BAPTIST TEMPLE CHURCH MEMBERS AND FRIENDS, et al: #TIMBER Want to join others in putting faith into action concerning #BlackLivesMatter? What to speak out with other people of faith in one voice? Want to make a statement of what matters during the holidays? Im asking you to show your support publicly that #BlackLivesMatter this Tuesday (12/23) night. WHAT: OUR Jewish friends and partners in Social Justice have invited us to join them in a #ChanukahAction during their Holy Season of Hanukah. On Tuesday (12/23) on the 8th and final day of Chanukah2014, we as peope of faith will demonstrate our belief that #BlackLivesMatter. HOW: We will do so by way of a powerful object lesson, we will bring Scriptures to life, we will appropriate a timeless religious oberservance in a relevant way by forming a human-unity Menorah Candle. MEET ME AND SEVERAL OTHER BAPTIST TEMPLE MEMBERS WHEN: this Tuesday 12/23 at 6pm WHERE: At the corner of Murray Avenue and Darlington Avenue in Squirrel Hill. PLEASE RSVP NOTE: Members of the Temple Sinai (Jewish) Congregation will be worshipping with us this Sunday, December 21 at our 10:45 service. *ALL ARE INVITED and encouraged to participate in this powerful, never-before see/ done #ChanukahAction demonstrating that #BlackLivesMatter. UNDERSTANDING: Google Hanukah and you will see its was originally about standing up to oppression. Christians should know that our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ observed Hanukah (we have a record of this in John 10). Hanukah is a holy season celebration commemorating victory over oppression and also it affirms the sacredness of the Temple (building). Well think about this: As Christians we believe and know that the human body is also a temple of the Holy Spirit. Which is one small rationale as to why Jews and Christians together should proclaim #BlackLivesMatter. FYI One of the Rabbis (Rabbi Symons) of Temple Sinai was arrested with Pastor Lyde in an of Civil Disobedience in March 2014 GOD IS DOING A NEW THING: Our Jewish friends are taking a bold stance for an important cause. You know how suoer-religious people can be right? Even Jews probably have congregants in their synagogues, like Christians have some churchmembers, who are so traditional and heavenly-minded that they are of no earthly good. We who believe that this is of God should support and show up. CHRISTMAS: We should also make our Christmas more relevant since we know Jesus Christ cares that #BlackLivesMatter. After all God came in the form of a human and he was profiled, despised and wrongly executed too. Christmas is not about material things but about lives matter. God came in human form as a powerful demonstration thst life (eternal and abundant) matters. THE CHURCH: We as a whole church have not joined as an action. Some individual church members have taken part in actions, but not the church as a whole. . Baptist Temple should take part. A Jewish Christian coalition is an important one in this cause. In act, coalition is important in a cause like this. Its important that the powers that be dont just black people speaking and demonstrating but all people speaking and demonstrating that #BlackLivesMatter LASTLY, this is a new kind of actiom. Weve seen die-ins and marches and protests and boycotts but not a #ChanukahAction. This is new: Take a timeless religious ceremony and make it relevant to this time. WOW. Exciting. REMINDER We meet this Tuesday ni gt at 6pm at the corner of Murray Avenue & Darlington Road in Squirrel Hill. ALSO Some of our Jewish friends abd partners in social justice from Temple Sinai (Squirrel Hill) will be worshipping with Baptist Temple Church at the 10:45 service. RSVP: Now click link below and RSVP right now; thdn spread the link and invite with fellow church members, FB friends and those concerned. #BlackLivesMatter Grace and Peace #TIMBER https://facebook/events/395515297240292/
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:08:39 +0000

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