BOOK 13th 0 THIS BOOK HAS BEEN WRITTEN WITH REASON TO KNOW GOD AND JESUS IS THE SAME THING AND THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD HIMSELF, AND THAT IS THAT IS ACTING TODAY. I HOPE YOU KNOW IS INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH OF GOD AS MANY HAVE ATTEMPTED TO KNOW WHO IS GOD AND TEACH, BUT WE CAN NOT TEACH. 1 No someone who is known in some way, there are people who think lee and understand the reading, but i tell you that this is written in this book must be seen by a person born again so that it can understand, but will be like what madness is written God bless. My brothers bus well know what Jesus said when i was in this world like you and i are in this meat, he was generated by his father in the belly of Mary, now my question is: First question. Who was that father begat him, the am? Second question: Was not the word of God? Third question: Know what’s the word? Fourth question: No casa the word was with God and was God? Fifth question: How do you describe your book to Juan I verb? Juan. 1:1-5 Also when the disciples of Jesus. Sixth question: In whose name the hell out and threw did and healing and other thinga baptized? 2 Seventh question: God has name? And you name; Eighth question: What is the name of God? Ninth question: What a cast Matthew name came out demons and baptized believers and healing and other things to do more? All you can answer, one by one, but with knowledge of God. Answer the first question is knowing what you wrote Juan. Jesus was generated by the Holy Spirit. The first question must first to answer know who is the Spirit, and then know who is Jesus. First we know tha Jesus was generated before things exist. Who is this Jesus? This is Jesus the wisdom, (word) and is the sanity (eternal life) Proverbs. 8:12; 8:22-36 Who is the father, the father is God and God is Spirit, and the Spirit is like the wind your sound is heard but do not know where or where is coming, so that is born of the Spirit. If the Spirit is the begat that Jesus is God himself then that was generated in the beginning and then in a woman. In the second question, the word was in the beginning, and the word was with God and the word was God. Juan. 1:1 Juan. Dice 1:14: And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. John the says, (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only son la) Full of grace and truth. The third question is the word of God became flesh; the word is the word of God. The fourth question, is the word that was the beginning begotten in God and was with God and was God, that was the word of God, and was with God and was God, that was the word of God, and your time is life, my word is Spirit and is life and life in abundance. 3 The fifth question, Juan to describe the word of God as this was in the beginning with God. And all things were made by him, and without him nothing has been done was made. He was in life, and life was the light of men. Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. JUAN. 1:9 Says tha true light that enlightens every man, coming into the world. Verse 10 says: I was in the world was made by him; world, but do not know. Verse 11 says: To what his wine, and do not receive yours. The sixth question is; that the disciples healed the sick in the name of Jesus, and did many things in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. FACTS. 3:6 reads: Then Peter said, Silver and gold I have but what I have I give; in the name of Jesus of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand and walk. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand and walk. FACTS. 2:38 Says so: Pedro told; Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And so in the name of Jesus Nazareth, disciples of Jesus all baptized believers. So says the seventh question: God has name? Yes God has name and the word is that became flesh gave you know. The same word said I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the father if not for me. (No one but God is coming through the word meat echa) Note that ONE OF THE DISCILES OF Jesus said: Show U.S. the father, and we vast. THE ANSWER OF Jesus was strong and firm, been so long I am with you, and has not known me, Felipe? Me that seen me has seen the father; how then you say: show U.S. the father? Do not you think that I am the father, and the father in my? 4 JUAN. 14:6-14 JUAN. 17:6 reads: He expressed your name to the world men you gave me; yours were, and the gave me and have kept your word. JUAN. 17:25-26 reads: Father just, the world has no known you, but I’ve known you, and these have known that You sent me. I have given them to know your name, and I’ll give to know yet, for the love that you have loved me, you are in them, and I in them. Echa meat the same word said this: I quit the father, and he came into the world, again leave the world and I go to the father. Juan. 16:28 God said when my word out of my mouth to my no returns empty. When Jesus predicts his death said your name father glorifies. The voice of God is audible for those who are born in the Spirit, said John: came a voice from