Between Jonathan and Fayose By: Sam Omatseye If one reads - TopicsExpress


Between Jonathan and Fayose By: Sam Omatseye If one reads from outside the country the escapades of the Nigerian president and governor of Ekiti State, it would be tempting to say both men did not go to school. They have not heard of the word democracy, or were not instructed about the phrase the rule of law. That would mean they are illiterates. But if one were illiterate and learned that these persons could speak English, one may conclude that they were not raised in environments that respected decency of the simple folks. In Niger Delta where the President hails from, the word decency is commonplace. The fisherman did not poison the pond for his fellow, neither did the farmer sully the soil for his neighbour who lived by subduing the earth. By being custodians of the earth, we are engineers of the community’s soul. In Yorubaland where Fayose has lived and moved and had his being all his life, the familiar word is omoluabi. That word is a counterfoil to the human tendency to indecency, hubris and savagery. Both words imply a sense of civic decorum. Tragically both men went to school, and both men have certificates to flaunt their scholarships. So if they are not illiterates, the real illiterates would wonder whether they grew up in the ambience of the African virtue. They did not show this last week. In Ekiti, seven lacked the Yoruba etiquette of omoluabi when they, in kangaroo-style, took over the House of Assembly with the stolid backing of the police, to dislodge the Speaker and install one of them. This incident was taking place while in Abuja, the police were barring the Speaker from gaining access to the premises of the National Assembly. In both cases, the police were the barbarian at the gate. We can say both men are stark illiterates but they are educated illiterates. Novelist Tolstoy made a distinction between those who went to school and who benefitted. He mounted the campaign to educate the educated. That refers to Jonathan and Fayose. They are leaders in desperate need of enlightenment. They are at the head of a barbarian horde in the name of democracy. But what sort of brute is our President turning into? He flexes muscles where there is no fight. He shrinks at the sound and smoke of gunpowder. When Tompolo and his men threatened him in Delta State, he winced and meowed like a new-born cat. After boasting at Eagle Square his intent to declare open the Export Processing Zone in Itsekiriland in Ogidigben, he froze in Aso Rock where he said, in his serpentine way, that he had nothing against the Itsekiri. Boko Haram was pounding our soldiers out of territories and hunters fighting back to victories. But he was cutting a flimsy birthday cake among his fawning followers. It was like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, or Gowon’s lavish wedding while his soldiers died in Biafra. That was not enough when he unleashed the secret service with soldiers on the opposition party, the APC, in Lagos, vandalising computers, molesting the workers and arresting them. All without any warrant. This was the President who, a few years ago, lamented that Nigerians wanted him to be a Pharaoh. Well, he is no longer the meek President that his quiet deception of mien portrayed. He is the meek serpent. Blessed are the meek for they shall destroy the democracy. I still want to know if Fayose and Jonathan agreed, or it is the barbarian impulse of the tyrant in both men to act on the same day. I will not say it is a PDP thing because I know there are decent persons in that party. When the President shed tears over the Pharaoh allegation, he said he wanted to build institutions. How do you build institutions by ordering your security operatives to unleash terror? If the President and his advisers do not know this, institutions are not built by angels that fall down from heaven. Humans do it, and they do it with a sense of fairness and integrity. All the successful countries in the world rely on selfless personages to build institutions. An example is that of the Roman general known as Cincinnatus. He was asked to lead with absolute powers when barbarians invaded the empire. He led his country to victory, and within two weeks, he relinquished his post. He retired to his farm. We thought we could have the same when the military relinquished power on its own in 1979. But the civilians who took over turned themselves under Shehu Shagari into a sort of military with the backing of the army. They failed to build institutions. Rather they started to hound the opposition. This compelled Chief Obafemi Awolowo to make a lone cry in the wilderness. He warned that the Shagari-led NPN was taking the country to the democratic despotism of the early 1960’s when opponents were hounded and pounded. They even buoyed the barbarities with a law known as the preventive detention act. It allowed them to harass and arrest opponents with impunity. That republic fell not long after. The Jonathan case is even worse. He is doing his without any law, no matter how primitive. This President said, wearing a colourful agbada on his birthday that he did not believe in the politics of do-or- die. Really? What did his men do in Lagos, Ekiti and Abuja? Let him stop deceiving Nigerians that he is meek. We have a dictator in our hands, who wants to win the elections next year even if it means by undemocratic means. We are already seeing this. He is not interested in building any institutions. The Roman leader Cincinnatus was the model for the first President of the United States, George Washington. He led the army to independence. After victory, he relinquished control and allowed the other statesmen to hold congresses on how to run the new nation. When the electors picked him as the first President, he was reluctant. Even at that, he worked against moves to make him a monarch or life President. He is often called a modern Cincinnatus, and the city of Cincinnati in Ohio was named in his honour and the Roman general’s. Selfless acts like that of Washington helped to build American institutions because the man built a template for selfless service. When a Fayose would subvert maths and make minority into majority and Jonathan subvert decency and stop the Speaker access to chamber to discus his own bill, we know we have the frontal abuse of democracy. The bill was to discuss the emergency, yet it was used as a ploy to play politics. It means politics of personal grudge is more important to Dr. Jonathan than the lives of Nigerians in peril in northern Nigerian. Jonathan may be the President but the presidency is not Jonathan’s. He is President but not presidential. He will be one when he decides not to install his ego but build systems, beginning with the rule of law.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:06:31 +0000

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