BREAKING NEWS: ARMSTRONG DIES RETURNS TO THE LORD IN HIS YOUTH The young talented man who has been singing for local secular hiphop has found his way out to the Lord, Armstrong Kaluwa who in his time as a local secular rapper, has sang some powerful elements to his fans, but time has come for him to sing for the Lord, Armstrong has pasted the following message on his facebook profile wall: THE EPISTLE (The beginning of my New chapter) 2CORINTHIANS 5:17 Dear my lovely fans I write this to you responding to rumors circulating around this country. First and fore most I would like to appreciate your unconditional support since I ventured into music business,I had my ups and downs as human but that never bothered your support upon my talent. The brand “ARMSTRONG KALUA” went across borders because you were behind me with your great and cheerful support so that is why am taking my time to recognize you as one of the greatest element triggering my success in my music career. (AND FOR YOUR OWN INFORMATION THE LIQUID DEEP EVENT IS MY LAST PERFORMANCE IN THE SECULAR INDUSTRY, AFTER THIS YOU SHALL NO LONGER SEE ME PERFORMING THE TYPE OF MUSIC YOU KNEW ME WITH). I hereby write this to you to clear the hot air,(1PETER 3:17) YES its true I have resigned from secular music and am a changed man. For GOD has called me (LUKE 4:18), to serve him and minister in this age of time and tell his people to repent for “HE” who sent me told me that “HE” is coming soon (REVELATION 22:12). So I Should be quick and waste no time but I should help his people to come back to “HIS HOLY” kingdom with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT and that they should remember from where they have fallen (REVELATION 2:5). Welcome to the Kingdom of God brother Armstrong.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 10:05:03 +0000

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