Beloved, Im going to use this scripture to illustrate something - TopicsExpress


Beloved, Im going to use this scripture to illustrate something for those who are not aware of this phenomenon or familiar with Universal Laws. When you do give, give expecting nothing in return. Heres what it means besides making you feel good about giving: Otherwise you have set up a barter and trade agreement unconsciously and when you are in the spirit or energy of trading there must be an exchange of energy, for the Laws of Exchange, Expectation, Giving and Receiving or Sowing and Reaping are in Effect. Check out the Law of Cause and Effect as well. All these Universal Laws, like Physics are constant. Energy is also constant remember? This is how Energy works with Intention. Thoughts are unspoken intentions that set the Universe in Motion to manifest something. We are made in Gods Image, little creators you see. Give with a Cheerful Spirit and no expectations of receiving anything, not even a thank you or you may end up feeling as if you didnt get anything in return. Thereby causing a reaction called resentment which has a ripple effect and you are creating dis-ease within your own bodies through anger, fearful states, jealousy, hurtful negative emotions (e-motions are energy in motion). Not only are you harming yourself but when you have negative or harmful thoughts of another, you are sending this energy directly to that person. For all others are energetically connected as One Universal Being in God. A friend today reminded me of an experiment I read about awhile back. I will add the link below. Our bodies are made up of mostly water and many other elements. Think about the scientific tests you will see on this Youtube video where frequencies were used to create sounds that vibrated sand into geometric shapes. The thoughts, words and emotions we have on a daily basis affect our bodies in the same way. The WORD is Powerful in other words. Would you agree? Sounds create words, yes? Sounds also create different reactions. Tone of voice is sound, tone of thoughts are either positive or negative and even if unspoken they are very Powerful. Try being Grateful and staying in that frame of mind at all times. It is a much higher vibration or frequency. It causes you to experience well being chemicals being released into your body and you will stay more balanced emotionally. It will definitely bring you better health in spirit, mind and body. Everything is and has to do with Energy. Avoid the negative biological responses these thoughts can cause by constantly paying attention to your thought patterns. Replace every negative thought with a positive one, thereby rewiring your own brain. New neurotransmitter pathways will be created, hormones and other chemicals will begin producing normally again as well. The stress hormone cortisol can be reduced through the brief application of the exercise below or another of your choice. Stress reduction 101: Breath in through your nose, saying the word Peace, breath out through your mouth all stress and negativity. Say it out loud. Do this at least five times telling yourself to relax your muscles from the top of your head to your toes. Focus on what youre feeling within and soothe your frazzled emotions, calming them down, slowing down your brain waves too. This is extending Love and Compassion to your Self. Think not that you dont deserve it. Leave all thoughts of unworthiness and guilt or shame behind. The are millstones around our necks. They do not serve your highest good nor the greater good of anyone else. Tell your mind and body to relax. Think of Gods Love for you. Think about those you love too. Change your thoughts and your life will change. You have the Power to put yourself in a wonderful mood and change your attitude which will cause an even greater effect in your life and the lives of others around you. Remember that like attracts like and we live in an electromagnetic Universe. How do magnets attract or repel? Polarities get switched. Attract positive with positive and repel negative vibes by being transparent and letting them pass through or around you. Dont hold onto a negative charge. Let it go. Hold no grudges and Forgive. Get Unipolarized with Love. Love is Oneness. The Unconditional Love Frequency. Ride the Wave of the Universe like the Cosmic Surfer you are, lol. Take nothing personal. Its just the Way it works. Work with God/Universe not against It/Him/Her/your Self, get it? Work with Love in other words not against It. You will begin to feel much better immediately. Namaste https://youtube/watch?v=VSx74QDbj9g
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:42:24 +0000

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