apt..and I love where I am in now that I have bored everyone with my past reason for this post is not to have anyone judge me, pity me or feel sorry for is to let everyone know that God has put me back on my feet and in ways I am better off than I have ever been...i love every one of you that has walked up that hill by my side even if it was just that one word to make me smile....I love giving and I used to give so much to by past I want to give something to someone who will really appreciate it....I have my six pay it forward people that I am figuring out a special item for each....but I would like to make a little girl or boy or both have a great school year....I know there are alot of families having financial difficulties and dont like asking for myself....if anyone knows a family that really needs help can you send me a message...I really want someone who needs it and not someone who just stands with their hand out all the schoolteacher friends who may know someone...and to everyone who is going through a hardtime...keep God and your friends will get may not know the reason why...I still dont, I know that asking why doesnt get me anywhere....its forgiving(if you dont forgive, you always carry the burden of anger and hatred), moving forward and staying on the positive side even when you dont feel it...there is always something positive...{{HUGS}}
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:38:59 +0000

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