heaven; saying; I have glorified it, and will glorify it again. But the crowd that there was heard the voice but said that was a thunder. Others said; an angel has spoken. Cabe then say what Jesus told Nicodemo; that is born of meat, meat is, but that is born of the Spirit. But he that born of the flesh cannot understand you Spiritual things as is madness, but that is born of the Spirit all things and understand the know. Always wanted to meet the Hebrew Law of Moses, but not Listened to the words Jesus to store them, not because he believed was I am. Now trying to combine the words of Jesus and Moses an not subject to one or the other. Those who do not meet neither will be judged by what they said, as Moses spoke of Jesus, Moses and Jesus said he had spoken of, and tha he was higher than Moses. 5 In the desert Transfiguration, volume when John, peter and james and took the desert where turned in front of them looked when Jesus saw was where I was talking with Moses and Elias, they did not know that they also they were transformed into Spiritual to see a Moses and Elias and Jesus processed in the Spirit, example I give, Paul when you left to pursue a Christian you went the lord Jesus to meet looking about you went the lord Jesus to meet looking about you Gould not see nobody was blind because this was Paul prepared by a religious teacher of that bis so that happen to them all religious who want blind shall see the lord, for any religious will see the face of lord, only those who are born in the Spirit will see, whether or gentiles Hebrews. In this book explain what Spiritual meat and how it works. EVERYTHING IN PLACE. If we think according to our mind the spiritual, will not understand anything, because even though our mind is highly developed or overdeveloped, we can never understand or see in some ways the spiritual, because everything in its place . As Jesus said, you must be born again, and then said, must be born of water and of the Spirit, though he explained that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. That which is born of the flesh is of this world, and has this world belongs, but he that is born of the spirit, the sky belongs. 6 Furthermore the spirit is like the wind, feels the sound, but do not know where it comes from and where it goes, so is he that is born of the spirit. Now if someone already born in the spirit, that you do know everything, both spiritual and carnal. Therefore it is necessary to be born again, we brought the carnal, and thats what we do die, and the only way to die is to make water baptism in the name of Jesus, there we buried our old self and same death that sin has the power to kill us and take us to hell. But once baptized in water, there you leave buried your old self with which you are born in this world, and even death itself the bury in water because when salt water sales as a new creature, a new mind, and a new consciousness to God, and the power of the sting, and has no power, because your sins are forgiven, and passed from death to eternal life. Since that moment your body no longer belongs more to sin, it is no longer yours, it already has an owner, and the owner is Jesus, because in the name of Jesus, Your new birth, you were born with a new conscience to God, and you belong to him, cannot sin, because sin flees from you. Now we have another enemy to retain this new body, called the burial, this has power over the born again, and their sins were forgiven, why is this? Because sin forgiven must be cleaned and deleted, yours should be also be purified and then sanctified, and that this is so, then whats missing here? As a new baptism, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, why do we need this baptism? Because the Holy Spirit is the Blood of Jesus, who is responsible for washing, cleaning and sanctify him who was born again, everyone who is baptized in water and not in the spirit, sins are forgiven, but not removed. Now once you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, your sins forgiven now be removed, because the blood of Jesus that washes clean from all sin. 7 The forgiven now with the baptism of the spirit, born in the spirit and spiritual, they are washed cleaned, purified and sanctified, it is already in the sky, and can enter the kingdom of the marriage of heaven lamb. But now neither death nor the grave can kill you can hold, for if Jesus was resurrected, all who are resurrected as Jesus was resurrected. Thats why we must be born again, both in water and in spirit. For this body of flesh, cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, for neither flesh and blood, they can inherit the kingdom of heaven. Jesus died, he who died was not Jesus, it was his body, the temple of the living God, the creator, the body was buried, but the body could not hold the tomb, since that body was washed, cleansed, purified and sanctified, and the grave could not hold Him, for the third day I had to return to life, where is your victory or the grave? So you happen to those who belong to Christ Jesus. Remember that no one baptism serves to see the kingdom of God, the two