BONNIES CORNER TRANSFORMING LIVES-THE RENEWING OF THE MIND The third thing you have to DO is found in Philippians 4:6-9. Be careful for nothing (dont worry), but in everything by prayer and supplication (turn your worries into prayers), with thanksgiving (always thank God for everything in your life great or small), let your requests be made known unto God (He wants to hear from you). And the peace of God (the consequence) ,which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus (the joy). Verse 8 (my favorite) goes on to say ,finally brethren (here comes the secret) whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, THINK on these things. Think, think, think. Wrap your brain around this verse. Verse 9 B- DO THIS and the God of peace WILL be with you. This is going to take a lot of concentration and making yourself aware of every word you speak, every thought you have, and all the feelings of your heart. Put fences around yourself. I quit watching the news because it was never of GOOD REPORT. When people begin to gossip I try to catch myself and say,hey, i gotta go or I just go.Its not lovely. I quit screaming and started thinking. Do I always. No. Im not perfect, but life is full of goodness because ,with Gods spirit, I make an effort to put goodness there. I guarantee you, if you practice it as often as you can remember, you will eventually succeed. Just as with anything else. Dont concentrate on the times you forget. Dont beat yourself up everytime you goof. Just start again. All that sorrow takes up too much time and its negative.Just keep practicing. Remember, God and you, youre the cake, EVERYTHING else is the frosting. Sometimes the frosting is runny, sometimes too sweet,sometimes too dry. But its the cake that holds the frosting. Everything changes every day, except God. Bad may come, but you focus on whats good. Dont lose sight of it, dont stray from it, just keep practicing. In Gods world bad can produce good. Look at the cross. Sometimes you just have to wait 3 days. When that old devil gets tired of trying to mess with you, hell go away and your trials will become fewer. You just have to wait him out and he will flee from you. Check out James 4:7 B. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. In the original Greek ,flee means, run away, shun, to vanish, escape. Hell want to shun you and vanish from you. Theres an element of fear there. He will not want to stay. I challenge you to make him vanish from your life. Bonnie
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:37:59 +0000

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