Because Pastor J.d. Farag. Not only he unfriend me he also blocked - TopicsExpress


Because Pastor J.d. Farag. Not only he unfriend me he also blocked me from his facebook lists even the one I posted using his Med-East Prophecy Update July 6, 2014. It is removed from my own facebook profile up on his request from facebook service providers. I am posting for you the unedited comment I posted on his facebook was this one. I know latter on I edited i in some cases but you will know the content of my writing after you read this one. You will see some grammar or spelling mistakes I am sorry for that. Latter on, on his facebook I corrected it well . If there is mistakes please read it and you will know what I wanted to say in general. (((((((******** This was the general comment I wrote for him yesterday.Thank God I did not delete it all :- Pastor J.D Farag Even today with great respect for you for the love you have for Jesus and your dedication for His work in this world I admire you, however I disagree with you in the main purpose of prophesy update you have being doing for this few weeks now. Pastor JD. I know and have, listen from you for the updates of what is going in the world with the news and so on. I am not writing what I write as a prophecy teacher since I am not a prophecy teacher nor I am a qualified person for any thing at all. I write what I write as a believer in Jesus Christ and based all my believes only in God’s book written by the power of the Holy Spirit 100%. Basing prophecy in what we see, in our naked eyes and in what we hear what is going in the world and with the news we hear from the world, I believe is the BIGEST mistake one can do to himself and to the people who depend on Him and in His knowledge’s only. That is why I personally listen every one who teaches and preaches about prophecy and other teachings of the Bible specially I am very interested in what will happens in the last days of this generations teachings because I realized Satan is doing all his best with his deceiving schemes cunningly more than any time in mankind history this days. Even though I listen every things, never I will conclude my conclusions with what I see and hear. I say this with BIG words, I will never conclude what will happen with what I see in the world BUT for me I will depend on the word of God 100% and on the Interpretation of the Holy Spirit accuracy in my heart. It is good you explain for people what is going on in the middle eastern countries and with the New ISIS, Hamas,……. and so on and what the plan of the Muslim in the world and so on. What will happen is already written in the Bible with 100% accuracy. Who will be the Anti- Christ we clearly told and what he is going to do and when the rapture takes place and the signs and what we need to do is wait up on the Lord patiently while we pray and witness as much as we can by telling to any one and every one the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. On my side I would like to see you to teach your congregation as the time is very near to make there house set in order, meaning inwardly be prepared for our bride groom with full repentance heart and turning back from all wickedness and sinful things we practice before even some with out thinking what become like our second nature. Teach your congregation how to wait up on the Lord and how to wash there robs each and every day. If they have time to go out and reach out any one and ever one they can to tell the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many might not accept them but that is ok, our job is to tell them the truth it is the Holy Spirit job to convince and convict others to come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus will expect you to teach your congregation how to be ready as His Church as His Bride, not to tell them this group does this and that group does that and so on, even tough that is a good thing as many of us we do not even listen the news outlet. Please my advice for you is that do not based your prophecy on the world affaire and politics after all we only know what we see in the physical world. You can not believe and imagine what is going on in the spiritual realms. You can only know the spiritual realm with the discernment of the Holy Spirit and you need to spend more time with prayer and fasting if you want God to reveal what is going on in the spiritual realm. As much as you know the world politics Satan and his followers also knows it. In fact they are the one who govern the physical world that I can guarantee you 100%. Yes some things God allowed them to do because there is a plan He want to accomplish where by they have no clue what it is. This is what I have a problem with Bible prophecy teachers in America, they do not seek the Holy Spirit of God they see what is going on in the physical world and try to read things interims of that and 90% of the time they are wrong. I only believe the prophecy teachers who listen and spends time with the Holy Spirit of God. He alone know the beginning and the end. Satan do not know everything, yes because of our flesh he has an access to the physical world and he try to influence us through that which most of the time is wrong. What is exactly happening