Assalamu alaikum everyone ... here is a little update .. So, - TopicsExpress


Assalamu alaikum everyone ... here is a little update .. So, we gathered in NYCMC hall for our fundraising yesterday, and alhamdulil Allah, the event was very successful. We would like to thank Sheikh Shakiel Humayun, and Sheikh Muhammed Diakite for their great inspiring speeches. They inspired us and brought me personally to tears (and I am sure many people felt the same) with stories from the times of prophet Mohamed (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and the great sahaba (radyaa Allahu aanhum). We would also like to thank dear brother and student of knowledge akhi Abdur Rahmaan Hockaday from masjid Ibn Abbas for his leadership, being on time, and emphasizing to his team their roles and responsibilities. Also we are being thankful to his masjids board members, such as brother Ali, and the others that i cant remember their names now (forgive me brothers). We would also like to thanks my dear brother and student of knowledge akhi Ahmad Abdel-Aziz for his great on-stage presence, help on the floor, and improvising a small speech on the spot. We would also like to thank my dear dear brother and student of knowledge akhi Fauzan Plasticwala for his help, being always available to do whatever it takes, and nice smile. We would like to also thank Sheikh Ahmed Mahmoud (أحمد محمود) for his great reminder ayats in the Maghrib salat, and his great inspiring speech after the Ishaa salat, as well as his flexibility pushing the Ishaa salat time to give the fundraising more time. We would also like to thank brother Dawud Wilcox, for his help with the hall, making things available for us and being patience with our emails and nagging. We would also like to thank all the volunteers, including sister Bibi Ishmael and the sisters she brought for help, the security brothers Yousuf and Uthman, and the great crew from masjid Ibn Abbas for their great support, being on time, volunteering and being ready to do anything as a good team. For the little amount of time that we spent preparing for this, by the help of Allah (subhanahu wa taalaa), we achieved even higher than out goal for this event. This fundraising though is not over, as we remain to raise more funds to secure the facilities, and with Allahs help and then your help, we will be able to do so. Jazakum Allah khairan everyone, and if I missed anyone (and I know i have missed wonderful brothers cos I dont know their names), please forgive me. Wassalmu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 09:15:50 +0000

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