BARF pet food.. is this the best food ever? If you want to give - TopicsExpress


BARF pet food.. is this the best food ever? If you want to give your pet the best nutrition then please take the time to read this post and share with your pet loving friends Dogs and cats were perfectly designed to feed themselves before humans came along and domesticated them. From the teeth to the gut to the digestion process to the nutritional requirement, it all has been perfectly designed to process what a wild dog or cat could catch and eat. This means wild dogs and cats eat no grain, rice, wheat, barley etc which is a large component of all processed pet food. It is there to bulk up food cheaply while producing little nutritional value , and maybe causing a lot of allergy problems too. Having been a vet for 20 years I have become a bit disillusioned with a lot of what we feed our pets, I see more and more pets with skin allergies, bowel allergies ( inflammatory bowel disease) and athsma. Is there something behind all this? BARF dog and cat food recreates what a wild dog or cat would eat. It is a mix of mince ( lot of types available eg roo, rabbit, beef, lamb etc), some liver/heart/kidney, some vegetables ( wild dogs will eat their preys gut containing vegetable matter), whole eggs, some bone meal. It comes as freshly frozen pattie that looks like a hamburger pattie. Just like any fresh mince you buy with nothing to preserve it, it will go off in about 2 days once thawed.It is made to be fed raw. The cost? Boxes of 12 frozen patties $24.50 for dogs and $18.40 for cats 1 pattie feeds a small white fluffy dog or a average sized cat the picture shows Jenny holding a sealed frozen pattie and a box of 12 see barfaustralia for more great information please call the surgery if you would like more information thanks, John
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:11:44 +0000

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