Bhagawan Nityananda: The Piercing of Mantra ~ Bhagawan - TopicsExpress


Bhagawan Nityananda: The Piercing of Mantra ~ Bhagawan #Nityananda would say, “Just as abusive terms pierce you, in the same way, my speech should enter you, it should pierce you. Then you’ll attain That immediately.” ~ Once a Saint was giving a lecture on the power of #Mantra. He was saying, Mantra has the power to take us to God. As soon as a skeptic heard this, he stood up and shouted, Thats nonsense! How can repeating a word take us to God? If we keep repeating bread, bread, bread, will that manifest a loaf of bread? The Saint snapped, Sit down, you bastard! The Man began to tremble and his face turned red. How dare you speak to me like that? he cried. You call yourself a holy man and yet you go around insulting others! What kind of person are you? The Saint said Sir, I am very sorry if I offended you. But tell me, what are you feeling at this moment? Cant you tell what Im feeling? the man shouted. Im outraged! Oh, sir, said the saint, I used just one abusive word, and it had such a powerful effect on you! When this is the case, why shouldnt the name of God have the power to change you? ~ Like an abusive word, the mantra has its own power. An aphorism of Kashmir Shaivism explains that only when we understand that: 1) The repeater of the Mantra, 2) The syllables of the Mantra and 3) The object of the Mantra are one, will the mantra show its results. ~ Most of the time, we repeat the mantras with the wrong understanding, thinking that the syllables of the mantra and the object of the mantra are different from each other and from ourselves. That is why the mantra does not bear immediate fruit for us. The same is also true on a mundane level, if someone calls you an idiot: 1) If you do not accept the word idiot as referring to you, you will not react to it. 2) If you identify with it, you may become so angry that your blood heats up. If you were to identify yourself with the name of God as easily as you identify yourself with an abusive term, you would experience its effects at once. ~ Source: ‘Where are you Going’ by Swami #Muktananda
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:44:22 +0000

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