baptisms, water and spirit is needed. Anyone who believes the Lord Jesus, be born again, if I did not do so, is likely to make cast alive into the lake of fire, he says that he believes but does not do what Jesus tells you what to do. To be saved, we need to do what Jesus did, in the same way, if he really believes it. Already fulfilling what Jesus asks us to do, the flesh dies with their crimes and sin, with all its filth, with all its idolatry, and all your cravings, then dies and is born to God. Who the owner of the new birth is then of baptized in water in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins? 8 It is God himself, but lacks the sinner that was, and is not more, receive the baptism of the spirit to God wash you clean it, to purify and sanctify for him to make his abode in correctly as he wants to live within the baptized. Well, it belongs to him, and is no longer yours because yours was in buried water has passed from death to eternal life, but you need the garment to enter the marriage of the lamb, and the garment is sanctification that God gives to everyone that already he presented himself before the angels, and the marriage of the lamb. Of course you cannot do what you did before, it is your body temple of God, and God said to destroy the temple of the living God, who dwells in you, that will be destroyed. Well no more sin reign in your body, because if sin still reigns in your body, thats like trample the blood of Christ Jesus, and who hath trodden underfoot the blood of Jesus, will not be forgiven, either in this world or never, because the blood of Jesus is the Holy Spirit. If thou be baptized in water or yes you must be baptized with the spirit but sins are forgiven you, may not be removed. Look what happened to a magician who believed the preaching of the disciples were baptized with water but seeing the disciples that through the laying on of hands, believers received the Spirit, he offered them money to him when lay hands on someone also received the spirit, and the disciples were angry with him then Peter said unto him, Thou money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God with money. You have neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right before God. Acts. 8:14-24 Thats why the two baptisms, both the new birth as the birth of the Spirit, no one serves you, to see God are needed. Now if you get the two baptisms, you can announce the kingdom of God and invite everyone to the wedding of the Lamb. 9 For the meat does not act, it shall die completely, so that no matter what happened to this wizard and more. While in the movement of the Spirit, a marriage, had a house, and they sold them to place at the service of the disciples, for them to buy food and other things that were needed at the time, as they all had in just its goods and belongings because they were all in such a way that no one said to possess something, because everything was set before the disciples for the maintenance of all delivered the Lord Jesus, but this couple sold the property, and the husband came and laid at the feet of the disciples a portion of the sales and the other is kept for him, and tell the disciples this man: You sold as the property and only bring half and half you the stayed with you, for having deceived by the Holy Spirit, I take out of here dead for cheating on God. But it then came the wife, and she not knowing what had happened to the husband she did the same to her husband, I offered half that belonged to her from the sale of his house and put the feet the disciples a half and put it away, the disciples digest the same thing I told her husband and life took place. That is the work of the flesh that always seeks to deceive the Spirit of God, and those who have received the Spirit of God. But this is coming from Adam and Eve was deceived by Satan who took this as a tool man snake to deceive Eve and this has Adam. But humanity was present at a man who came to save all mankind, this man called Jesus, and thats the name left us, to baptize in the name the people who will believe him, and healed the sick and to cast out demons and many more things, but that is all done for you. Who was this man who brought this name? 10 Who was this man who once said, I am the resurrection and the life? This man was a common man like you and me, born of woman. Well what happens is that to know who he was, we must go to John. 1:1-5 tells us who this man was, and what purpose brought to this world. This man for saying this I said, I am the resurrection and the life, he had the whole law and the prophets meet, as he did so, first before starting his ministry, John went to be baptized in water, ved when Juan Jesus, John tells him, I should be baptized by you, and you come to me to be baptized, but Jesus said you need the whole law, and John baptized him. You know the passage Jesus did at the time? It was a step that necessarily to make was, was that to do die the body with which he was born, and born again to eternal life, and a new awareness for God, for the body that was born of woman could not obtain eternal life, it was