in the world is exactly what Satan is paling to look like. Yes Islam is the second biggest player, in the last days. Satan will use during the tribulation time specially to destroy the Jewish people. But all of you close your eyes on the Catholic Church the main player on this Saga of Satan deceptions on this last days. Sadly many prominent Bible teacher mega church leaders has already join the Satan camps, that is, the Catholic church. People like Joe Osteen and Kenneth Complain and many many many ……….under grandly joined the catholic church. Jesus clearly told us who the Ant- Christ will be. He is the Son of Perdition. Many tell me but catholic had all the time popes!!! Yes !!! I know that all the popes of Rome are the many ant- Christ Jesus is taking in Matthew 24. But his one is the Last one THE – ANTI – Christ one who will go to the most holy place and will declare Himself God himself and will order every one small big, rich or poor, slave or free man to worship him. Revelation 13 and Revelation 14. Remember who betray Jesus??? It was not the Jewish leaders. Who hated Jesus, they were the know Jesus haters we know them and those people at that time new as well. But it was Judas among his own disciples whom He choose. We all know Arabs, Muslims Islam hates Christians they specially hate the Jewish people and the stage of Israel. Why is that a new news for us now???? This is what exactly want you and I to think and spend our time figuring out what they will do and what there next step will be and so on. Satan is not stupid but very cunning and cleaver. You are falling to his trap when you spend your time to dies and sect his schemes with the Islamist extremists and believe it or not this is exactly the world of Vatican the Catholic church. Make sure make every one in the world focus on some thing while they do the last minute dirty works when no one notice it. Now the entire world for that fact even the way I see you too Pastor JD think Catholic church is among the church of Jesus Christ. But true believers in Jesus Christ we know it all. Those who has the true Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ knows Catholic church’s Satanic schemes and plans and what they are soon trying to do. Do you think Catholics do not know there will be rapture???? They know it very well. Let me tell you why Abba Father made it both in heaven and on earth secret the date and time of the Rapture because He want to protect us from this BIG enemy we have called Satan. Satan use Catholic church to find out when the Rapture will happen and how he can stop it. He will never know and no one will never know the day and the time. Jesus told us even Him doesn’t know and I believe Him. He doesn’t know yet. When ever thing is ready and when Abba Father says go and get your Bride it will be like just as Paul describing it the time as fast as the twinkling of the eye. The catholic church is trying to control the internet system worldwide, they have the biggest binocular to see what will happen in the sky they said even Nasa do not have what they have. All this is Satan’s work. But they will not know it at all no matter they tried it or they are trying it. This is the biggest heaven and earth secret no one will ever know after the fact it happen. I agree with God. Our Father in heaven knows what He is doing and He is right in what he is doing zero error in His work. Let me tell you Catholic church is a church Satan’s created it is not among the true believer Jesus Christ churches , yes there might be many Catholics who love the Lord, do not have any idea they are in Satanic Idol worshiping system. For them God will make sure they know the truth. This was supposed to be yours and my job to tell others about who Jesus is and His saving power. Remember Nicodemus was among who loved Jesus as well. No one knew about Judas except Jesus Himself. In fact He did not make it secret He told them this:-June 6:- 70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!” 71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.) Jesus did not just say one of you will betray me here. He said one of you is Devil. Why Jesus said that??? He knew Judas followed Him not because he loved Jesus. Read the History of early church if you never. Judas and John were the only two members of John the Baptist disciples among the 12. They used to follow John the Baptist and they John Jesus latter on after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. We do not know exactly when though. In the writings from the Jewish history I read more about Judas who he was and what his plan was in this new moment, called Jesus and his followers in his time and so on. Judas was born in one of the well to do family among the other 12 and the only child for his parent. Some how he has this mentality he deserves every things kind of attitude. When he joined John the Baptist he has his own agenda and it did not work. Latter he become Jesus disciples. As far as my understanding is that John the beloved and Judas are the two who used to follow John the Baptist, first and after John the Baptist died, latter follow Jesus. This is my assumption no body told me nor I read it from any where. Probably John and Judas heard a lot about