BOOK 28 ° THE TIME IS NOW NO MORE. WE HEAR THE VOICE OF JESUS, IF NOT BE LOST. I have been sent to invite everyone to the wedding of the Lamb. While doing this work assigned for the sake of those who are to salvation, I hear a lot thats what they say, I listen to everyone, both Gentiles and Jews. I always give my comment and I say this. one I was listening to the messages of a preacher of the torah. A preacher who freely judges the false Christians and one for those who are not, as they understand what Jesus said, but they teach to Judaize the Gentiles, and do evil, for they themselves understand and want to others understand what they themselves do not understand and so teach what they do not understand and so deceive Gentile Christians. Paul was angry with Peter because Peters was teaching Judaize the Gentiles, and that Paul fell ill because the Gentiles were given an apostle, that you will take the gospel and is clearly the gospel that Paul brought and not the gospel preacher is teaching torah. one that the message of the new birth, Jesus told Nicodemus, if Nicodemus who was a better than this preacher did not understand what Jesus said, this does not understand, and otherwise teacher is teaching. 2 Now tell them that this preacher has no idea what it says, and if you say, I would say to him and not teach anyone what seems to him to be. Well read the Bible and to ask the Lord Jesus to give you his Spirit to teach the truth without offending anyone, because peace we call the Lord and not to quarrel over opinions that lead nowhere. To understand this man, first to understand the message Jesus gave Nicodemus Jesus had to believe that what Jesus said was true, but this man without the Spirit of God could not understand anything of what Jesus was you saying, like this man, this passage will read a thousand times and it will not understand. WHY IS THIS? This man had to first pass the baptism of water and then receive the Spirit. Read well the writings of what they left us his disciples, and then we proceed to implement them. three If Christ Jesus was telling him he should be born of water and of the Spirit, as we will not understand this poor man. First baptism dies in the old nature that we are born of woman, which is buried in the waters in the name of Jesus, and then out of the water comes out with a new awareness to God and death your soul has no power in the first death because you turned, and there you your sins are forgiven only. So that your sins are taken away from you, you should receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit is the blood of Jesus, and God himself in that baptism giving his Spirit to you to be washed, cleaned, and sanctified, to enter the kingdom of heaven, or that is a marriage of the Lamb. 4 Jesus gave us an example to follow, and he was baptized by John the Baptist, and out of the water he received the Holy Spirit and fire. So you are born again, baptized in water in the name of Jesus, and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. That is the only way to receive the baptism of new birth, please do not twist the scriptures and good in Christ Jesus asesórense content written before teach what you do not understand. Amen. THAT You do not understand. He is the way the truth and the life. He is the way, he is Truth, He is the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me. John. 14: 6 The parent who is the Spirit brings to him who is the Word made flesh who was with us and he is now in the Spirit and gave it back to you. When my word out of my mouth does not return to me empty. 5 When Jesus was baptized by John did for us to do the same, we must understand that baptism or yes, because it is one of the most important steps we must do to be born again. Jesus taught us how we should die of old nature that we are born of woman, and teaches us how to how we can die and be born again to God with a new consciousness to God, but water baptism is for the remission of sins but not to remove them from that was forgiven, so that they will be removed should receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, so the Lord had to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that the sins we were forgiven forgiven are removed from we. Now we must have the two baptisms, if we love our neighbor as ourselves, because if we are not baptized as Jesus asks us, how are we going to love our neighbor as Jesus loves us? Also note that the two baptisms are due to receive in the name of Jesus to be with him. 6 All are bought with a price in blood, but not all will be changed. It is Jesus our Savior who through grace gives us freedom from sin and as the old law has no power over us than we are of Christ Jesus. Jesus made it very clear what a teacher of the law, Nicodemus. JUAN.3: 1 AT 12. You must have the Spirit of God, to understand the writings. Ill tell you, whoever does not have the Spirit of God, did not understand anything and will blind and the blind can not lead anyone. 