Awesome end of yr note from a teacher: Dear Students- I know I - TopicsExpress


Awesome end of yr note from a teacher: Dear Students- I know I spend A LOT of my time being goofy, cracking dumb jokes and being a knucklehead. Mostly, I do that to entertain you and to try to make learning algebra and geometry bearable. I know how rough it can be sitting through 6 hours a day of teachers droning on about stuff that doesnt relate to your life right now. So, I try to be silly everyday so that even if youre laughing AT me, at least youre still laughing. I think thats important. However, what I have to say in this short letter is very serious and represents a side of me most of you never see. First, I want to let each of you know, not just some of you, but every one of you, that as your teacher I care about you and truly want you to be successful. If I was ever stern with you, or sent you into the hall, or made you stay after class, it wasnt because I didnt like you; It was because I am your teacher and thats part of my job. For every single kid in class I see something good about you. I see talent, intelligence, kindness, and potential in each one of you and I believe that all of you have the ability to be great at something. What I want you to remember is that your supposed I.Q., opinions from others about you, and the grades you receive in high school do not define you. Your success is mostly affected by how hard you work. Motivation, grit, hustle, whatever you want to call it, is far more important than whether youre a natural genius, the most popular kid in school, or have a 4.0 GPA. I have found that what makes the biggest difference in my life is the ability to keep going when things get hard. Dont quit. Ever. You can do hard things. It might take you a long time. You might be exhausted. You might feel like giving up, but you have to gut it out. The people that are most successful in life, brilliant or not, are those that can stick to a difficult task, fail over and over again, but keep trying. These people know that eventually they will succeed. They know they may not see the results of their work until many years later, but are willing to delay gratification. I do hope that each of you learned something from me throughout our 180 days together. I hope I prepared you for your next math class. Most importantly, I hope you learned to work hard and that getting the right answer is not as important as the effort you put into understanding and learning the material. Im proud of all of you and believe in all of you. The world is yours. Go after it! Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your great accomplishments!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 02:27:06 +0000

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