Bible Study: The Bible Is A Spiritual Book A Supernatural Book. - TopicsExpress


Bible Study: The Bible Is A Spiritual Book A Supernatural Book. God alone the Author of Spiritual knowledge. But this Spiritual knowledge, Spoken for in the text, is what God is the author of, and none else: He reveals it, and Flesh and blood reveal it Not He impart this knowledge immediately, Not making use of any intermediate natural causes, as He alone in other knolwedge. 1 Corinthians 2-14 But the natural man receiveth Not the things of the Spirit [ Holy Spirit} of God, for they are foolishenss unto him, Neither can he know them, because they are Spiritual discrened. The Bible Is A Spiritual Book, The Bible Is A Supernatuarl Book that gives Us our true identity who we are.... In the image and likeness of Our Heavenly Father. We Were First Angelic Beings. Christians believe that All the miraculous events of the Bible were Supernatural occurence beyone ratinal explanation. Many claim that God is Ompiontent and is Not limited in any faction. A Lot of People like to play at being a Christian, but their Faith is missing from their life. There is a point that if you expect Gods blessing, you must in your own mind know that Christianity is not a religion, but it is reality. The Bible is a Spiritually Book, A Supernatural Book. Your Faith must be strong, for faith is a part of your belief. It is your acting upon what you know to be true. It is your taking what Gods Word say is true and acting upon every word. Adams body demonstrates the truth? There must have been two separat and distinct acts of Creation One Spiritual and the other Physical. In 1 Corinthians 15-47 Many tried to make this verse prove that Adam was the first man on earth. Many Christian like to trace the history of Adamic man and say that the Earth was Created back 6,000 years ago, when Adam was Formed by God in Genesis 2-7}. Some people think only of the body of flesh given to Adam. Most people even biblical Scholars Dont know there was an Earth Age before the one we are in right now... Adams body demonstrate the truth? There must have been two separate and distinct acts of Creation One Spiritual and the other Physical. In Genesis 2-7j And the LORD God Formed man [ Adam} of the Dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE and man [ Adam} BECAME A LIVING SOUL. [ Gen. 2-7} We see that Our Father Formed Adam earthly body of the Dust of the ground. However, this body didnt have life. It was just Formed without life.... Notice: that it was the Breath of Life that caused Man to live. The [ flesh} body was formed but it was lifeless. Until God breathed His Spirit from Himself and Man BECAME A Living Soul [ Gen. 2-7} Nobody in the world wise or unwise can describe the BEGINNING of Mans Life as the Bible... Adam had a Spiritual body a Angelic form as the Angels Created in the image of God [ Gen. 5-3}. Adam Spiritual Soul body joined together with Physical body birth clothes the Soul with body of the Flesh And BECAME A Living Soul [ Gen. 2-7} Adam earthly body was formed out Dust of the ground, for His Angelic form dwell in.. We can see clearly Two bodies as it is written in { 1 Corinthians 15-44} Now which came First. Spiritual or Physical. When we read that man was Formed out of dust of the ground. God Create the flesh body for your Soul to occupy, and He place your Soul within your Soul body, Angelic form that is what gives your Soul its identity. Then Jusst as God gave it, for a brief time, He will take your Soul back to Himself, when the flesh body stop having life. To understand this Truth more lets cover some more Scipture to show what happens when person dies in this flesh life. In Ecclesiastes 12-6- Eccl. 12-7 The the dust will return to the earth as it was [ Gen. 2-7}. And the Spirit { Body} will return to the Father who Created it in the first place. { Eccl. 12-7} The Cistern is clay flesh body that our Soul live in. The Cistern is build to hold the water of life that is within the flesh body, but once that bowl is broken the water of life leaks out of it, just as water leaks out of this flesh body. The Silver Cord is what holds your Soul and the Spirit [ body} together with the flesh body, we can all it the process of thought, which is the intellect of the mind, or Soul, when one is brain dead, there is no electrial implus within the Physical brain, the SOUL Never Dies. An amazing connection is made here. Before we saw that the Breath of Life was added to Dust of the ground to Create Man Earthly Shell that Spiritual Soul body were jointed together. Where did Adam and Eve Soul go after death? Same as written To be absent from the[ flesh} body, Is to be present with the LORD [ Spiritual body} Adams had a Spiritual body When the Breath of Life was to be withdrawn God told Adam that he would Return Unto the ground for Out of it was thou taken: for Dust thou art, and unto Dust shalt thou return. Genesis 3-19 God said that one day our earthly bodies would return to the soil. And when your flesh dies, it gets buried six feet underground, or cremated [ ashes to ashes or dust to dust, it doesnt matter, youre done with it!} An you Return To Him. This is simple , Ecclesiastes tells us what happens when we die, when the Silver Cord is severed. Eccles. 