Bismillah AlRahman AlRaheem Allahuma Sali Ala Muhammad Wa Aali - TopicsExpress


Bismillah AlRahman AlRaheem Allahuma Sali Ala Muhammad Wa Aali Muhammad AlAemma WalMahdyeen Wasalem Tasleeman Katheera THE FARAJ STARTS FROM AHMED AND VICTORY WILL BE WITH HIM Maybe many Shias today always say O Allah hasten the relief(Faraj) of Imam AlMahdi pbuh, let us read what Imam AlMahdi pbuh himself said about who will make his eyes joyful that they curse and slander and despise: .Imam Al Mahdi pbuhMy God, I ask you by the name that Jacob asked you with, when his eyes became blind and his gathering was scattered and lost the joy of his eyes, his son, so you answered his supplication and collected his gathering and made his eyes joyful and lifted his inflictions and you were close to him.O close one, Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and permit me after all what has been torn apart within my matter and make my eyes joyful by my son and family and money and reform my state, all of it, and bless me in all my conditions p.331-356 Mahj Al Dawaat أسألك باسمك الذي سألك به يعقوب و قد كف بصره و شتت شمله [جمعه] و فقد قرة عينه ابنه فاستجبت له دعاءه و جمعت شمله و أقررت عينه و كشفت ضره و كنت منه قريبا يا قريب أن تصلي على محمد و آل محمد و أن تأذن لي بجميع ما تبدد من أمري و تقر عيني بولدي و أهلي و مالي و تصلح شأني كله و تبارك لي في جميع أحوالي And let us read what Imam AlSaadiq pbuh said: Abu Abdullah pbuh said:On the head of the seventh one from us is the Faraj(relief)Gaibat AlToosi p.53 وحدّثني حنان بن سدير ، عن أبي إسماعيل الأبرص ، عن ابي بصير ، قال : قال أبو عبد الله ( الصادق ) ع : على رأس السابع منا الفرج Sheikh AlToosiIt is possible that the 7th one is from him because its apparent from his wordFrom us it is an indication to himself and also we say from him[he]AlQaem[with the matter].And the report doesnt have the seventh one from our first and if what we say is possible, then the conflict drops Gaibat AlToosi p.54 So the 7th one from Imam AlSaadiq pbuh is the Faraj(the relief) of Ahlulbayt a.s. and that is through Ahmed the son of Imam AlMahdi pbuh. يحتمل أن يكون السابع منه لأنه الظاهر من قوله منا إشارة إلى نفسه وكذلك نقول السابع منه هو القائم بالأمر. وليس في الخبر السابع من أولنا وإذا احتمل ما قلناه سقطت المعارضة به. And another hadeeth proves this again from Imam AlSaadiq pbuh: Imam AlSaadeq pbuh said:From us after the Messenger pbuhap are 7 Imam successors where obeying them is obligatory, the 7th one is the Riser if it was willed for him, for verily Allah is the Exalted and Wise, he advances whom He wants and delays whom He wants and He is the Exalted and wise and then after the Qaim(Riser)are 11 Mahdis from the son of AlHussain..[..]. ان منا بعد الرسول صم سبعة اوصياء ائمة مفترضة طاعتهم سابعهم القائم انشاء له ان الله عزيز حكيم يقدم ما يشاء ويؤخر ما يشاء وهو العزيز الحكيم ثم بعد القائم احد عشر مهديا من ولد الحسين Usool AlSitata Ashar p.91 So following with what Sheikh AlToosi said when he refuted the claims of the Waqifis, he explained that from us means from Imam AlSaadiq pbuh. And this hadeeth is speaking about 7 Imams after Imam AlSaadiq pbuh because after the 7th one who is the Qaim are 11 Mahdis. and then after the Qaim(Riser)are 11 Mahdis from the son of AlHussain..[..]. So from here we understand that Ahmed is the Qaim and the 7th one after Imam AlSaadip pbuh because there are 11 Mahdis after Ahmed who is mentioned in the Prophets will and not 11 Mahdis after Imam AlMahdi a.s. or 11 Mahdis after Imam Musa AlKathem because this will be empty from meaning. These hadeeths are supported with this other hadeeth: From Abi Abdullah pbuh in a long hadeeth he said:O Aba Hamza,from us after the Qaim are 11 Mahdis from the children of Hussain pbuh Mentioned in four reliable sources: Gaibat AlToosi p.478 460 A.H Mukhtasar Basaer Darajat p.38 900 A.H Bihar AlAnwar v.53 p.145 111. A.H Muntakhab AlAnwar AlMutheea p.201 8th century A.H الغيبة للطوسي (460 هـ) صفحة478 فصل 8 في ذكر طرف من صفاته ومنازله وسيرته ع 504 - محمد بن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أبيه عن محمد بن عبد الحميد ومحمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن الفضيل عن أبي حمزة عن أبي عبد الله ع في حديث طويل أنه قال : يا أبا حمزة إن منا بعد القائم أحد عشر مهديا من ولد الحسين ع مختصر بصائر الدرجات للحسن بن سليمان الحلي (القرن 9 هـ) صفحة38 