Assessing Almakuru (Originally written by Rayyanu Bala) A - TopicsExpress


Assessing Almakuru (Originally written by Rayyanu Bala) A manifesto is a public declaration of intentions in which a group of people, especially political parties explain their beliefs and say what they will do if elected. In Nigeria’s political space, it is often refers to as election manifesto or better still party manifesto. Seeing politicians, especially aspiring candidates around the poor masses during electioneering period had always been a common sight. But once the battle were fought and won, such courteous, passionate, and friendly relationship disappears. Some argued that it was because many politicians believe that everyone has a price. Some people were quick in describing Umaru Tanko Al-makura, Governor of Nasarawa State as an unusual Nigerian politician due to the fact that he has been accessible and visible before and after electoral victory. To some, he had demystified public office to a point that public office was no longer feared. Others were convinced that he had exuded some charisma unprecedented in the history of governance in the State. The poser then is what qualities placed Al-Makura to such a high pedestal? It was an attempt to find the answer to this poser that gave birth to this article. In the build up to the 2011 election, Al-Makura based his campaign on a twelve-point programme. This programmes enveloped all the critical sectors of Physical Infrastructure, Environment, Social Service Development, Economic and Industrial Development, Social Welfare, Women and Youth Development, Security, Religion and Traditional Institution. To Al-Makura, these highlighted programmes were to be the parameter by which his performance, if elected will be judged. Al-Makura then was a gubernatorial hopeful but from the onset, he had a clear- cut idea of the goals he wanted to actualised in the public service. Almost like that of the defunct Unity Party of Nigeria, Al-Makura’s political agenda had no room for political rhetorics. Afterall, the poor masses need not sweet sounding words that leave the stomach empty and aching, but a political action that is focused on total transformation. In assessing the over three years of Al-Makura, I chose to look at the aforementioned programmes or agenda one after the other. PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT ROADS: the situation in Nasarawa before the advent of Al-Makura was pathectic. Since creation, the state cannot boost of constructing a single kilometer of asphalted quality road. This sad situation has since disappeared. On assumption, Al-Makura embarked on massive road construction beginning with Lafia, the State capital. Over seven asphalted quality and sound drainage intra-city roads in Lafia were completed with others at advance stages of completion. Such work is also on-going if not completed in Akwanga, Awe, Nasarawa Eggon, Wamba, Keffi and Nasarawa Local Government Areas. The impact was dramatic, particularly in Lafia. Seeing caterpillars mobilized on Lafia roads was like an act of miracle. For the first time in more than 15years, the people who were only used to hearing rumors that contract for the construction of any of the Lafia roads was being discussed or were awarded to contractors who were never seen afterwards, suddenly saw heavy duty equipment at work, even before they heard rumors of an impending contract. Today, to the glory of God, Lafia is worthy to be called a State capital. The government has also embarked on construction of 3KM of asphalted road in each Local Government Headquarters. While some LGC’s have gotten their own share of Al-Makura’s gesture, the remaining will have theirs this year or early next year. ELECTRICITY: One of the places Al-Makura visited immediately after been sworn in was the PHCN office. During that visit, he vowed to improve the power sector in Nasarawa State. Shortly after, he bought and distributed several units of electricity transformers in Lafia and other part of the state with acute power problem. Many communities that are hitherto without power supply were connected. Today power supply has improved tremendously in the State. WATER SUPPLY: Water they say is life due to its significance in human life. Prior to Al-Makura’s assumption, the problem of water in Nasarawa State was so acute. Upon assumption of duty, Al-Makura found it unpleasant to be taken bottle water at the Government House while majority of his people lack access to portable drinking water. Today, dried taps are rushing with clean water after Al-Makura injected money on the abandoned water works that was to cost N2.5billion. The money was spent up to 50% but not up to 10% of the the job was done. To the inhabitants of Nasarawa Eggon who have not seen tap water, they are seeing action instead of empty rhetorics, result instead of official excuses and lamentation about lack of funds. SOCIAL SERVICE: Education: Knowledge is power. Al-Makura believes so much in this truism and that’s why the sector has been receiving constant attention from the Al-Makura’s emancipatory government. New classrooms were built in areas that hitherto have dilapidated structures. It’s a common thing today to see prominent individuals enrolling their children in public schools. It’s the thought of Al-Makura led government to built an ultra-modern storey building edifice equipped with modern learning equipment, ICT facilities, water system toilet, recreational center, car park etc in all the 13 Local Government and 18 Development Areas of the State. Today, many of such schools are completed while others are at advance stages of completion. As if that wasn’t enough, there is also training and retraining of teachers, payment of exam fees for Senior School Certificate Examination and also introduce free education from primary to secondary school for normal children and primary to tertiary for People Living with Disabilities [PLWDA]. The last time the students enjoyed scholarship in Nasarawa state was during Abdullahi Adamu’s era but right now arrangements have been concluded and forms issued out preparatory to the payment of scholarship to our students. Comprehensive Special Schools are currently been built for people living with disabilities in each of the three senatorial zone of the State. This school when completed will not only discourage street begging but will also take off the burden on their guardians. The beneficiaries according to Al-Makura are the blind, deaf, cripple, lepers and person with mental disorder adding that the plans, structures and activities of the school would be such that it will be of interest to all beneficiaries. Also the State is currently constructing e-libraries across the State. HEALTH: Health they say is wealth. In total submission to this truism, Al-Makura’s government has embarked on total transformation of the health sector. Measures had already been taken to decongest the Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital [DASH] with the establishment of an annex. In LGA’s, General hospitals that were hitherto been in dilapidated state are being rehabilitated and equipped. Professionals in the field were recruited and the government is currently building three ultra modern hospitals in Lafia, Akwanga and Nasarawa. ECONOMIC & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: As we all know, Nasarawa is referred to as the home of solid minerals. Different kinds of minerals are in abundance in the State untapped. The government under the able leadership of Al-Makura is doing