Ashwathama of Mahabharata still Alive? Believe it OR NOT... If - TopicsExpress


Ashwathama of Mahabharata still Alive? Believe it OR NOT... If you remember Mahabharata (History): Lord Krishna placed a curse on Ashwatthama(actually it was his Prarabdha karma) that “he will carry the burden of all people’s sins on his shoulders and will roam alone like a ghost without getting any love and courtesy till the end of Kaliyuga; He will have neither any hospitality nor any accommodation; He will be in total isolation from mankind and society; His body will suffer from a host of incurable diseases forming sores and ulcers that would never heal”. Ashwatthama had a gem which was similar to Shamantakamani on his forehead which used to protect the wearer from fear of any snakes, ghosts, demigods and demons. So, Ashwatthama was asked to surrender this gem. Lord Sri Krishna further states that “the wound caused by the removal of this gem on his forehead will never heal and will suffer from leprosy, till the end of Kaliyuga”. It is believed that in Kaliyuga, his name will be “Suryakanta”. Thus, Ashwatthama will be in search of death every moment, and yet he will never die. At the end of Kali Yuga, Ashwatthama is to meet Sri Kalki, the tenth avatar of Lord Vishnu and only after that he will attail salvation. NOW: IF ANYONE OF YOU SEE A MAN HAVING FOLLOWING DETAILS: 1) Extra ordinary Height around 10/12 feet (People of Dwaper Yuga had height of around 12/13 feet) 2) The wound caused by the removal of this gem on his forehead then make sure that HE IS ASHWATHAMA. He MUST be roaming around the Himalaya or forest because he can NOT come into contact of mankind as per the curse. So far many people have claimed to met him, here are few incidents that I am mentioning out of may: Incident 1: A more than a decade old newspaper article ran about a railway employee on leave. During his wanderings in the jungles of Navsari (Gujarat) he had reported a very tall man of about 12 feet with a wound on his head. He claimed to have conversation with him and learnt that Bheem was much taller and stronger than him. [3/9/2005] Incident 2: The last record of his existence came to my notice while reading a book called “Himalaya kah raha hai” by PILOT BABA. Pilot baba says the incident like this: "One day, while we were resting in the premises of Sulpaneshwar Mahadeva Mandir, my eyes got locked into the eyes of that extraordinary being. He looked young and had an admirable height and long arms. He had a sharp moustache and his eyes had a fire like brilliance...... " Click this link to read yourself what Pilot baba himself says: Incident 3: When in 1192, Prithveeraaj Chauhaan lost the battle from Mohammad Gauree, he left for jungle. There he met one old person with a scar on his head. Being a very good doctor Prithveeraaj Chauhaan confidently asked him that he can cure his scar. The old man agreed. But even after week’s medication it remained as it is. Prithveeraaj was surprised and understood the details. He asked old man if he is Ashwatthaamaa. Because only the scars that is created through taking up the “MANI” the gem from forehead cannot be cured. The old man told that he was Ashwatthaamaa and then he went away. This description is given in “Prithviraj Raso” the book written in 12th century by him. Incident 4: My Father’s uncle was a famous (Vaidya) – Doctor in Ludhiana. He would spend hours meditating too. He was a Bhakt of Data Dayal, a well Known Guru in Panjaab (try to search for Data Dayal on net). One day as he was closing his shop in the after noon, it was summer time and everything was shut due to summers, in 1968-69, Ludhiaanaa, Panjaab, just then an old person came to him, whose face was covered and spoke to him in crude Panjaabee and Hindi mix, “Badaa naam sunaa hai teraa, bhaut badaa vaidya hai too? Ilaaj kar sakdaa hai meraa? My father’s uncle said – “Tell me what the problem is?” and when he removed the Pagadee from his head, there was a dent on the forehead. He had never seen such a dent before, as if the brain was taken away from the fore front, yet the skin was tight as if nothing had happened. My dad’s uncle was a bit nervous but still said that he would like to have a second look at him. He said – “Tenu pataa hai main kaun hoon?” and my dad’s uncle said – “I think I know who you are but still let me get my stuff.” By the time he brings his stuff from the almirah, that man had left, never to be found again. But he said that his eyes always haunted him, He had blue eyes, which were so sharp as if he would walk inside his brain. [4/7/2005] And many other incidents that I could not write them here all...
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:37:33 +0000

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