رويت بإسنادي إليه عن محمد بن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أبيه عن محمد بن عبد الحميد ومحمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن الفضيل عن أبي حمزة عن أبي عبد الله ع . في حديث طويل أنه قال يا با حمزة أن منا بعد القائم أحد عشر مهديا من ولد الحسين ع . بحار الأنوار للمجلسي (1111 هـ) الجزء53 صفحة145 باب30 خلفاء المهدي ع وأولاده وما يكون بعده 2 - غيبة الشيخ الطوسي : محمد الحميري عن أبيه عن محمد بن عبد الحميد ومحمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن الفضيل عن أبي حمزة عن أبي عبد الله ع في حديث طويل أنه قال : يا با حمزة إن منا بعد القائم أحد عشر مهديا من ولد الحسين ع almawood.alhakeem/books/motakab/08.htm Muntakhab AlAnwar AlMutheea p.201 8th century A.H So after the Qaim Ahmed are 11 Mahdis. And another proof that the Faraj starts by a man who comes before Imam AlMahdi pbuh is this hadeeth: Abi Baseer from Imam AlSaadeq a.s said:O Aba Muhammad the nation of Muhammad pbuhap will not see any RELIEF(FARAJ) at all unless the son of Banu someone(Abbas)have a kingdom that will perish.Once it perishes,Allah will deliver for the nation of Muhammad pbuhap a man who is FROM US Ahlulbayt that walks with piety and works for guidance and does not take in his ruling any bribery.By Allah I know him by his name and his fathers name.And then the one with middle height, the one that has a mole and two marks,the just leader,the preserver(Hafeth) of what he left,he shall spread it with justice and tranquility after it has been filled by the tyrants with unjustice and tyrannyBihar v.52 p.269 حديث أبي بصير عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام قال: ( يا أبا محمد ليس ترى أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله فرجاً أبداً ما دام لولد بني فلان ملك حتى ينقرض ملكهم . فإذا انقرض ملكهم أتاح الله لأمة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله برجل منا أهل البيت يسير بالتقى ، ويعمل بالهدى ، ولا يأخذ في حكمه الرشا، والله إني لأعرفه باسمه واسم أبيه . ثم يأتينا الغليظ القصرة ، ذو الخال والشامتين ، القائد العادل ، الحافظ لما استودع ، يملؤها عدلاً وقسطاً كما ملأها الفجار ظلماً وجوراً). (البحار:52/ 269) A man from Ahlulbayt comes before the Hafeth(preserver) which is the description of the 12th Imam pbuh Muhammad son of AlHasan a.s. And this man who is from Ahlulbayt, according to the narrations, there is no man more guided than the Yamani before Imam AlMahdis appearance a.s., so he is the one who starts the movement of justice and tranquility from the directions of his Imam Imam AlMahdi a.s. and facilitates for his way and makes his eyes joyful. The victory will be by who? Imam Ali a.s on the pulpit of Kufa saidThere has to be a mill that crushes and when its axle begins to start it,Allah will send a harsh servant(slave of His) whose descent is unknown, victory will be with him,his companions will have long hair(symbolic for ideas)people of Sibal,clothes are black,people with black banners, Woe unto whoever fights them,they will be killed relentlessly,by Allah as if I am looking at them and their works and what the evil doers will see from them and the ill-mannered Arabs,Allah will make them revolt against them without any mercy,they will kill them in their own city on the shore of Euphrates the sea region and desert region. Gaibat AlNumani p.265 So the victory of Hussain a.s. and Ahlulbayt pbut will be through him. وقال (عليه السلام): لا بد من رحى تطحن فإذا قامت على قطبها وثبتت على ساقها بعث الله عليها عبدا عنيفا خاملا أصله، يكون النصر معه أصحابه الطويلة شعورهم، أصحاب السبال، سود ثيابهم، أصحاب رايات سود، ويل لمن ناواهم، يقتلونهم هرجا، والله لكأني أنظر إليهم وإلى أفعالهم، وما يلقى الفجار منهم والأعراب الجفاة يسلطهم الله عليهم بلا رحمة فيقتلونهم هرجا على مدينتهم بشاطئ الفرات البرية والبحرية، جزاء بما عملوا وما ربك بظلام للعبيد So he is called a harsh servant and Imam Ali a.s. calling him a servant means that he is a servant of Allah Abdullah and that is one one of the names of the first Mahdi and he is the man of the black banners and no man is more guided than the Yamani banner. And we dont have to go more detail its clear as the sun ...its just sad that only few people will know this reality. Praise due to Allah the Lord of the universe.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:06:46 +0000

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