Auckland Star, 5 October 1944 MOVING FORWARD NORTH ITALY - TopicsExpress


Auckland Star, 5 October 1944 MOVING FORWARD NORTH ITALY DRIVE Fifth Army Takes More Towns On Way To Bologna N.Z. Press Association—Copyright Rec. 2 p.m. LONDON, Oct. 4. The deep mutter of Allied guns was heard still more plainly at Bologna to-day as the Fifth Army advances from its position, 15 miles from the city, says the Daily Mails correspondent. But the citizens of Bologna are listening only from behind their shuttered and locked homes owing to the exchange of bullets daily and nightly between the Germans and Patriots. The latter have already paralysed the railway linking the city with the industrial north, making it useless as a channel of supply for the German garrison. The Patriots also on the plains east of Bologna have killed or wounded 300 or 400 in the past week, diverting hundreds of German soldiers from the main struggle. British and American troops of the Fifth Army continue, despite stiff resistance, to make good progress in their drive in the Po Valley, states to-days Allied communique. American Fifth Army troops, after the capture of Monghidoro, maintained their advance and are now less than 16 air miles from Bologna, says the Exchange Telegraph correspondent in Rome. Gampeggio Captured Other Fifth Army forces, also advancing toward Bologna, have captured Gampeggio, north-east of Monghidoro, and gained another 1000 yards beyond the town. British troops with the Fifth Army in the mountains on the extreme right flank have improved their position between Monte Fuso and Monte Alto. No further enemy counter-attacks have been launched against Monte Battaglia, the scene of recent furious fighting. The Germans in the central sector continue to resist, but Fifth Army troops have wrested San Benedetto, San Andrea and Monte del Galletto from them. Berlin radio reports that the enemy has launched an attack on a broad front, north of Firenzuola, but claims that the Germans have sealed off the breaches. Weather on the Eighth Army front has prevented large-scale operations.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:19:12 +0000

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