Awesome love story Unknown: Excuse me. (it was a voice of a girl, - TopicsExpress


Awesome love story Unknown: Excuse me. (it was a voice of a girl, she was with her dad) Me: Yeah??? Unknown: Where is token counter?? Me: Don’t know. (We asked a guard and got our tokens). Mine was 26 and she got number 25. Since I was busy looking at the beautiful campus I reached at convocation hall late. She was with her dad in first row and I was in fourth. After some time, I went to have some water, and when I was coming she was with another beautiful girl. I thought may be she was also searching for water. But she didn’t ask any thing this time. I smiled and thought to myself “both girls should get be same stream as mine”…. Later I came to know that the other girl was my senior and her sister, Anita. We took admission according to our token numbers and after that I didn’t find her (actually I never paid attention) I was happy as I got my dream place. Yeah I am in Delhi College of Engineering. 10th August – First day in college I reached the college at 9 am; we were supposed to come at 10. (I am very punctual :p) A girl in yellowish kurti and jeans was listening songs via head phone… I dint pay attention since I was not in mood to give ragging to any of my senior on very first step to my college….. I went close to her, to my surprise she was that token number 25 girl. She was looking beautiful; big eyes with a long fair face, beautiful nose. And her hair was moving with the wind. may be they were quite happy to be with such girl. I was looking at her, but when she saw me I just lowered my gaze We didn’t speak. Though I wanted to chat with her and may be she too wanted to ask something, but we did not talk. 10 am A guard put a list of registration numbers with respective batch numbers. I saw the list and checked out how many girls were going to come in my batch. Akansha….1 Prachi…2 ……3 ……4 …….5 ……..6 Rohini…7 . . . ……13 Oh we got 13 girls in a batch of 70… (It’s the story of engineering college) I met Sumit, a tall guy from Bijnor. He was in my batch. We tried to find our class room and it took us some time to find it; ours is a big campus. Finally we found it. There were few students. Even few girls too but my eyes were searching that token number 25. I thought perhaps she has got a different batch. I was unhappy because I could not find any other smart girl around. I talked to few guys and we made a group of 5 – Sumit, me, Siddharth Sharma, Mayank, Ayush. That day none of faculty came and I returned home. A few more days passed like this. We complained about this and we were assured it would not happen again. (In between a group of guys took my intro at OAT, I did great job there and they were impressed by my confidence.) 17th august Monday… I saw the same girl (token NO. 25), in our class. I was feeling happy, don’t know why. It was our first lecture and it was taken by a South Indian lady. It was of chemistry and I was good at this but throughout the lecture I was unable to make out what the teacher was saying. (now I know why even intelligent students get back papers!) In the next lecture, no teacher came and same in the next one. After lunch we had physics lab. We went there, sir told us rules and marks, about file, importance of attendance and few more such things. After that sir started to divide us into groups for practical. I was unaware about the roll number of that girl. I was right behind her but she didn’t pay attention. It was my bad luck, she was not in my group her roll number was 26 and mine was 36. Still her name was not known. In the next class, one of the student asked me “He, where do you come from?” I replied to him loudly, “Rohini” She was looking at me, I was wondering what I had done. This happened a few times and I came to know her name was Rohini! Several days passed with simple eye contact, no conversation. Days were passing but still I was not able to talk to her. Then our maths teacher gave an assignment and I did it, next day the girl named Rashi asked for my cell number, we exchanged numbers. In one of the english lectures, teacher asked to give intro and when it came to my turn, I won the heart of every one. Students were talking about my confidence. I used to crack jokes in class and she used to laugh and seeing her was the best moment of each day. After few days, she sat behind my desk. I did not have the courage to start a chit chat. The girl sitting next to her asked for a pencil, I didn’t have one. Rohini cracked some joke and both girls started laughing. Me: What happened? Rohini: nothing…. Me: So you are Rohini… Rohini: Yeah , and you are Inder Me: yeah famous guy. Rohini: “kis kis ke naam janta hai class mai” Me: about 40 people Rohini: I know hardly five (she mentioned a few) Me: great Rohini: thanks, “kis kis ladki ke naam pataa hai” Me: almost all That one is gunjan.. Prachi.. …. … … Rohini: hehe, you know about all Me: no few are remaining Rohini: who? Me: girls on first bench Rohini: she told me name of two girls and then asked “whom do you like??” Me: none Rohini: dont be shy Me: I am saying the truth Rohini: ok….. There were two days holidays after that. I asked for her number. She said she did not have a personal mobile phone. I sent her a Facebook Friend request and she accepted. But she did not pay any attention to me when I tried talking to her on FB. One day