Beloved: An excerpt HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for Greater Understanding - TopicsExpress


Beloved: An excerpt HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for Greater Understanding of Earth Reality and Ascension: Moments of Mastery by Lauren Zimmerman You have heard it said that the meek shall inherit the Earth. For those who wish to question, let me explain. It is the meek, the humble who seek to understand themselves and who understand that power in this world is nothing more than fiction. It is these people who have sought to understand Self and God. What holds value in "heaven" is the power of the Soul, not the fictitious power of the ego. We are, as Souls, actually creating a different, higher vibrational reality in which we will thrive. A "separate" reality is being born from the Earth reality. There has been much speculation about "ascension" and where people will go, will they rise into the ethers, will Earth cease to exist, and everyone here still perish? The Truth is, every single person in existence is creating reality. They will continue to exist in whatever reality they choose. It is simply a matter of choosing which vibration/frequency you will "live in". In actuality, no one is going anywhere. Just as our Guides exist in the same space and time as we, so will everyone continue to exist in the same space and time. It is only our interior world that is making changes. We do not have to "go to war" with what has been the truths of Earth-reality for centuries. We simply have to make the choice not to participate. The more Souls who choose to live with higher vibrational awareness and interaction, the more the lower vibrations will be impacted by the higher vibrations. Its simply a matter of physics. There are those of us who will be called upon to strongly interact with those who continue to choose the lower vibrational expressions of reality, such as war, hate, and misuse of each other. But if we go forth into this "battle" with thoughts of "war" and "right or wrong" and "winning and losing", we will be adding the energies of these thoughts and intentions back into the mix, and adding an even stronger energy to the "battle". What this means is, as we make the choice to merge with Soul, our energy field becomes stronger. If we continue to entertain the thoughts that have been a part of 3D reality for centuries, we will be adding the strength of our Soul, times ten, to what is already there. It will not be up to us to understand why each person will make the choices they will make. It will not be up to us to clear up the mystery of why anything happens in the way that it happens. As the process of ascension continues, each person will make choices based upon what his or her Soul needs to experience, just as it has always been. The trick here will be to allow them to continue to do so...without judgement. And allow ourselves to accept, without confusion, that each person is free to create reality, just as they always have. The beliefs you hold are the separations you create and the walls you build or the expansiveness of the world you and the Presence of God create together. (Book can be purchase on Amazon)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 05:17:40 +0000

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