Jesus from John the Baptist. His berth, what Jesus did as a child , his youth and what purpose he came and so on, more than the others. John loved Jesus may be because He knew and heard more about Him from John the Baptist and in His heart probably he was truly waiting the true Israel Messiah. Sadly, Judas probably heard the same message from John the Baptist but instead of loving Jesus and following Him with full heartily. He wanted to be just like Jesus. He knew many things of Jesus and he learn many things of Jesus so he followed him in his heart I believe one day He will take his place that was the only thing he followed him. Do not forget John the Baptist was a son of Zechariah and Elizabeth Mary’s aunt. Now John the beloved is the guy who has a great love for Jesus. Not only Jesus know that the others knew as well, about John the beloved one because Peter was scared to asked who the betrayer will be from Jesus, first of all he was not sure about himself second he knows Jesus would tell to John and more importantly he knew John is not the one himself but asked John to ask Jesus. At list at that point John knew in his heart he is not him because we did not hear him asking Jesus, Lord am I the one??? But we heard Judas asked that even though he knows he is the one. You can not betray your friend with a couple of hour time unless you have many things behind as a baggage before you accumulated and do not forget at this point 3&1/2 years already has been. So see this two disciples follow Jesus for two different purpose John loved Jesus Christ that is why he followed him. But Judas follow Jesus because in the end somehow he would be someone like Jesus. That is the only reason he betray Jesus. He thought Jesus is some kind of guy who is a moment leader and has the charisma and people love him and follow him and if he goes out of the way Judas will take his place. Of curse this kind of people love money that is how Satan took root in them. Judas wasnt deceived; he was a phony man all through. He understood the truth, and he posed as a believer. Furthermore, he was good at it--the cleverest hypocrite we read about in all the Scriptures, for no one ever suspected him. He had everyone fooled except Jesus, who knew his heart. I am not sure about you but I know in my life time I have both side of friends. God use the human nature to demonstrate even our own characters to fulfil His great plan through His Son Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus eye all the church’s who are in this earth in His name he divide them in to 12. Do not ask me how because I do not know this will be the one He will tell us in heaven. But I know Catholic church in general in the church name represent Judas Iscariot. Do not miss understand me all Catholics are not Judas but I am taking the general church and mainly the one who are leading the church in this case mainly the pope’s of Roma or the Pope’s of Vatican. In my mind I have no doubt all the pope of Rome are the ant- Christ in there papacy time. This one the last one is THE ANTI-CHRIST THE SON OF PERDITION. This is exactly this pope as well, JUDAS THE ISCARIOT OF AMONG THE 12 from the day one if you follow what he is doing you will see many similarity. He pose as if he worry for poor like Judas did. When the woman with expensive perfume came and pore it on JESUS FEET he Judas protested and say why wasting it??? First of all, he is angry she poured it on Jesus feet not for him then he thought of the money how much it shall be sold, he calculated well in advance and know even the price how much it can be sold!!! This pope talks about the poor and he even talks almost about the poor in many times. Imagine it is the catholic church the most richest church in the world. In fact Vatican is the 3 richest organization should I say money wise in the world. But out of the St. Peter Basilica, you will see many poor people who will beg you for money for buying food if you ever visit that city. Did you see this picture of the pope he washed the feet of people even woman as well??? There are two people who are called in the Bible the Son of Perdition and it was Jesus who spoke of both of them. One is Judas the Iscariot the betrayer and in Matthews 24 Jesus tells us very clearly this Matthew 24:- 15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. As a prophecy teacher I would encourage of to really spend with the Lord and the Holy Spirit of God to discern this very thing what Jesus said. Yes the Arabs, Islam will have a big rule in the end time specially for the purpose of destroying Israel and so on. As a Muslim aground your self you should have better know that in Islam no matter what they have Mehdi, Caliphate or what ever a man, that person or any one will not come out and will not declare in the most holy place I am God. Leave alone you who came from Islamic background I who just read Quran and Hadith know that, and it is one of the many issue they differ from the Christian religion. Allah can not begotten a son and that is one of there objection with us Christians that we make God as a man who has a son like us. Quran 6:101. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have children when He has no wife? He created all things and He is the All-Knower of everything. Yes listen to me again Islam will pray a big rule in the last days world history. After all Islam is a religion created by Satan as well. But the biggest role is plaid by Catholic church and the Pope of Vatican this man Pope Frances is the Ant- Christ . For me I believe this man is re- incarnate Judas who go in the temple in the name of peace will succeed the Jewish people to build and call himself Jesus Christ or the awaiting Messiah but we know he will not be Jesus Chris but THE ANT- CHRIST. Who in the end will demand the entire world to worship him. Meaning Satan himself in the form of Man and want to be worshiped like God and that time when he does this God will pour out his wrath on the entire planet not only on earth. I am very very surprised many many Bible teachers the one who know the Bible study the Bible very well for many many years are missing this part of the story this days. Every thing what we see in ISIS, Hamas and all other Arab countries are deliberate work of the Catholic church the Vatican to make every body focus on this issue and divert from the bigger picture of Satan and make sure every one even Jesus said the extent the elect to be persuaded. That is what exactly I see from you this past few months prophecy updates to be honest with you. Unless otherwise you too joined the falling away clubs what Paul is taking in Thessalonians 2:3 Dont let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. I pray with all my heart that is not the case in you. People of God this is the time we need to read the Bible on our own and ask the Holy Spirit to tell us the truth. I guarantee you 100% He will tell you to yourself what is the truth. What the Holy Spirit tells me this days it even blows my mind. Many of them I can not even write them on a paper or I can not ever tell them to people. I warn every one to seek with all your heart and soul and mind for your self God, He promise to be found. He promise to tell us the truth because He is God, He doesn’t lie. I do not want many of you in the end to say, I was listening so and so and now I am cheated. God did not give you pastors and teachers to save you. God has given you His one and Only One Son Jesus Chris, and His Holy Spirit to comfort you and teach you guide you and show you the things which are not clear for you. Know this no one has a bigger access for God. We all are His own children. If you think some one has more closeness to God may be that person spend more time with God and seek His face earnestly and love God with all his/her heart if you do that you too have the access as well. That is exactly Jesus told us before He left to the His Father, I will not leave you as orphans I will send you another comforter, He will remind you all what I thought you and He will guide you and be with you as well. Do not loose heart I am with you always. I personally listen many teachers and preachers but never relay and believe what they tell me all in all. I check it with the Bible and see it if scripturally accurate or not if it is not I will not take it in my heart. 100% I believe what God tells me in His world in the Bible and He always conforms it to me in my heart with His Holy Spirit. When that happen I know it is from God. Some times I might not understand some things immediately but latter on I see God explaining to me that thing which bothers me letter on in un expected ways. If I make a mistake in my interpretation I know it was not from God it was from my own mind and I go back and ask God forgiveness and ask Him next time God if you think I am not doing it right I tell Him please stop me and let me not even speak it to my self leave alone for people. Believe me that is the only way you can be save in this days. Yes we all are saved by the blood of Jesus for our soul salvation but for rapture no one told us it is a free ticket we receive it. No where in the Bible I read like that. We need to work it out. Jesus told us, it is only a Bride with out any spots shall be taken. Remember he gave us the ten virgins example only five wise were taken five foolish remain otherwise all had a light in there lamps which means all were saved but the five ones were wise they were ready with extra oil for the journey but the foolish did not bother to buy extra for the journey by the time they bought and came back the door already was closed on them. Two men in the field, one is taken one is left, ,………………… Remember, the thief in the right side of Jesus his soul was saved but his body had to go through physical death. He did not promise him you will not die physical death no he said you will be with me in paradise today how in his soul. Otherwise we know this guy died physical death. Know this Rapture means you will not die physical death, you will immediately in the twinkling of an eye you will have a glorified body just like the way Jesus had after resurrection . Million up on million will be shocked on the next day after rapture. They can not believe why they were not raptured, because they were thought if you are saved you are saved, many goes to teach if you are saved you will be raptured. I encourage you read the Book of Matthew, the book of Luck specially chapters,11,12,13,14,15 