BERĚSHITH (GENESIS) 1:1 – 6:8 – BERĚSHITH – IN THE - TopicsExpress


BERĚSHITH (GENESIS) 1:1 – 6:8 – BERĚSHITH – IN THE BEGINNING The common name used for the first Book of Scriptures by the majority of the western world is the Greek word – Genesis, which simply means the origin or coming into being of something and comes from the Greek word gignesthai which means ‘to be born’. The Hebrew word of the original text is בְּרֵאשִׁית - ‘Berěshith’ which is made up of the ‘preposition’ בְּ – which is the letter ‘b’ known as or pronounced as ‘beyt’ which renders ‘in’ and in the ancient Hebrew script which is in the form of pictographic symbols with each symbol carrying a meaning on its own. We see that the ancient Hebrew letter for the letter בְּ – ‘beyt’ is: beit which represents a picture of a floor plan or a tent and pictures the meaning of family of the tent! What we can therefore see straight up as the very first letter of the Word of Elohim is the declaration by יהוה of His ‘floor plan’ for His Creation and the origin or beginning thereof! The rest of the word ‘Berěshith’ is from the word רֵאשִׁית reshith – Strong’s H7225 which means, ‘beginning, chief, first fruits, foremost’ and comes from the primitive root word ראֹשׁ rosh – Strong’s H7218 which means, ‘head, beginning, top, chief’. In other words we can see form the first constructed word in Scripture in the announcing of the ‘floor plan’ of the Chief, Head of all creation! As we look at the ancient symbol of the word רֵאשִׁית reshith we see the following: tawyadshinalephresh - רֵ – this is the letter ‘resh’- which in the ancient script is pictured as - resh - which is the head of a man and carries the meaning of ‘top, beginning, first’ as in being the top of the body or the head of a tribe and the one who rules; and also speaks of possession or inheritance that is decided by the chief. - א – this is first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and is called ‘aleph’ and in the ancient script is pictured as - aleph - which is the head of an ox and represents strength, meaning ‘muscle’ and the ox is the strongest of the livestock animals. This also carries the meaning of ‘yoke’ as an ox is placed in a yoke in order to plough or pull a heavy load in the right direction. This can also picture for us the ‘red heifer’ sacrifice that יהושע Messiah fulfilled! - שִׁ – this is the letter ‘shin’ which in the ancient script is pictured as - shin - which is the picture of ‘two front teeth’ and carries the meaning of ‘sharp or press’ which is what the teeth do and also speaks of the sharpened word that comes forth from the mouth as the teeth ‘chew’ or meditate on the Truth making what comes forth pure and sharp! - י – this is the letter ‘yad or yod’ which in the ancient script is pictured as - yad - which is the picture of an arm and hand and carries the meaning of ‘work, make, throw’ from the primary functions of the arm and hand and also represents worship or giving thanks in the extending of hands as a gesture of this. - ת – this is the letter ‘taw or tav’ which in the ancient script is pictured as – taw – which is the picture of two crossed sticks, and can represent for us ‘seal, covenant, mark or sign’; as this once again points to the complete work of Messiah in the renewal of the Covenant in His Blood that brings the two Houses of Yisra’ĕl and Yehuḏah together in Him, as One, for He is not only the ‘aleph’, but is also the ‘taw’ – the beginning and the end of all creation! Each letter here in itself pictures for us and points to יהושע and we can certainly understand how He was in the beginning and He has worked out His perfect salvation plan for His creation right from the beginning! He is the head – our Head and Chief to whom the whole body is joined together and in Him we find our strength as we take His yoke, which is easy and light as He bore the weight of our sins and by His pure and refined Word that became flesh as He sent forth His mighty Right Arm and worked deliverance for us, and all praise and esteem is to be extended unto Him! What amazing insight we have in the very first word in Scripture!!! Now let us look at the rest of the first verse!!! Verse 1: בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ׃ Reading from right to left, the first verse of Scripture is as follows: Berěshith – bara – Elohim – et – hashamayim - v’et – haarets 1 – בְּרֵאשִׁית – Berěshith - which we have already discussed above! 2 - בָּרָא bara – Strong’s H1254 which means, ‘to shape, fashion, create (always with Elohim as subject)’ 3 - אֱלֹהִים elohim – Strong’s H430 meaning, ‘mighty one’ 4 - אֵת eth – Strong’s H853 – a word that is seen as an untranslated participle, and is used as a direct object marker for which we have no equivalent in English, therefore this is used as a sign of the definite direct object, not translated in English but generally preceding and indicating the accusative, which is the grammatical case that marks the direct object of a verb or the object of any or several prepositions. In other words we see here that in Elohim ‘creating’ the ‘eth’ points to what He created – He created the heavens and the earth – it wasn’t created by just anybody – it was created by Elohim and here this participle points to that which Elohim created! 5 – הַשָּׁמַיִם – ‘ha shamayim’ – “the heavens” - ‘הַ’ – the letter ‘hey’ is used as a ‘definite article’ rendered in English as ‘the’, and the word שָׁמַיִם shamayim – Strong’s H8064 which means, ‘heavens, skies’. 6 – וְאֵת – ‘v’et’ – here we have again the ‘eth’ with a ‘vav’ in the front which is used as a conjunction which can render ‘and, or, then’ and here it is ‘and’. 7 – הָאָרֶץ – ‘ha arets’ – ‘the earth’ – from the primitive root אֶרֶץ erets – Strong’s H776 which means, ‘earth, land, ground’. 7 Words in the first verse which carry a great and powerful witness for us as seen in the order here! In order to understand the creation account of Berěshith/Genesis chapter 1 one must take careful note of that which Kěpha tells us to take heed of: Kěpha Bet/2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved ones, let not this one matter be hidden from you: that with יהוה one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” This is a very important matter that we must make sure is never hidden from us, and many who do not grasp this vital truth are unable to fully embrace and understand the Creator’s ‘floor plan’ and understand the clear importance of His Appointed Times. The 7- day Creation week pictures for us the 7 thousand year period of this present age in which our Deliverance will be complete! As we recognise that these first 7 days foreshadow the 7- thousand- year cycle that will culminate in the complete destruction of wickedness and sin and usher in a renewed heavens and earth, we can see the very clear markers with this first verse as to the 2 comings of Messiah! The 4th and 6th word used in the first verse is the untranslated word אֵת eth. This word is made up of the letters אֵ - ‘aleph’ and ת – ‘taw’. These are the first and last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and in Scripture יהוה also refers to Himself as the ‘first and the last’ – giving reference to ‘the aleph and the taw’: Yeshayahu/Isaiah 44:6 “Thus said יהוה , Sovereign of Yisra’ĕl, and his Redeemer, יהוה of hosts, ‘I am the First and I am the Last, besides Me there is no Elohim.” Ḥazon/Revelation 1:8 “I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Taw’, Beginning and End,” says יהוה “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Ḥazon/Revelation 1:17-18 “And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead, and He placed His right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last, 18 and the living One. And I became dead, and see, I am living forever and ever. Aměn. And I possess the keys of the grave and of death.” The 4th letter of the first verse is a clear pointing to the first coming of Messiah, who came on the 4th day, which we will discuss in detail in a moment, but clearly here in this first verse we see how the two appearances of the ‘aleph and taw’ in the first verse shows us the 2 comings of Messiah, with His second coming all will see Him riding on the clouds, coming in His esteem from the heavens to earth at the end of the 6th day, when H e will come to finish His work in the seventh day and rest!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 09:59:00 +0000

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