7 What more can I say what the prophet said, as he came and counted on the fingers are those who heard, but they were more who did not want that they wanted, because they are very few who listen as they are all materialized today, but the Lord is the same and not change your mind because it is not a man to lie nor a son of man. Nobody wants to know the truth that God is one and not two or three, to listen to the liars who have gone out into the world lying and saying that God has sent them to meet the tithes and offerings and which he does he is breaking Gods command, liars full of greed because they are greedy and lying. Jesus came to save and not to condemn anyone, he came to everyone to come to him, and invites them to the wedding of the Lamb. I do not know why they deny that he is El Salvador and only God who saves, it will be because they do not want or do not realize what they do. He came to this world to save us all. Now we all bought at the price of blood and not come to its rightful owner. Since our Lord Jesus went to heaven we left the invitation to all who believe in him so we invite the great supper of the Lamb to everyone, without looking like they are, under conditions that are only have come and fill the house, because you have to fill it with guests, because the house is very large and there is plenty of food and plenty of drinks to drink. Jesus Christ loves them family. 8 Jesus is the new covenant, and I rejoice in it and my soul rests in him. Ive been listening to a man and I realized that this man read and do not understand what you read, and teaches what he does not understand. If this man read well and understand well would be a good man, but as read and what you read does not understand, he feels he understands. I invite you to read: Romans. 4: 1 to 25. This poor man Ive been hearing judge has turned Christian believers Gentiles, and that is its looks. He says the law that Jesus fulfilled, and that they would never be able to fulfill this law will call the torah, but if they were able to fulfill the torah as they say, What if Jesus came to fulfill the Israeli people were able to fulfill it? This would be a mockery to the people of Israel, God Himself comes in the form of flesh to fulfill the torah, if they were able to fulfill it now. 9 Else if Christ died for all the people of Israel was able to meet, but Christ went and gave them time to them that they might the law, they now believe they meet, meet a mockery leaving the sacrifice that Jesus fulfilled. Paul continues telling the Jewish teachers in Romans. 2: 1 to 29. This poor man speaks he does not understand, and seek Biblical passages that he feels that it should be and that he understands and teaches according their own opinion. Ill give them to read in Romans. 3: 1 to 31. This man badly taught what it teaches, as Paul tells us that many Gentiles and Jews are all guilty. Romans. 2:17 to 24. Romans. 2:25 to 29. This man taught circumcision, but Paul tells us very clearly, that: it actually Circumcision has value if you observe the law, what law, sin spoken of this man or the law that was given to the Jews meet? 10 What else I can say about that all the writings of the Old Testament speak of a savior God and no one who believes it was sacrificed so that I could meet you face to face him as he is. I never shut up that I know him, and I strive to be told everyone to know him, as he should be known. I told you all the writings of the Bible talks about it, but if they have the Spirit of God never will understand what she says, then, was written by inspiration of the Spirit of God, that is why erring men for understand what you mean writings. This is not a criticism which will expose, its just a wake up call to the true people of God. How can speak of a Christ who does not know? Would not you rather meet face to face as he really is, they talk about who knows? There you, preachers, pastors about you and about you apostles who speak of Christ without knowing. 11 Do you know when the word was begotten in the Spirit and Life for newborn to be God, because God means creator? This Word came sent by the Spirit of God to this world, and what did he? Followed now denying, because it is acting as the Holy Spirit in every heart that you received in the name of Jesus, and he is now writing says: You are all invited to the wedding of the Lamb, you have to fill the guest house, food and drink too much, come as they are, have no excuse not to come. Jesus Christ loves them family. TELL THIS TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE THE SPIRIT. The Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John. 14:17 12 My fellow Hebrews, Jesus Christ is the true king you asked and knew him not, but who really knew was safe, for he came to save His people a disobedient and gainsaying people, but the Lord has mercy and continues calling, everyone is invited to the wedding of the Lamb, come as you are, do not think anything will come and the Lord will have mercy on you, many Jews and Gentiles, all are invited, Jesus Christ loves them. AUTHOR: JESUS CHRIST. AUTHOR: RODOLFO JOSE LONIGRO. WRITTEN IN ARGENTINA. 2014. MAIL: lonigrorodolfo@gmail rodolfo_lonigro@yahoo
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:45:01 +0000

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