while we were submitting our maths assignment, Rashi: Did you text me last night with another number? Me: no. What happened? Rashi: (She didn’t say anything.) Next day….. Me: what’s the problem? Rashi: nothing, last night Rohini texted me and she said its Inder .. Me: how dare she to do so? Give me her number Rashi: ########### Me: ok, thanks That day Rohini was not in college. I texted her. No reply. In the evening I got a text. Rohini: who is this? Me: ( I was thinking of playing but could not do so) It’s Inder Rohini: not feeling well Me: take care, why did you talk with Rashi with my name Rohini: nothing just wanted to have some fun and then I told her it’s me. Me: ok This is how I got her number. I wished her good night and I got a text from her. I was too happy! Next morning I received a funny text from Rohini. Me: hi, good morning Rohini: gud morning Me: so you coming today Rohini: not feeling well Me: take care I went to college and at about 10 I got a text from Rohini Rohini: Check out the date of registration for mid sem Me: ok Me: its tomorrow Rohini: ok Next day we did our registration together, then onwards we used to chat a lot via texts. Next day when I came home, I took my bike. It had been raining and I lost my balance and fell down, got injured I texted her Me: got accidented Rohini: poor English Me: leave it, its paining yaar Rohini: take rest and have u gone to doctor Me: no Rohini: “to jaaa” She asked many times hows you ? And her each text was working better than medicine. On book bank day (A special library day) She helped me to find books, she is really intelligent and clever girl. She helped me on stairs since my leg was injured. We didn’t attended one lecture. Me, Prachi, Rohini were talking in oat and suddenly it started raining. We went to mech-c and had banana shakes. We talked about personal dislikes , likes and all general stuff. At the end of the day she asked me to give accompany her till “future point” (a book store outside our college). I was not able to move since my leg was paining, but I had this strong feeling of love that is much bigger than that pain. She asked me to stay down stairs when she was purchasing books, but I went up nevertheless. And then she took my hand and helped me to come down. This was our first touch and her hands were too soft and I was in complete love. After that we used to chat through text every time and we shared all general things; my crushes, my hobbies, her hobbies and all the general stuff. Now it’s exam time…..our first mid sem in dtu First paper was maths. She did well but I did pretty bad. Still I was happy for her. In physics paper, something bad happened. Unknowingly, Rohini was solving some qs on the qs paper itself, which is somehow against the rules. The invigilator took her sheet. Rohini started crying and left. Immediately after the paper I went out looking for her. She was in the canteen (mech-c). I wanted to talk to her, but she asked me to leave her alone. Me: I will not leave you alone. Rohini: plzzz Me: ok… Mean while I started texting her. Me: She is the second most beautiful girl on earth I ever met. Rohini: who is first? Me: it’s again you, but when you smile After that I asked her Where is she? Rohini: coming to mech-c Me: ok We took two cold drinks and talked. Then we went to nes-café, we took pasta. Pasta was not as good, but her presence was enough to make it tasty. Rohini: “ tu mere pr line maar rha hai” ( you are flirting with me) Me: ( could not look at her) Rohini: ye line bahut perfect this, apne crush pr try kreo (this line is perfect. Try it on your crush) Then we started talking about general things and went our homes. Somehow after that day, things got a bit tense. She was not replying properly to me. Exams ended. I was feeling like we were going away from each other. Me: What is the problem? She: Nothing Me: I share everything, why don’t you She: Do u like me? Me: Why are you asking? She: I want the truth Me: I love you She: What? Me: Yes, I like you Then she stopped talking to me. I texted her. Me: you asked me to tell the truth . She: I hate love, like is still fine Me: That’s what I said “I like you” She: tune pehle love likha tha Me: … ahhhh We stopped talking to each other but I tried every possible thing to make her. I used to text her, and she used to repl. No more. Days were passing. Nothing was working. One day I texted her Me: why are you not saying yes?? She: I don’t believe in love Me: I will wait She: Why are you giving pain to yourself? So finally the D day came. She was going from campus and near girls hostel she fell down. Her friends were with her and I was about 200 m away from her. When I saw that, I ran and came to her. I helped her get up. She felt good. I asked her to take care. She thanked me but I did not reply. About 9 p.m that night I got a text Rohini: thank you I didn’t reply Rohini: still angry Me: Why should I be angry? Rohini: Do you really love me that much? Me: even more than that Rohini: what do you like in me? Me: every thing Me: I love you Finally she said she will think over it…. After a few dates, she said YES and we are still together. We have fun, hang out and study. I love her. how is it love story???? ek like and comment to banta hai na ??
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 20:10:38 +0000

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