Been a while so I thought Id do a match report from Saturday 30th - TopicsExpress


Been a while so I thought Id do a match report from Saturday 30th November. There I was in my bed really feeling ill, dizzy spells, coughing, runny nose, sore belly, really bad Tiger Flu! Mrs Enforcer woke me up and asked if I was going to the rink for the ice hockey! Its the Mighty Dundee Tigers Ice Hockey team, of course Im going! I wrap up warm and off we head to the DIA. On arrival I grab a hot cup of Bovril and head for my favourite seat. As ill as I feel I am sure once the puck drops Ill feel better! Mr Zamboni has been and gone and out come the Paisley Pirates, watching them come on Im looking to see where Mikon is but I canny see him, bugger! Right heres Dundees original Ice Hockey team entering the ice! Come on lets go Tigers! Good start by the Tigers but its the visitors who strike first. Ach well, its early days! Oops did I just see that, Pirates have the puck in the goal again this time they didnt have to do much as the Tigers fumbled in the D. Still 2 goals down, nothing to worry about. Nothing to write much about the Tigers performance as not much happening, its not pretty as we get the odd shot at goal. End of first period, Tigers 0 Pirates 2. Im sure the Tigers hierarchy will have a chat to the guys and get them ready to get the 2 goals we need to start this game afresh. Second period starts and yip same again, the Tigers are playing ice hockey. Nothing special to report, writing this report I am starting to lack enthusiasm a bit like watching the performance of my beloved team. Its very noticeable that we are down some D Men as the same faces get shift after shift after shift. Thank god our D Men arent giving away silly penalties! Even though a 2 minute sit down in the penalty box must have sounded relaxing to them, so well done guys! Oh there goes the 2 goal difference when another goal is scored from the travellers. Not long after that against run of play, Ryan slots one home, its now 3-1 and now the comeback is on! Its not looking like it as again I am losing the will again, it looks like weve gone back to not being bothered again. Shift changes are starting to look worse, Its like players dont want to play as on the odd occasion we had less guys on the ice than the opposition without even given away a penalty. Once we only had 2 guys on the ice! I dunno who is in charge of who is on the ice and when but it clearly wasnt working. The only exciting thing now was Matty making a save which for me would make Save of the season in any league! A lovely diving save! End of second period, Tigers 1 Pirates 3. The Pirates have come out and ready for the 3rd period, The Tigers are waiting in the background, getting pysched up, when all of a sudden behind us, the familiar but unusual noise! Its BAGPIPES!! A quick rendition of Scotland The Brave on the bagpipes is enough to get a buzz in the air! Eye of the Tiger sounds and the lads are on the ice! The puck drops and here we go! Come on Tigers make us happy! Still a bit lack lustre but the puck bounces in and out the Pirates goal, 3-2 now!!! I gave the goal to Richy but Gary gets the credit on the game sheet. Right this is better, Ive got a good feeling now! My confidence doesnt last long though as now its 2-4, and Im not seeing the fight and heart that the Tigers have shown me week in week out. There really isnt much more to write apart from, goal Pirates 2-5 and goal Pirates 2-6! Tigers not giving me much to go on here. I was trying to think who I would pick for Man of the Match, personally I thought the Captains performance was spot on, hard working shift after shift, well done #2! Some good checks, shot blocks etc but it went to Gavin who would have been my 2nd choice. Gavin like the Captain had a good game and no silly penalties so big thumbs up there, well done #4! Well, I am sure whoever is reading this will think this is pretty crap after my first match report, but it was one of those team performances that didnt inspire me! This game report is only how I seen the game, maybe others seen something different. Im not one to muck about, if the team plays well then they will get great appraisals from me, if they play like they did on Saturday then they just dont give me much to go on! PAISLEY PIRATES BOARD THE TIGERS SHIP AND RAPE & PILLAGE, LEAVING NO SURVIVORS! One last thing, from the stand we seen 2 Tigers players leave the ice in a strop! This disgusts me! I dont care how pissed off you are, one thing for sure YOU are not better than the TEAM! Its a team game and you stay to the end, you take your punishment as a team, shake hands with your fellow players and the hands of the opposition, then acknowledge the fans. Bad, bad, bad gamesmanship!!! Pity Im not the Manager/Coach as Id drop the 2 of you from the next game. Right thats the end of my report and my rant! Below you will see the like button, not fussed if you like this or not. Not fussed if anyone dislikes this either, I am a paying fan and freedom of speech and all that. The 2 guys that showed the most hard work against the Pirates dont even have Facebook so I will praise them personally when I see them. Bring on the Typhoons!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:43:41 +0000

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