Assalamualaikum, Alhumdulillahi rabbi ‘alamin, wa assalatu - TopicsExpress


Assalamualaikum, Alhumdulillahi rabbi ‘alamin, wa assalatu assamu ‘ala rasoolihil kareem, “So he misled them with deception. Then when they tasted of that, which was hidden from them of their shame (private parts) became manifest to them and they began to stick together the leaves of paradise over themselves (in order to cover their shame). And their Lord called out to them (saying): “Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily, satan is an open enemy unto you” [Al-Quran 7:22] I hope that all of us know that Shaitan made our parents Adam and Havah to slip out of heaven becoz he made them to disobey Allah. I hope all of us know but today I am gonna take a bit of arabic grammer to make more clear to as how shaitan trapped them and with extension us. Allah says in that sentence how shaitan got them what was his strategy what method did he use and that’s captured in this ayah. If we understand this ayah there is very good wisdom I hope its a very powerfulll weapon to fight against Shaitaan! Only first sentence is required, i.e “fadalla huma bighuroor” which means “so he (shaitan) misled them (adam and havah) with deception. The word used here is fadalla where the word dalla means to draw a bucket where dallu means bucket. To clear this topic imagine the that you are taking water from well, this is adla. But dalla refers to very primitive method of hunting where you put some food in bucket and animal finds that. Then we very carefully pull it towards ourselves without letting and the animals follows it and then gets trapped. It is not like Shaitan went directly to adam and havah and said them disobey Allah. But rather he offered a little bit of compromise, may be like “ I am not saying to eat from this tree, just check it out, it’s a beautiful tree. There is no harm in looking at it. You are just not supposed to eat from this tree.” And they listened. And may next was “ go near the tree and climb it its just a beautiful tree, its not like that, atleast your not eating from it” and so and so throwing at them it a was complete procedure for him to trap our parents. And word dalla also suggest that these throws came day and another day and very slow and complicated manner without letting the victim know that it is doing according to the plan of predator. It was entire strategic little by little and complete process. And that’s what he uses upto this day. The word ghuroor means deception. So he is deceiving and we are beleiving. There are things which we know are wrong, there are also things which are not are not clearly wrong but are steps towards wrong or sin. We should know this if I take this step it would lead to another and then another and so on. Shiatan will not come to muslim and say make haraam into halaal, but he will offer a compromise. Its not completely haraam you can do that much atleast. So lets take take an example. So the story is something like this….. A guy comments something on islamic post and a girl likes just coz it was good. That happens again and again and again. This time the comment is not on islamic post but shayri post. Now this guy comes to conclusion that may be she likes him coz she studies in the same college but in different class. Now he sends her friend request and she accepts it. Although she doesn’t know him. No the problem is how to talk with her. But shaitaan comfronts you are not dating and no one will know about it. He sends HI and she replies ASSALAMUALIKUM. And thus slowly very slowly from hi and hello to long chats, then asks phone number, then from long chats to long calls, and then finally to date. And from date to…… So be carefull remember Allah and fear HIM always and don’t remember after the problem comes but from when even you were not knowing about problem. If you were benefitted by this please share. Inspired form nouman ali khans video and here is the youtube link……………
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:15:18 +0000

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