12-6-7 Or ever the Silver Cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher, be broken, at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. In other words, when you die. {7} Then shall the Dust return to the earth as it was: And the Spirit { Body} shall return unto God WHO GAVE IT. After, all, this death of the flesh is only a shadow of the real death: the death of your Soul. See in Psalem 23. And so we return from Whence we Cometh The Word of God tell us in Ecclesiates 12-6-7. When the Silver Cord parts, and the Heavenly Father allows, it to happen, and this flesh body becomes biologically DEAD the very INNER MAN departs from this Physical body and Spiritual body returns to the Father. This decaying flesh body will never be used again, ever, for the SOUL has entered another dimesion..... Eccl. 12 -7 Then the Dust will return to the earth as it was, [ Gen. 2-7] And the Spirit [ body] will returns to the Father who Created It. Now which came first? Spiritual or Physical. Remember that what God said, to the Angels in Genesis 1-26 And God said, Let us make man in Our image, After Our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air. In Genesis 1-27 So God Created man in His own image in the image of God Created He him, male and female Created them... In other words, Let us make ourselves in Our own image on Earth. So each Soul must pass through that Natural of Flesh body made of the Dust of the earth and God Himself would also pass through His Creation brought about the Conception of Jesus Christ, and He gave instructions that Jesus name should be called IMMANUEL which means God with Us.... So we see that each SOUL was to pass through this Earth age of the Flesh in Flesh body and God Himself came through that Same Natural from also.. As Written [ John 1-14} And the WORD [ Jesus Christ} Immanuel was Made Flesh and dwelt among us. [ and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father} full of Grace and Truch. The Bible Is A Spiritually Book: A Supernatuarl Book: That gives Us our true identity who we are....... As Spirit beings We Were First Angelic Beings. Note: Dont let this confuse you. All Spirit beings have bodies. We were orginallly Created with a Celestial body, Now born into this Second Earth Age with a Terrestrial body. After our life in the flesh ends well be born back again into Our Celestial body. Even God, Himself A Spirit Being. The Bible says that God is Spirit [ John 4-24} God has a Celestial body but was born into this Second Earth Age, and lived for a short while in a Terrestrial body i.e. Jesus Christ. In Genesis 3-15 That of Coming Messiah that shall be born woman suffer and die. As record in { Isaiah 7-14} Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear A Son and shall call His name Immanuel mean God with man. In John 1-1-2 In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God, and the Word [ Jesus} was God. The same was In the beginning with God. John 1-14 And the WORD { Jesus} was made Flesh and dwelt among us. Immanuel [ Isaiah 7-14}. Mean God dwelt with us. God took on a human body, and Nature and became Both Man And God..... In the Bible its clearest teaching in { John 1-14}. And the WORD [ Jesus} became flesh and dwelt among us, the Divine Nature of the Son of Man which were born [ of woman} not of blood, [Sperm} will of the flesh { Man} nor of will { of the flesh} but of God { John 1-13}. In One Divine Person, Jesus Christ who was birth, Truly God and Truly Man. Jesus Christ Is God... Gods clothed His Celestial body joined the body of flesh. The Apostle Paul stated that God Prepared A Body for Jesus in{ Hebrews 10-5} In Genesis 1-26 So God Created man in His own image in the image of God Created he him. This is Probably one of the most well- known passage of Scripture in the Old Testament, and much of our understanding of who we are as Spirit Beings When the Bible says were Created in the image and likeness of God. God gave Spirit Man when He Breath of Life [ Gen. 2-7} Jesus said, A Spirit does not have flesh and bones [ Luke 24--39} But James Apostle said, The body without the Spirit { body} is Dead. { James 2-26} James also said God Created the Spirit [ Body} for the purpose of dwelling in us { James 4-5} Man is a Spirit lives in a flesh body or house} and has a Soul... The real man is the Spirit Man Not the flesh body. So When Jesus says we MUST be born of the Spirit He is saying we must come to REALIZE that we are Indedd Spirit being... This revelation of what we truly are Certainly can change how we live and think. Yet, today many seem to forget their BEGINNING the valuse and vertures that came down generation after generation. How soon we forget Our Heavenly Father that brought each of us into being.... There is another thing that we must look at here also, and that is some of Us have to go back into the First Earth Age where ment were Chosen BEFORE the foundation of the this Earth Age. This is talked about in Ephesians 1-4. Eph. 1-4 According as He hath chosen us in Him BEFORE the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. Eph. 1-5 Having Predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself , according to the good pleasure of His will. Then Physcial would be Formed from the Clay Genesis 2-7. of the earth in the likeness and image of God and the angels which were of another form. We stated earlier that Man was Created to look in the exact likeness of Angels and the Father, only physical form are of a different Substance. This is saying that we are pretty close kin to God Himself. Knowing what weve just learned, could you now explain how it is that God named the prophet Jeremiah before he entered his mothers womb? Of course, he was with Him. God knew him. He says so. Jeremiah 1-5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Can you understand how Our Father could say He hated [ which means to love less by Comparison} Esau and loved Jacob, while they were still in their mothers belly [ Romans 9-13?