necessary to die and be born again, he did so by giving us the example for all to have eternal life. As Jesus was leaving the water, John heard a voice from heaven said: When you see a dove settled on him, this is he who baptizes with fire of the Spirit, and John bore record of it and dove accent on Jesus. When Jesus began his ministry, he taught that what he did, we all must make and keep, as he did. Nicodemus saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say you must be born again. But to be born again, first you have to die, or is this body that dies is born of woman. Jesus demonstrated as we do, then dies in water baptism in the name of Jesus as Jesus established, there is water in the body of a woman, and born with a body to eternal life, and this body and dies is not eternal. 11 But to live with Christ Jesus, we must receive the birth of the Spirit, that is the baptism of the Spirit as Jesus received, so Jesus told Nicodemus, verily, I say to you unless one is born of water and Spirit cannot see God. Then he explained that is what you meant, and Jesus said: The spirit is like the wind, the sound is heard, but do not know where it comes from, nor where it goes, so is every one that is born of the spirit. Nobody, but nobody had the power to hurt Jesus, could only damage the body in which he was, but he did not because he was in that body a tenant, and also that body could no longer die, for the sting of death was no longer with him, when he received Jesus received the spirit of God Himself within him because he was not born of woman, but was born of the spirit, or that is to say of God. And if it was no longer born of a woman, should have another process that was fulfilled when his body fell asleep and went to the grave, and the grave could not hold Him and threw it to life, or in other words, in one day the temple will be destroyed, and in three days I will rise again, when Jesus rose from the dead, He defeated the grave that could not hold any longer, throwing him to life when Jesus left is the grave came dressed in a glorious new garment, and stood before his disciples with garments like those who are resurrected Jesus Christ. He was with his disciples forty days and forty nights, showing his friends that he was the I Am. Had a disciple who was not with the others when the Lord had appeared to them and was told that the Lord had risen, but this has not believed, and said if I did not put my fingers in his hands and in his side no believe, then Jesus appeared before him and he was the disciple Thomas, who told him who hear, see Tomas hits your fingers on my hands to my side and see that I am. Then Tomas puts his fingers in his hands and in his side, and said: My Lord and my God! 12 What a great exclamation point to this disciple recognizing his Lord as their only God, if this disciple recognized his God because he saw personally, why do we not see the Lord God without seeing him and we believe he is the I Am? Then we have more blessings than we behold the Lord Jesus. Because Jesus told Thomas; because you have seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and have believed. Juan. 21:26-29 So good as Jesus fulfilled water baptism and spirit, all who believe in him, we must do the same, to be like him, the grave cannot hold us, as the voice of our Lord when He resurrected and walk as he is now with a glorified body and a shiny new garment to be dressed before the angels and not naked. All resurrected some to honor and glory of God and others to eternal destruction. Those resurrected in honor, is Iran with the Lord Jesus and you shall rise to shame, will be cast alive into hell, because they were not born in the spirit, and who was not born in the spirit is because he has never drunk the blood Jesus, because the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin and all uncleanness. And not to be cast into the eternal lake of fire, must be baptized in water and the Spirit. Must be born in the Spirit, because anyone who comes in the spirit, the same Spirit cleanses us, purifies us from all sin those sins were once forgiven us. This is like drinking every day the blood of Jesus to be clean. This is the blood that will be spilled in all believers by believers themselves who receive the baptism of the Spirit. So it is this exclamation: Blood Jesus that cleanses and sanctifies washing us from all sin, so we can see God! Spirit baptism is done in the name of Jesus to everyone who wants to receive, without that baptism cannot see the face of Jesus. 