Bismillah...All praise is to Allah SWT king of heaven and earth, - TopicsExpress


Bismillah...All praise is to Allah SWT king of heaven and earth, master of judgement day, countless darood upon our beloved Prophet PBUH... Subhanallah.. A night thats better than 83 years and what day does it fall on.. Jummah. Jummah alvida, how we was preparing for the blessed month and how its on its way out, it surely is a guest that brings endless rewards with it. On this night of power and on a beautiful Jumma i sincerely pray for each and everyone of you reading this that Allah SWT grants us all the beautiful most powerful night of all. Feet swollen in ibadat, mouth dried with ziqar Allah SWT grant all our ibadat. It has been a tough ramadhan to see the people of palestine being murdered brutely, breaks our hearts. May Allah Soniya ease their pain, hear their crys, grant out efforts and help the people of palestine and may His wrath be upon those who are responsible for such crime! Ameen. Ya Allah those who have lose their status/izzat due to others no one can give that back apart from you, Ya Allah give those people double their status/izzat. Allah soniya you are the healer of all pains heal the pain of mothers who have lost their children in front of their eyes, Allah Soniya the mothers that are oppressed by their children Ya Ellahi replace their pain with happiness. Ya Malik those wishing to have kids, grant them pious children. Ya Allah grant our parents long healthy life, those who have lost their parents, loved ones Allah ji grant them the highest rank in Jannah and give the families patience. Allah soniya those travelling to desinations, give them a safe journey, Ya Allah those who are lost, show them the right way home, those who are thirsty Ya Allah quench their thirst, those who are hungry Ya Allah help us to help feed them, Ya Allah those who havent got beds to sleep on give them that comfort, Ya Ellahi those who havent got a roof under the head give them that, those who have ANY sort of grief, worry, may that be marriage, debt, or anything else nothing is hidden from you Ya Allah take that worry away from them and give them happiness, peace at heart. Those wishing to get married, Allah ji grant them loving husbands that will meet them in Jannah also, those who going through difficulty Allah ji take that away from them, wifes, husband being oppressed Allah soniya replace their heartache with happiness, Ya Allah those already married may the love between them be of like our Prophet and His wife. Ya Allah those who are naraz with each other take that away so they become one again. Allah ji forgives and may the people we have hurt intentionally and unintentionally forgive us you are Ghafoor, You are Raheem. Ya Allah those who have passed away save them from the punishment of the grave, save is from the punishment of the grave. Ya Allah increase wealth in our lifes so that we can give to poor, orphans and spend in ur way. Those wishing to do Umrah Hajj Allah soniya give us the chance to do sujood on that paak zameen. Ya Allah those who are ill grant them shifaa however big or small the illness may be, you are the master miricles. Ya Allah give us a long healthy life where we spend to do Your ibadat. Ya Allah you do justice so bring justice to the oppressed, Ya Allah put barqat in everyones life, house and shower your Noor upon them, shower you countless blessings upon them and keep them happy. Ya Allah may we children be the coolness of our parents eyes show is the right way so YOU are happy with us. Ya Ellahi you love to forgive so i am asking forgiveness for myself my family friends my followers on facebook, people reading this message, forgive the Ummah. Ya Allah save is from the fire of hell, Ya Allah save us from the fire of hell, Ya Allah save us from the fire of hell. Last but not least make us one Ummah together, and bring what Islam is about PEACE, show us the right way, Your way, way of our Beloved Prophet PBUH has taught. May we get to see Ramadhan 2015.Please do forgive me if ive hurt you. Stay blessed stay Anmol and keep me in ur duas and dont forget to share and Ameen to the duas!! Ameen ameen Sumameen, Jummah Alvida Mubarak x
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 00:51:09 +0000

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