} Of course, He knew how disrepectful Esau was from before. And finally, can you now understand what the Apostle Paul means in Ephesians 1-4 When he says that Gods elect were chosen before the foundation of this World [ Age of the Flesh} meaning the katabole or Overthrow? Of course, they stood against Satan and earned the right to have God interfere in their lives and use them as He will. Our Father knows All of His Children, the Good and the REBELLIONS So lets go back just before God Creates Mankind. To whom is He speaking? He says, Let Us make man in Our image, After Our likeness to look just like Us Now think hard. Do you suppose that you look like yourself? As you did before you were born in the flesh bodies? So lets go back just before God Creates Mankind. To whom is He speaking? He says, Let us make man in Our image after Our likeness, to look just like us. Now think hard. Do you suppose that you look like yourself? As you did before you were born in the flesh? Ill be you do! Genesis 1-27 So God Created man in his own image, i the image of God Created he him, male and female created he THEM. Let me re-phrase the beginning of verse 27 The way I understand it. So God Created John, Dick and Harry in their own image. It doesnt make you anything special, but it identifies where we ALL Came From.... It is difficult for some of Us to grasp this truth since our Spirit Man live in Physical bodies with our Spiritual bodies..... Our Earthly Parents could not make the stars, to shine, nor the grass grow, God hath made EVERYTHING He Created Us He is our Father we are His offspring. You should have thought of this. Who could deny that All things is real has come from God? He says, that Everything that He Created whatsoever is in the Heavens and whatsoever is in the Eartth Glorifies God..... God Created the heavens and the earth from Nothing All thing were made by Him [ God} In Him was Life [ Breath of Life} { Gen. 2-7} the life was the light of men [ John 1-3-4}. Who could deny that All things is real has come from God? Suprisingly, Many Christian still do not fully accept that they are indeed Spirit Beings from God. They may call Him their Father, but they still live and think as the flesh Man would think... Yes Gods SEED in you! Within our flesh bodies We have a Angelic from Created in the image of Our Heavenly Father as the Angels Yes Gods SEED in you! the likeness of Christ Jesus. So when the reality and the life of All things is Spirits... without Spirit from God there is Nothing no earth, no sun, no Man........ and no manifesation of any kind. Who could deny that all that is real has come from God. God is All in All. But we cannot fully realized this yet. This is the key! So the truth is we have always been and always will be Spirits......... You and I and all mankind past, persesnt, and future, were Origionlay Created Angelis Beings along with All the other Angels beings mentioned in the Bible. Many billions of years ago, long before the there was the flesh man Most people on earth have fogotten their BEGINNING But the Scripture is clear, And God said, Let us make man in Our image after Our likeness.. So, God created man in His image in the image of God created he him. Who could deny that all that is real has come from God? We have Two houses The Bible tells us that the flesh body is the house in which our Spiritual Soul body lives. Every man has two houses The house of the Flesh body and the house of the Spiritual body we are a Spirit that has a SOUL and lives in ONE BODY ..... Billions of years ago God was alone. He had Wisdom, but nor family to love or to love Him in return. Speaking in them [ Pauls Epistles} of What things? The Mystery of His plan and His Will. At that time, for His pleasure, God Created Us His children as Spirit beings like Himself. God, A Spirit Being God is Spirit [ John 4-24} In the Beginning, Created Us also as Spirit being .... Before we were put inot our flesh bodies We were ALL Created as Spirit beings long before the foundation of the world! Children of God and equal unto Angels... My note; Children of God and equal unto angels Ref. Scripture Luke 20-36 Children of God and equal unto angels. Scripture : Luke 20-36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. Complete text: Luke 20-27 Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him [ Jesus} 28 Saying, Master [ Teacher} Moses wrote unto us, if any mans brother die, having a wife, and he die wihtout children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up Seed [ Child} unto his brother. 29 There were therefore seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and died without children. 30 And the second took her to wife, and he died childless. 