13 This name is Jesus was given by the Romans to the Gentiles and this name is the one that endures to this day believers in God the creator of heaven and earths, the Hebrew have another name. When the Roman asked Jesus if he was the King of the Jews answered, thou hast said. Today there who want to teach baskets as they call the God who forgave us all our sins and came to save us from the curse that will receive this world full of sin? Also on the cross he put a letter saying INRI, meaning Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. But the Jews did not want him to put the Roman this writing, but these Roman told that what he has written has written. The I is the Jack Romano in Castilian, because they jot to write what I like lunga. The N, Nazareth, the King R, R, of the Jews. (INRI) IN NO EVENT CALLED THE ROMAN Jesus, as they call the Hebrew, but Jesus would have complained, and said he would have called as the Hebrews call and not called the Roman, Roman called on his Roman language and the Hebrews call him Jesus in your language. I wonder; what do you call Jesus the Chinese, or Japanese, or Russian, etc? Please do not confuse people by pretending that all we call God our Lord and savior as you call it, remember that you were the ones who killed him to my Lord Jesus. I look at the name of mine comes from Greece, Africa, and Italy, began with surname black, it came to Africa as black, but coming to Italy, was added the letter I, to the NE, you will put the Ni only the letter remained Grow, so my last name started with Black and now Lonigro. Im getting angry now Lonigro my name, if I say Black is the same as if I Lonigro say, I thirst that they call me. 14 Then they will tell me that my God and Savior who died to save me is not called Jesus, he became known to me so and so holed him and he listens to me, praise God. If you come to me and my Chinese name cannot pronounce, and I says otherwise, Im not angry, for he will know me as he tells me in his language where it is not always an insult. Now science is very advanced and names are fixed in all languages because it is the most developed system that is very difficult to change the names of the person, but before it was not. As each name had meaning. When Jesus comes to me as I called him embocaré knows me and I know you like him. Both the Hebrew and knows the Lord and thus as I know the Lord. What is the problem? Does he know the Lord who created us all and gave us each language as we called him to us and we call him? The religious do not know anything about anything and get heavy loads believers and they do not touch it with a finger. The devil is using them as the devil wants and they obey him. When Jesus comes, he will call me, and when it does do so in the name he gave me and not the name that I put on a registry here on this earth, as I will have a new name which is the new name he put me in the Apocalypse, he also said what he still have a new name, which is what is identified for eternity. He also said that everyone is becoming the name of God and of the new Jerusalem. What is the name of God? What is the name of his son you know? Well I do not want to go against anyone or reprimand anyone, I love you all, but I will be wise in these tips that give me my God. Proverbs. 9:7-12 15 Another, wisdom and sanity are together and were with God that may be formed before all that behold and not see. Proverbs. 8:22-36 Well I brought these Bible passages to show who is God and he is the one who came in the flesh. In Juan. 1:1-3 and compare it with what it says in Proverbs. 8:22 -... she was conceived she was conceived before the things were miss, Jesus said, Father... John. 17:1-5 He released the name of God. Juan. 17:6-26; 6:38; 6:32-40 Here in Proverbs. 8:22 - makes me understand that it was his word and that word was begotten before all was done was conceived in God and God was the Word, as it lets me know Juan. 1:1-3 Jesus was the word made flesh, wine became this world as such. In prayer to God that Jesus had said that he had a glory before the world was, is, or was with God and was God, as we are told in John. 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and continues to read verse 5. This is my God; Why did not Im going to believe what he tells me, as Jeremiah. 31:31-34? God Himself came in the flesh, but it was his word because his word was engendered in him, before they were miss things and was with us in the flesh but is now in spirit, for his word is Spirit and life. He created us as his word, and Jesus is his word begot in the womb of a woman because that would be his temple where he was going to live this bodily humanity, that she had to eat to live. Himself a temple to be formed with his creation, because he was tired of living in houses made by human hand, and he formed his own temple, to intercede for mankind, he had to offer such as a lamb without spot to Abel offered lamb. 16 Here was already a greater than Abel and Jesus, meaning Savior, because I will come and save my people be called. He offered to save all mankind from sin and uncleanness; he would take all the burdens of those who were to be saved by him in his sacrifice, as offered as did the priests once a year, featuring a lamb and the sprinkling of lambs blood the sins of that throughout the year they sinned they covered was now here you offering a lamb that will once and for all that spy on all the sins of the people he came to save us and all that believe will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. He told everyone in the temple that will destroy it in a day and in three days I will restore again, everyone laughed, but he fulfilled what he had said, in one day destroyed