As so many friends have been aware, I have been suffering for the - TopicsExpress


As so many friends have been aware, I have been suffering for the past month with severe leg cramps and legs falling asleep during the night. I thought that it had something to do with the nerves and have been going to Jamie Hamilton who has helped me a lot but continued to have issues. I have been prescribed Coumadin for over six months and it is a terrible drug that can cause other issues. Even though it was monitored every two weeks it accumulated in my body and caused massive bruising and bleeding. I suspected that I also had issues with the past surgeries on my leg from last year, and today, Jeanna James Witt went with me to the doctor who had operated, and he confirmed my fears. The bypass has completely blocked again with blood clots and it is impossible to do any more surgery. I have no veins left for him to harvest. God does a wonderful thing for us, sometimes, and collateral vessels will appear that tries to take on the job. I obviously have some very small vessels doing this but they struggle to do the job of the large artery in the leg. At least they are there keeping the leg alive, but it is still painful. A real effort to walk on it, at all....however, he encouraged me to walk, even when it starts hurting to walk some more. He prescribed a new drug that is suppose to help these new vessels, so I have no choice except to deal with the cards I have been dealt. He is fearful that if he goes into my legs again, he would only damage the new vessels and then would be looking at amputation. He is also going to send me to the Texas Spine doctors for an MRI of the lower back to see if that could be contributing to pain and if it can be fixed. Scarlett James Coulson is researching and trying to help me get in there. I thank all my friends for their concern and ask you to please pray that I can learn to live with the pain. I believe in the power of prayer and I do not think that our loving Father would just leave me here to suffer after taking my very heart and reason for living.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 03:04:25 +0000

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