31 And the third took her, and in like manner the seven also: and they left no children, and died. 32 Last of all the woman died also. 33 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife. 34 And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this World [ Age} marry, and are given in marriage: 35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that worl, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the Angels and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. 37 Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the LORD the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 38 For he is not a God of the dead [ spiritual dead} but of the living, for all live unto him. This is not about Physical life and death but rather Spiritual life and death, the death and or eternal life of your Soul. Those of us who are to be among the first to recieve eternal life at Christs return and those of us who recieve eternal life at the Great White Throne of Judgment, which is the Second resurrection, become Sons of God AGAIN as we were in the First Earth Age and As ADAM WAS in this Earth age [ of the flesh} before the fall. He could have created us like robots, programed to love Him, but finding no pleasure in that option, chose to give us free will. He gave us free will knowing that in doing so, He risk our not returning His love. He also create our brother Lucifer. Read this- You will be amazed. There are two major points to keep in mind before we being this adventure into the beginning. The LORD literally is your life! For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; Scripture: Acts 17-28 For in him [ God} we live, and more, and have our being: as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His [ God} Offspring. Every breath, every movement; our very being is dependent on Him [ God} every moment of our lives! We, you and I and All mankind, past, present, and future, were Origionaly Created Spirit beings along with all the other Angelic beings mentioned in the Bible. Many billions of years ago, long before there was an earth. We were All Created as Spirit beings long before the foundation of the world! [ The Angels is One of Us} The Angel Is One of Us!!!! The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to shew unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass, and He sent and signified it by His Angel unto His servant John: { Revelation 1-1} From the incredible edible Book of Revelation. John has just returned to the Isle of Patmos and the realization of what has just happened suddenly overcomes him. Rev. 22-7 Behold, I come quickly, Blesssed is he that keepeth the saying of the Prophecy of this book. Rev. 22-8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel which shewed me these things. We can only imagine the overwhelming impact it must have had on John when the reality of being taken to heaven, to the very throne of God, and witnessing the awesome events described in this book, finally hit home. And so he fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel. { 9] Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: For I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the Prophets, and of them which keep the saying of this Book: Worship God. Did you catch what the Angel said? This is a very revealing verse. The Angel makes it perfeclty clear that he is One of Us Who has lived in the flesh, from among our brethren the Prophets. He is a fellowservant and he lets us know that he is living testimony to keeping the saying of this book, to being a doer of what Christ just said in verse 7, Rev.22-7 .... Blessed is he that keepeth the saying of the prophecy of this book. However, the main point being emphasized by the Angel is this: We are never to worship Angels! And now that you know who they are, the Angel is saying. We were never to worship each other Whether we are in our flesh bodies or whether we are in our Spiritual bodies i. e. angels... Worship only God. { 10} And he saith unto me, Seal not the saying of the Prophecy of this book for the time is at hand. In This Present Age [ The Second of three} We are in flesh bodies with Our Spiritual bodies Inside]. In the First Earth Age we were also in those Spiritual bodies as Angels We were first Angelic Beings. Earth Age: There are three basic earth ages while the third is bascially divided into two parts. The start of these earth ages was at a time far in the eons of the past millions of years ago. Ages mean Worlds In strongs exhaustive concordance of the Bible in the Greek dictionary number # 165 word aion from the same # 104, Prop an Age by extens, prepetuily also Past by impl, The World spec, Jewish a Messianic, period present of future. Age course Eternal [ for} ever, more - in lever Beginning of while the World begun - began, without end]. Comp # 5550 Greek Translieration - Eternity Age, Time, Period. First Earth Age: The first earth age Was the time spoken of in Genesis 1-1. 