Benjani attempts to fulfill childhood dream? Zimbabwe coach and - TopicsExpress


Benjani attempts to fulfill childhood dream? Zimbabwe coach and founder of BN academy Bhekimpilo Nyoni and UK based coach Morris Kakunguwo who is the founder of Zimbabwe Football Development Academy-Centre of Football Excellence have reported in other articles about their visions towards grassroots football in Zimbabwe where Morris Kakunguwos vision stands a realistic approach as he establishes centres throughout the country in contrast to Benjanis dream of retiring of playing football with the view of setting up an academy yet it is a Chitungwiza-Harare rail dream yet to take off. Zimbabwe Football will not wait for Bidvest Wits striker Benjani Mwaruwari’s widely-anticipated retirement from football to present the Zimbabwean international with a chance to pursue his dream of establishing a football academy. Mwaruwari, who made a name for himself at Jomo Cosmos before embarking on a successful career in Europe that took him to some of the top clubs in Auxerre,France and Portsmouth, Blackburn and Manchester City,England, is considering hanging up his boots at the end of the season, said Mutema. His contract with Wits ends ended in June and the striker will be considering a number of options as he has not featured much under Gavin Hunt this season. Mwaruwari, who is already being linked with a coaching role at the club, has always wanted to set up an academy in Zimbabwe to groom young football players but this remains a challenge and milestone dream as children cannot wait for Benjani to retire then start playing football at his plain ground academy which is yet to be established. Zimbabwe Football Development Academy have a clear vision and blueprint for Zimbabwe football as compared to other academies in this grassroots football industry. These Warriors legends including Peter Ndlovu have made a lot of money for themselves and have made a lot of unfullfilled promises to grassroots football and all want us to wait for them, it is too late other countries like Angola and Mocambique have already forged ahead of us in their football. Why should we rely on foreign based players on everything? From playing for the national team and to grooming young talent, no, we can do it without them. Before these guys were stars we had Moses Chunga, Joel Shambo, Madinda Ndlovu and Sunday Marimo just to mention a few. Mwaruwari’s agent, Ralph Nkomo, says the player will make up his mind on his next step when the time is right. Ralph would like Benjani to hold Zimbabwe football at ransom like he is a messiah and yet when he played the Warriors did not qualify for the World Cup let alone reaching Cup of Nations finals. “I think it is important for everyone to respect Benjani and afford him the chance to make up his own mind about his future,” Nkomo tells KickOff. “There has been a lot of speculation about his next move but this is all speculation. He is still a Wits player and we must all allow him to decide his future on his own.” Tawanda Mutema.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:01:23 +0000

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