BOUNTIFUL BASKETS - NUECES COUNTY at 5:30 am Tues morning - only 43 of the 96 baskets were left: Ordering from the food co-op Bountiful Baskets started yesterday and will continue until the baskets max out or till 10 pm tonight (Tues Sept 2nd). Conventional baskets of fruits and vegetables are $15 and you can upgrade to 100% organic for $10 more. Delivery will be at Tuloso Midway Primary (CC) on Sat, Sep 6 @ 2:30 pm; If you can be there then, you can have someone else pick up your basket by forwarding your confirmation email and having them print it off. You can go early (1:30 pm) and help--even youth are welcome. Bring bags/boxes to put your produce in; maybe bring a buggy to push it to your vehicle. Some more info is available on the facebook page at https://facebook/BountifulBasketsTexas . Here is a step by step on how to order from this fabulous food co-op: 1. Create account - Go to Click on My Account, top right hand corner, select create new account. It will ask for an email address and password. Go thru all of that. Write it down so you dont forget. 2. Login to your account. Under current offers, click on Texas Get My Basket 3. Select a County: Nueces 4. Select a site: corpus Christi Tuloso Midway Primary (it will tell you how many baskets are available) 5. Select the number of baskets you want. Limit 3 per person 6. First time basket? Select this ONLY if this is your FIRST time to order. Covers the cost of your baskets we use for dispensing produce. Defaults to No, so next time, just ignore it. 7. Upgrade to Organic? Defaults to NO, but select this option if you want an Organic basket. Upcharge is $10, so your Organic baskets are $25 each. 8. Select any add ons you would like. There is a max number you can order specified on each item. You can only order add ons IF you purchase a minimum of 1 conventional basket. 9. Click SUBMIT 10. There is a $3.50 charge for handling and delivery. 11. Click CHECKOUT. Fill out billing info. Agree to all BB statements regarding being on time etc. 12. Click Submit 13. Keep an eye out for delivery time. BB states 2:30 pm at this time. Please plan on coming early to help if you can. Since it is a co-op, the system relies on the help from volunteers to unload the truck and sort the produce. It really expedited the process for ALL OF US. Remember to bring a basket or shopping bags to take your goodies home IN CASE there arent any boxes left!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:02:00 +0000

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