the temple of the living God and in three days I Restored raising him. As he rose with a glorified never to die for he is now the owner of the death body. So in the same way will be raised that in him and have done what he did on this earth, taking care of the temple of sin and that temple is us, which is the abode of him, if you want to be resuscitated to go with he. All who come to God must do what Jesus said to Nicodemus, but are lost, because it is the only way to enter the kingdom of God and the marriage of the lamb, but have to believe that this is so and who come is calling them. In Revelation; John saw the Lamb. How did John the lamb? John says that he was the seven thunders and seven ie Spirit of God sent to go throughout the earth, and the lamb was the one who took the book to open the seven seals. Revelation. 5:11-14 This lamb is the perfect creation of God, who was born in him from the beginning. 17 This lamb once begotten of God as wisdom and sanity, (word and life) began with his creation and all made by him and for him. Proverbs. 8:22 He was the Word, word, and that word begotten in the womb of a woman to be his temple made of meat. Whosoever is born of woman is the son of the man Jesus said, and the son of man which is in heaven when he said this, he meant that everything is in the sky, even the earth itself, but the natural man understand this, because father thinks God is flesh and blood as we are, thats not so, he is Spirit, which was of flesh and blood was his own temple which was Jesus, the Word, the Word of God made flesh. Now this was a man of flesh and blood, is in a glorified body, or in other words a spiritual body, and is in God and in the midst of the seven spirits of God, as John said in Revelation. 5:6 This same Jesus appeared on the way to Damascus Saul of Tarsus, he noted that those who were with him the way to Damascus to arrest the followers of Jesus and bring before them the Romans to be mocked and slaughtered according the request of the Jews of that time, this account that Saul heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, hard for thee to sew against the pricks, and said that hearing the voice fell to his knees and tried to see who it was that he was saying these things because he saw no one was blind, then Saul says: Who are you Lord? The voice says, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, those who were with him hear the voice, said it was thunder and the voice of God is strong like thunder. Revelation. 10:1-10 Now the seven Spirits which are the seven thunders that uttered their voices, and what they said, John heard them, and added to write, but God did not let him, but said to him: Do not write that thunder said, but seal them, because time is no more. 18 All he heard Juan, is what Jesus said on earth while in a veil of flesh as a man, or in other words as the temple of the living God, the same as all of us think. If John had written all he heard of the seven thunders are the seven Spirits of God, would have no effect what Jeremiah wrote. 31:31-34 And what Jesus said before leaving the sky and out of human sight. To his disciples Jesus told them to stay together in the upper room, to be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit was commissioned to make them remember all the words and the things he had done, and greater things than those who would believe him, thats what counted and wrote. Matthew wrote, which fell to him, part of him John, Mark, Luke, Peter, Jude, James, Paul, and others, all were told what they had written in their hearts and in their minds since it was revealed by the power of the spirit they received. Now the word of Jesus is true as Jeremiah said. 31:31-34 And the only manager to let us know what God put in our minds, and what is written in our hearts the Spirit of God, because he was the one who put it in our mind and wrote in every heart of truth that will believe him, that is the law the word of Jesus, and Jesus is the Word of God, the Word, the light of men, the Word made flesh, is now set in the minds of believers and written in every heart, that is the true law of grace, because grace are saved, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Here there is no prophet or anyone who may make known what God put in every mind and wrote in every heart, that God will do the same. Thats why we must be born again in water and the spirit, but we will never know what Jesus said and what he heard Juan, you are put on our minds and written in our hearts. 