every thing possible to woo private individuals and international body to Nasarawa State for mineral exploration. This if succeeded will boost our economy and also create employment. As a gateway state to the FCT, Nasarawa under Al-Makura is pursuing this challenge & opportunities through constructive engagement with FCT authority by producing a master plan and strategy for the development of Greater Karu into a world class business and commercial city with layouts and requisite infrastructures. The Karu international market hitherto abandoned has since been rejuvenated by Al-Makura after due consultation with creditors. Construction work on Lafia modern market has also been completed and currently operational. SPORT: Apart from increasing the health status of our citizens, sport will give them the opportunity to discover talents, add value to the image of the State and reduce idleness especially in youth. It is on the aforementioned fact that Al-Makura led administration had since embark on deliberate policy aimed at promoting sporting activities through the provision of up to-date sporting facilities . The facelift given to the Lafia township stadium is a testimony. The government after clearing the previous debt, wasted no time in paying 50% of the sign up fee for players of Nasarawa United. Best technical team was also put in place for the team. Needed grant [30Million] was also given to the Amazons, the State Female Team. The Nasarawa state programme athletes all were not left out for they received 100 percent increment in their salaries. Al-Makura has also given special attention to popular sporting activities which in no distance time will boost the image of the State. WOMEN AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: The current APC government in Nasarawa State has chosen not to thread the usual path of his predecessors. The administration has been gender sensitive in appointments and governmental policies. The youth as the most energetic class of societal people have been trained by government in various skills at the 4 Skills Acquisition Centers located in the State. In a bid to encourage them, the government also deems it necessary to equip this youth with the necessary working tools. The good thing about this initiative is that it has encouraged the youth to channel their energy in productive rather than destructive activities. On their part, the Amazons in Al-Makura’s administration have been proactive in uplifting the welfare of women, children and the downtrodden. While the First Lady, Salamatu Al-Makura does that through her Mother & Child Care Enhancement Foundation [McCEF], Al-Makura’s other wife; Mairo does hers through the TALLAFI FOUNDATION. SECURITY: Security of lives and property is the cardinal objective of any responsible government. It is with this in mind that Al-Makura accorded top most priority to security issue. Although the State in recent past witnessed series of tribal and communal crises, that could not be as a result of failure or weakness on the side of government. Nasarawa has not been without internal crises but only assumed a higher dimension recently. Even at that, the government had never relented in its effort to curtail the ugly incidence. Government has continue to concentrate on prevention and surveillance as regards security and is currently working hand-in hand with police and other security agencies and also providing logistic support to make them more effective. Not only have that, the governor constantly engaged stakeholders and various groups through the formation of the stakeholders and peace forum. It is the thought of the Al-Makura led government that stakeholders and various groups will use the opportunity provided by such pally to present their grievances if any to the government. The government aside providing operational vehicles to police, SSS has also facilitated the establishment of Mobile Police and Military Barracks in the State. RELIGEON AND TRADITIONAL INSTITUTION: As a people created by God in the same area, government has been making deliberate effort aimed at intensifying understanding, love and appreciation of each others religion include those of the traditional. Two individuals were appointed as Senior Special Assistants to the Governor on Christian & Islamic Affairs. The duties of these aides is to advice, initiate and assist the governor in executing policies and activities that will promote religious harmony, understanding and affection. As an institution that enhances sanity and stability in the society, the royal fathers are encouraged to shun partisan politics. Government on its part has been consulting them on issues relating to projects in their respective areas as well as on security enlightenment and dissemination of information. In fulfillment of his campaign promise, more chiefdoms and Development Areas were also created. CIVIL SERVICE: While the State was recording massive progress within the stated time frame, civil servants were also smiling. As correctly noted in Al-Makura’s inaugural speech, the civil service is critical to the success or failure of any government. To the admiration of and applause by civil servants, Al-Makura not only approved but commenced payment of the new minimum wage of N18,900 to all categories of civil servants. The payment of new wage earned Al-Makura the enviable position as the first State chief steward in the whole federation to implement the payment of the long-drawn battle for a new wage by the Nigeria Labour Congress [NLC]. Civil servants who are paid salaries through bank could rarely accept as true when they receive alert from their banks stating amount that clearly indicated the new wage. As it is today, the seed of change Al-Makura planted had not only germinated but had bear fruits. The people have since come to terms with the reality that they were truly in covenant with a performer. They discover it was a genuine deal with a reliable servant. He is seen across the length and breadth of the State as a salvager, a man whose word is his bond and above all, a promise keeper. He said he was going to provide water and he provided. He said he was going to open up areas through roads construction and he did it. He said he was going to remodel the educational sector and he did just that. Of course others will judge him on other parameters. Some will say he does not share money even though he is building model school and fixing schools, hospitals and dilapidated structures all over the State. He does not throw money at people and in politics, money is oil. But the author of this article wants to use this medium to say that Al-Makura does not share money. It is just that he have different philosophy of sharing. When he trained and equipped our youths through skills acquisition schemes, it is sharing. This is an institutional sharing backed by law. It is not N100, N200 thrown at people on the street that diminishes their self-esteem and dignity. Al-Makura will never be part of that kind of sharing because he didn’t come from that school of politics and will not be apologetic about that. But politics is a market place of ideas. Those who come from that line of politics will also come to the people. But people should remember that they once had an opportunity for years and we all know what they did. So why is it that we can’t deserve progress that others have had, especially where we have evidence that nobody has done
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:40:14 +0000

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