Before starting my next Novella, the Cliff Head Happy Campers hope - TopicsExpress


Before starting my next Novella, the Cliff Head Happy Campers hope everyone had the most wonderful Christmas and Boxing Day and that you had at least as much fun (if not more) than we had. Following is a description of our Christmas: CHRISTMAS AT CLIFF HEAD How does one describe Christmas at a place like Cliff Head – a place of few amenities in the civilized sense? It was a bit of a later start to the morning. The Intrepid Three had given up on their ambitions of 5:00am Dhuey-catching, although I cannot attest that this was the sole reason for the lateness. The ‘Sundowner’ at Ian and Deb’s place whilst watching the sunset (and well beyond) may have had something to do with it. We were not going to indulge in Christmas gifts this year, but then I thought Marijke’s (my sister) gifts to Peter and myself would look lonely under the tree. I would also be embarrassed opening them with nothing for Lyn & Paul or Charlesworth, and that would never do. Besides, one of the delights of Christmas morning is the opening of pressies. Even though I’m an antique now, I’m still a kid when it comes to Christmas pressies …. and birthday pressies ….. and anniversary pressies ….. and ‘spoil myself pressies…… and just plain pressies ad.infinitum…. CONUNDRUM: what sort of pressies? Why, the consumable, teeth-rotting variety of course! The kind of stuff you love to indulge in after consuming copious litres of ocean water whilst attempting to swim/fish in 50 ft swells – and the odd bottle of wine doesn’t go astray, either (for comfort purposes after the near-drowning experience/s) Lyn entered into the spirit of the thing (literally as well as figuratively) with GUSTO! What ended up under the tree – the sheer number of packages – was wonderful to behold (YES, we had a tree!!!! I’ve got the photo to prove it!) After gleefully destroying paper wrappings and ‘ooh-ing and –ahh-ing’ at the revelation of each new waist-enhancing, diet-annihilating, teeth-rotting delicacy (including treats and toys for Charlie Brown/Charlesworth/Sir Oddbod Lick’n’Sniff), we consumed a simple but tasty lunch of wraps and repaired to the beach. “Sundowner ‘at Ian & Deb’s place. We actually left at a respectable hour (after dark sometime). Lyn and I then repaired to the domain of the Domestic Goddess to prepare some Divine Delicacies. And so Christmas Dinner consisted of Crayfish Salad (or was that Crayfish + Salad?) Lovely, whatever it was! Ian, Deb, and Ian’s mother, Barbara, having decided that they were not yet sick of our company joined us at our shack. I like to think that it was all due to my DJ-ing ability (I had set up a sound system thingy with my computer and a couple of speakers – loud ones) that bought them over (I like to pat myself on the back occasionally. It’s a fault – bit like my proneness to exaggeration). Whatever the reason, (in the parlance of the CWA) – “A Good Time Was Had By All”. (NB for my overseas friends: CWA is the acronym for “Country Women’s Association. It’s a terrific network for women who love to socialize, cook and organize events in the country/regional/remote areas of Australia. There is a lot more to them, but this explanation will suffice or this Novella will become a full-blown Novel). Boxing Day dawned late ….. very late ….. very, very late. It saw us stumble out of the caravan one-by-one, swallow a quick brekkie of cereal and milk (or in my case, yoghurt/raw honey/banana/muesli - you will notice that I’m the healthy one of the group – not that I’m bragging or anything….) and then Peter and I dragged ourselves to the beach whilst practicing our freestyle swim stroke swatting flies. And guess who was there? They had set up a big umbrella to shade our tired eyes. They had even set up an umbrella and chair in the water! Yes! Those early-morning bright-sparks, Ian and Debbie –showoffs! Just showing us how it was done, weren’t they! Deb even had her Hobie and was taunting us to have a go! Pete and I simply had to show them that although we’re 100 years older than they are, we were still up to it! Even Charlie Brown had a ride. Great Fun! I am writing this during Afternoon Siesta time. Even though we like to show off to the neighbours how fit we are, the menfolk need a little afternoon nap. (I really don’t know why they call it a ‘Nana Nap’ when it’s usually the Grandfathers who indulge in the pastime) Lyn is playing games on her iPad and you’ll take note that I’m the only one who is truly active, because I’m writing to you. (Thinking is an activity!) Being the Cliff Head Happy Campers Group Spokesperson is one of the unfortunate burdens of greatness, and I bear it stoically. If you are on holidays (or retired) – Enjoy! If you’re back at work tomorrow – bad luck! Meanwhile this is Chris and the Cliff Head Happy Campers signing off. Stay tuned …….
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:07:25 +0000

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