2 Peter 3, and Jeremiah 4-18 to the end of the Chapter. Mankind did Not exist in flesh bodies however the animals world did. This brought about the fall of Satan end of the First Age.... It is because of that fall, or toho va boho the destruction whereby all animan and. Second Earth Age: The Second Earth Age in Genesis 1-2 And Gods plan of reconsturction of this Earth, and all that was to live on it, began. This is the Age of the flesh whereby All Souls were required to be born of woman from the Womb of water within the womb and be Tried and Tested and for this God gave each Souls what is called free -will they had the right to chose God or Satan. Third Earth Age: The start of Mankind out of the flesh body as Apostle Paul exaplain in 1 Corinthians 15-50-54} We shall all be CHANGED In the sight of apostles Peter, James, and John, Jesus temporarily shed His earthly form and allowed them to SEE His Spiritual form within His flesh body.. Paul tells us that at the Last trump we shall All be CHANGED.. In the twinkling of an eye we shall Shed these Physcial flesh and blood bodies, and put on immortal bodies. The Flesh will be put off, and Changed transformed into transfigure bodies { 1 Cor. 15-52}. Some examples of our lives after the Shadow of Death. i.e. the Death of Our Flesh & Blood Bodies. Where are our Christian friends and relatives who have been released from the bondage of the flesh body? For the matter, where are even the non-christian who have died? When a person dies, only their flesh bodis dies, so when they return home to the Fathre what kind of body do they have? Appearance of Moses and Elijah was the appearance of their Spiritual form as the Angels at Mount of Transfiguration So we do have a Angelic from within our flesh bodies. While we are down here walking under the sun, in these flesh Tabernacles we know we are only temporarily absent from the LORD. The Millennium Age is know as the Seventh Day the day of rest, and All Souls will not be in Flesh bodies ... At that time we will All be transformed from these flesh Corruptibel bodies into our Incorruptible Spiritual bodies that same Spiritual body In the Millennium, there will be no marriage for all will be in their Spiritual bodies as it was in the First Earth Age. Male and female genders are for this Earth Age Only.. This is why Scientist come up with their strange ideas involving Evolution.. This is what the verse of 1 Corinthians 15-50 58. Is all about. The existence of earch person on the first day of the Millennium Age will be to stand as an individual, and not as a family unit. A husband and wife in the earth age, will not exist as a binding relationship after the close of this earth age. The purpose for this relationship in this earth age is to have CHILDREN and bring them up to love and repect the LORD, and leave them and inheritance, to pass on the last generation. Satan knows this, and this is the reason we see stressed in Communism for equality, and the elimination of inheritance and property rights. All forms of Communism and Socialism are of Satan, and against Gods plan for this age. If one claims to be of God, yet continues to spout these satanic doctrines, mark him well, he is ignorant of Gods Word, and deceived. Once the flesh is gone, then All Souls will exist in their Inncorruptible bodies, that will never age, or get sick. The mortality of the Soul is on all those who have reject the Grace of God gave to us in this earth age, and those who reject Gods offer now, will be judged at the close of the Millennium Age, and will then receive immortality, or be turned to ashes. Mortal in the Greek, means liable to die immortalit to the Soul is that substance God puts into your Soul, so that you will never perish. This is what is meant in John 3-16, John 3-16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life................. The flesh will be put off, and CHANGED Transformed into Transfigure bodies. { 1 Corinthians 15-52} The Age that we live in now is one the Eternity [ Heaven} which is another. There are three Ages written in the Bible KJV. [ 2 Peter 3-5-13} [ Covered} Jeremiah 4-23-27}. Bible that speak of the three Earth Ages not three different Earths or Worlds. Same Heaven Same Earth, but in different ages... In Revelation 21- A New Heaven, a New Earth, and a New Jerusalem. All things made New.. The Bible used the word Heaven in three senses. The New Heaven, and New Earth in Revelation 20}. A New Jerusalem. All things made New. The New Heaven and New Earth. Now we ca see AGES A New Heaven and a New Earth Age.... The idea of a New Earth, with a New Heaven, Same Earth Same Heaven, but in different Age! The Eternity Age. This New Heaven and New Earth the Millennium Earth shown in Revelation Chapter 20, The New Jerusalem descends from Heaven. That Apostle John saw, the Holy city New Jerusalem Coming down out of Heaven, from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. The bride of Christ or bride that Lambs wife is a term used in reference to a group of related in the Bible- in the Gosples, revelation the Epistles and related verses in the Old Testament, sometime the bride is implied through calling Jesus as Bridegroom Christ is a Bridegroom in Gospel of John. John the Baptist speaks and menstions the bride He that hath the bride is the bridegrooms but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and hearthed him, rejoiceth greatly because of bridegroom voice this is my joy therefore is fulfilled. This is the only place in the Gospel when the bride is mentioned. but because a bridegroom must have a bride All other mentions of the bridegroom imply the bride. The bride of Christ for your Husband is your Maker, whose name is the LORD of hosts, and for the LORD has called you , like a Wife forsaken and grieved in Spirit. The third calling is for the church [ believers} the body of Christ [ Eph. 1-18-, 2 Tim. 1-9} Bridegroom in Our Holy.. Jesus is called the Christ.........................
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:13:39 +0000

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