19 Jesus is the manna from heaven, and I take my portion, and I Convido typing it in the books so they know which is the portion that God put me in my mind and in my heart he wrote. At that time the disciples of Jesus, and had taken the portion that each of them played so well taught and wrote, each as God had given him written in their minds and in their hearts. We see here reading his writings that each wrote what the Spirit revealed to him, and food was fresh then, but now we have fresh food today and we have to deliver and write, if God so wills. Dear readers and if someone hears this, what I write, know that it is fresh and not stale food from one day to another day, it is for today. Do not be fooled by anyone, as the spirit of God is not confusion, is eternal life in us. Give an example: The religious say, The Bible says, the Bible says, but they do not know to say to me of them, if God is in them or is not in them, which is what God put in his mind and wrote in his heart. One man told me that he would only speak what the Bible says, but nothing of it, then God told me he did not believe anything he tells me. Now all excuse behind books, and forget to be born again. Many go behind the letter, and deceive many saying about prosperity, much talk and preach tithing to line their pockets, under the old law, as the old books say, pro forget that when our Lord Jesus we come to rapture will come to look for those who have worshiped in spirit and truth, not religious apprehend these liars and enslave souls for big profits for them, are of them, because hell awaits. I love my God while I have come to invite everyone to come to the wedding feast of the lamb, thats what I do every day, and to this day I hope my Lord. 20 If anyone wants to come to the wedding feast of the Lamb, and no, stay, and which is not, I invite you to come into and our Lord Jesus paid the price of his own blood. THIS IS A FACT. MANY BOOKS HAVE BEEN WRITTEN. They have written thousands of books, many that if they had to gather them all in one, to be read by everyone, it would be impossible to do so. All these writings books talk about one thing or another, stories after stories, literature after literature, but no book has been written about the existence of God, and all human beings in this world, I mean the creator God who lives, rather than religious men have invented, cheat and deceive themselves, and all who read his writings, and listen. They also talk that they have not found the missing link in human race on earth, some say that we come from a monkey that disappeared, I wonder: If I come from a monkey also had to do a monkey? What is Monkey mona father and mother? I think monkeys are shaming all animals and their offspring, as monkeys are; there the poor mind who thinks so! I think the monkey being animal; it is more about their creator, the same human race, because the monkey knows that hanging out with a monkey, at monkeys, not humans. Well I say this not to believe the lies invented by people that they themselves know they were created like humans, if they look in a mirror, and try to shake hands with the figure that is in the mirror would realize that he is a human and not a monkey, let alone breed of monkeys, it is superior in all animals, and not less, unless your mind is atrophied and mono is considered, but likewise is a human. 21 I have brought these concepts to know, because many, if not millions of people enter hell because information valid about the truth that is God, named Jesus, which means Savior, come and save my people. All of humanity is being deceived by the writings of the so-called Bible. First, these books have accommodated the religious way, human, demonic and satanic way, fooling people that Adam and Eve spoke with a snake, or with an animal is snake. God gave me to understand that they have made a change in this context have changed the human race created by God through his word, by a snake, they have forgotten that God said, Let the earth all the living beings according to gender, and so, and God saw that it was good and blessed. Here among the beings that God created the human race was, this human race was created the first Adam. When it was created the Adam man that God formed him with his hands, taking dust from the earth forming a human figure in the image and likeness of God himself, and blowing the breath of life into the nostrils of this being clay that God had done, take life. This Adam named this human race, and his name was Snake, because God had brought him so that Adam will put names to all the creatures that God had created through his word and his word, and Adam will put Snake because Snake means cunning, because these beings were beating all beings that God created. This breed was mixed with the offspring of Adam and Gentiles are called. Well to understand this we must believe God, not men, because it is so; God is truly every man a liar. In the passages written in the book of Genesis, which says that, a snake tricked Eve Adam and Eve. Eva has not been able to talk to a snake (viper) but with a human man; they know them without the existence of an angel who was cast out of heaven the kingdom of God, because this angel was found evil and that is why he was cast out. 22 And this same angel came to stop the earth to deceive the human race, but Adam could not cheat, he waited for God to give him a companion to Adam to attack and God slept it to Adam and took Rib Adam, and when Adam awoke God presented to Eva, Eva attacked this this wicked angel, attacked well: He used the serpent to deceive man this Eva. Used as an instrument of evil to man the earth brought forth by the word of God, this man had done a friend of Eva, as