and many many as well. If that was the case out of the 12 disciples minus Judas but plus Matthias with the ,exception ,of John who die natural death all 11 died were murdered actually to say it correctly. If you expect rapture the maximum probably did ,was give ,10% tithes and offering for the church or help missionary work in Africa or some part of poor country in the world. This doesn’t mean puck up your cross and follow me. Pick up your cross and follow me means be ready to die for me as I die for you. Know this you are fooling yourself with north American rapture theory. What surprised me the most is that the same people who were preaching the rapture are some I see them being the falling away this days. I wonder and more than any thing I really thank Jesus I was not part of their church. One of the things where I and my husband lived in British Colombia for 3 and half years the church we were in was a very charismatic church and I was almost disgusted with the many things I saw and heard and many times cried out to Jesus please take me out of this I can not stand it!!!!!!! Imagine prior to that we came from the church where for 9 years we served Jesus faithfully out of 7 days may be 5 or 6 days being there in many ways with, people love the Lord Jesus with there all heart soul and mind willing to give up there life if they are asked in a heart bit. What a love, a joy we had for what we were doing. We saw God was moving so mightily many days, weeks, many souls being saved week after week many being healed and many doing many things for God even before they are asked and we came the so called Christian nation suddenly we felt out of place with all lies and deceitful tongues in many cases and the music I love to worship become a burden for my spirit. Those who go to the third world country coming out and telling us, we did this we did that attitude I wonder what they were doing was, to feel good for themselves more than to God and I helped poor people story to tell to there colleges at work and school. The reason I said this I also saw many who are not Christians doing the same thing as well through there school and even working places I could not differentiate the difference between which one is for God which one is to feel good kind. They all forgot that they all did it because they can afford or because they can rise fund. Thank God I am not the Judge in this but Jesus Christ Himself. If you ask me that is what is considered for rapture as well. But I know Jesus will always see what we do for Him in His name if that was part of the great commotion work He gave for each one of us regardless of who we are, what we are, where we are born, what skin color and professional we have based on our heart desire and want and how many part of our heart really is His and so on. Do not make me wrong not every one the same, not every situation is the same, there are many who go for mission work because they want to make a difference for God’s kingdom here on earth but in many cases I also saw many do it because it make them to say I have done something in my life for themselves to feel good. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. His ,standard, is the same yesterday today and forever. Do not take me wrong, I am for pre- tribulation rapture person. But I believe you need to work out your ways to be rapture, that I believe 100%. Rapture is a prize Jesus gives for His faithful church only. It is not a hand out. This mentality of Americanism, I deserve all things, even I have seen it in the church sadly, but God and His kingdom work do not work in that way that I know it well. Read very carefully the Bible daily fix your eyes in Jesus all the time no matter what you do. Ask your self Did you do a better job than Paul??? Did you do a better job than Peter??? What really do you do to make you to deserve rapture then??? At list that is how I see it for myself. There are many places today in the world where people preach while they risk there life each day and each minute. Go to Pakistan, where people go to church knowing that they might never comeback home because there church might be bombed by a radical terrorist while they attend church services but they still go no matter what they say to themselves it is better if I die let me die in His house with His people. Do you really have that much faith in you ask your self. who hates Jesus. What did you do for Jesus to make you to deserve rapture then? Because you give money about of your abundance he gave you??? Jesus said the poor woman who had 2 cents gave it all compared to the man who gave a lot out of his abundances. I parse you Father your ways are not man’s way and your rewards are not like the way man rewards. Praise you Holy name, I know Lord I do not deserve anything, I know even if to be a sweeper of the place you sit it mean a world to me, Lord I ask no more than that. I just want to see your face that is what I long for my Lord and my kind . I know I deserve death but you saved me. That is more than all things in this world for me. Thank you my Lord and my savior Jesus Christ .
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 20:17:37 +0000

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