As the early morning rays of light spread out I pondered, how they - TopicsExpress


As the early morning rays of light spread out I pondered, how they seemed to mimic the face of the sunflower. I watched them growing out like petals of inspirational light as I sat there for the better part of an hour. And with that my spirit stirred, I knew then it was a message, one I needed to heed, what was it trying to tell me? I recalled all I could from memory, all the things that pertained to this flowers symbology. Faith in the Creator, happiness and joy, that lead to loyal adoration the heart does employ. Honesty in all we are to say and do lead to the longevity of the sacred truths. I understood the message then felt the warmth of Grandfather Sun gently kiss my face, I closed my eyes and melded into his tender, warm embrace. I noticed how, from behind my eyes, my lids took on a fiery red glow, it was then I heard her voice speaking soft and low. Good morning Child, she said, thank you for opening to the language of the skies, for reading the symbol in this mornings sunrise. These are the things of inspiration that we are to weave, seeding the world at large to see and believe. The clarity that youve received needs to be shared with the others, well need to raise a vast power if the wide world were to cover. I nodded in agreement and then the vision came. There, in the Wizards private chamber, sat his sister, Adalayne. Her white hair pulled back with fallen tendrils gone askew, there was softness in her countenance as she continued. My sisters and I will be joining you this day, they have already set out on their way. Echo and Bell have begun their trek and then theres Agnes whom the others have not yet met. When all have gathered we intend to impart some techniques in weaving from the ancient arts. Each of us will address an elemental force, and explain some of its teachings of course. Well speak of Air and its concepts that move us to explore...of Fire and the experiences that transform us from what we were before...of Water and the understanding that shapes us into who we truly are...and of Earth with the Wisdom that heals and sustains through the sacred arts. I felt my spirit stir, I love the teachings of these women so wise. It must have reflected back to her from my minds eye. Agnes, she said, will instruct about the sacred energy loom, while Echo shows how to make your selections of color from the rainbow threads hues. And our Bell will speak of intent and power that will be infused. I will share insight into the might of hearts in common, and the tapestry of blessings to go out this day. Together we will address the state of evolution and the part our prayers do play. None will be overlooked, transparency is key, for we will intend the inspiration to work in worldly harmony. The visions of her sisters passed before my eyes. She addressed my reaction: You do not seem too surprised, have you grown so accustomed to our ways? She chuckled then leaving space for me to have my say. I spoke my thoughts in my head, and felt them as they passed to her. I certainly do not fear, so I guess I have grown familiar enough to accept the things you do. I have the utmost trust and confidence that you all are motivated to uphold the sacred truths. Consistently Ive been shown your fidelity, to Creator and Mother Earth along with your piety. What holds surprise for me is the persuasions of your varied arts. Each of you hold the sacred foundations, yet stand unique in how you are. I love to see what youll do next, though your magic, at times, may leave me perplexed. Always theres something new to learn from you, thank you Adalayne, for walking in your truth. No need to thank me, I wouldnt have it any other way. Oh and by the by, my brother will be taking his strides. He must meet with others in another dimension, what thats about he would not mention. However, hes asked that we stand in his stead. Were most happy to gather together, and now Ill step out of your head. Meet us at the tiered waterfall, the one that has carved away the bluffs, where the waters playfully rush. The Undines will be there to join us, the Nymphs and Dryads too. The Dragons have gone with my brother, they wouldnt say what they were up to. She shook her head and smiled, Oh, and one last thing, well be joined by the forest creatures as today their own magic they bring. And then she was gone and I stood to go, deep into the forest where the wide waters flow. The sentries will be showing you the way, watch for the Ravens, theyre sure to have their say. See you when you get here!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:46:07 +0000

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