this angel is spirit, used man to Eve disobeyed the mandate said the Adam, you should not look at or get close to the tree that produces the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that it doeth die. The angel named Satan, that old serpent, the snake used to deceive men to Eve, Eva should disobey the slaying of indulging in Adam and Eve disobeying this Eva was not really Adam but she was talking to the snake man, who seeing the fruit of the tree was beautiful and rich for the knowledge of good and evil, he eat of the fruit, and seeing that died was and deception Adam mate who ate like her remaining tape with two husbands, receiving the fruit of your womb and the snake man Adam. When God visited them, hid themselves from the presence of God because they were naked. They had disobeyed God will both Eve and Adam disobeyed God Adam. When God asked them why they had eaten the fruit of the tree which he had been forbidden, he was asked to Adam first, and that he blamed God, telling God thus: The woman you gave to be with me she gave me and I I ate. He asked the woman and she has blamed the snake man, and the man snake was not asked anything, but cursed him, so far they are cursed, they are only free from the curse believing God and coming to the feet of Jesus to be forgiven and cleansed sanctified, God is Love 23 We all know that Eva cannot get on tape by a snake because the snake lays eggs and does not beget humans. God also speaks to snakes, but with humans, he has created in his image. This answer has been violated by the called the great beast, which dominates all human beings in this world and away from the truth that God, is our creator, the owner of everything, but they with their lies, possessed by their father the devil, that rules this world at will, in this world of the living. I have also written in previous books cunning with these humans who serve their father the devil to date in the century in which we are, and yet the human race does not know that its creator is alive, and can consult with him face to face. All men and will conform to what men say. Even when the human race will be in darkness without seeing the light of God! He presented humans as Father, human rejected, then promised to come to them as a human, to be with them, he did so and that is what did you cast him in this world of living that he had created for him, but the man he thought he was safe, and obtained eternal life in him because he is eternal life. Now he returned to resurrect their real nature to what was, and always was, the Holy Spirit. I have also written in previous books on this. We see that the two sons of Eve, the serpent was one man and the other was Adam grew and man were made, we know what happened, as the two, offered sacrifice to God, each one as it was in your heart, the best of each one of them. The Cain offered God the best of the fruits of the earth and Abel the best of his flock, as Abel was a sacrifice of a lamb to cutting its throat, lifted a stone altar where he offered it to his God, while reaching the afternoon before sunset the sun God came down and received the two offerings, but I liked that offered more Abel. 24 The offering that Cain offered, it was not what would be what God had in his plan to rescue humanity, through a sacrifice like Abel offered, but turned out that Cain became jealous and as God not pleased him so much that he offered her, she thought he shake off the Abel as well left alone to offer sacrifice to God, evil intelligence invited his brother to the field and when his brother Abel was neglected with a stone hit him in the head, killing him, and his body covered with stone so that no one finds him, but God came down to earth and asked Cain where his brother Abel was, because his blood cried out from the earth to him, and Cain became the disengaged , and I answer to God, not thirsty, but God knew what this had done to his brother and told him to have done this to kill your brother and shedding innocent blood and cursed shaft wandering on earth until you die . But this slight mind Cain told God is my punishment so Ill have to endure, because if someone finds me on the road and know what I have done would kill me, and God put signal, that whosoever findeth to kill him will be punished. God then took him out of where he was, and Cain went to the land of Nod, east of Eden, there Cain knew his wife. Question: Where did this woman with Cain union and had sons and daughters? But the religious and do not see the tip of your nose, do not know these things and also to know must be born again, as Jesus said to Nicodemus. Error in believing that a snake tricked Eve. Because God also told the snake man (Ie snake name) I will put enmity between thee and the woman. And between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shaft bruise his heel. Genesis. 3:15 I ask: when God cursed the serpent, was talking to a man or a snake? continues page 25 en la del libro 13. viene de la page 24 del libro 13.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:48:25 +0000

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