Blessed Sabbath Day to all of you and to our Moms, Happy Mothers - TopicsExpress


Blessed Sabbath Day to all of you and to our Moms, Happy Mothers Day. I am up, had a protein shake... yummy... not, a cup of coffee, prayer, and now in Gods Word with you. Lets get going. 1 Timothy 2- We start out with something some of us struggle with... praying for our President, and no... praying for his demise is not what this is talking about!!! We should be praying for all those in authority of us. That includes our politicians. I know... I know... politicians is considered a dirty word to some folk, but regardless of how you feel, according to scripture, we are to pray for those in places of authority. We pray for their salvation. We pray that God will intercede, and they will make wise choices for the good of the people. We are to pray for ALL people. Heres a story I like to tell about this. I use to have a huge case of road rage. Those who have driven with me know I drive with a purpose... to get to my destination as quickly as possible! I know, I know... but remember Im a work in progress too! So I found myself getting angry and cursing (without using real cuss words...ok maybe every now and then Id slip), driving by offender Id give them the look... the where in the world did you get your drivers license look and wishing I had a monster truck, so I could just drive over the person who just cut me off and teach him a lesson or two... and one day the Holy Spirit just slapped me with a mean case of conviction. So, the idea came to mind... I needed to get over my selfishness, and pray for the offender instead of cursing them. So it began... you cut me off I would pray Dear Lord, help them get to their destination safely. I would find myself giggling instead of cursing as little prayers would come to my mind. I stopped giving the I hope you run into a ditch look, and tried to be more gracious. I found that praying for people who offended me, who I didnt like, helped me to see my faults and helped me to be more compassionate, understanding and patient. Am I completely cured of my road rage? Nah... but Im a lot better, and the experience has shown me the power of prayer. Paul tells us to pray for ALL people. Not just the ones we like. :) Verse 4 is important. God wants EVERYBODY to be saved and hear the truth which is the Gospel, that Christ, born of a virgin, God and man, lived a sinless life, beaten and crucified on a cross for our sins. A human sacrifice for us. Rose again in three day, and sits at the right hand of the Father. Why? Because He loves us. The goal? Eternal life in Heaven with our creator. How? Faith,... pure, simple belief in Jesus the son, brings salvation. How do we worship? Free of anger and controversy. Holy hands lifted to God. Women- no dressing like... well you know. Keep it modest. No displaying the goods. Godly men will find us attractive by our love of God, and by our good works that are a reflection of the Holy Spirit abiding in us. Oh no.. the S word... SUBMISSIVE. We may not like 11-15 but its there. We are not to be in authority over men in the church. We are to have a quiet and gentle spirit. I work on the quiet and gentle part daily! LOL Sisters, just a reminder, submissive does not mean weak. Submissiveness is strength. Its serving God, giving God our best, and serving others. Its praying, devotion, loving, and caring for those God places in our lives. Its taking care of ourselves, so we can take care of others. Its being a partner, a team player, instead of dominating. Its respecting Gods order. Its living a life pleasing to God. Were not perfect, thank God for forgiveness, but living a peaceful, quiet and gentle life is doable. OK, Im done. Thats all I got. Show some love to the Moms out there. Happy Mothers Day to my Mom, Janice Williams Allestad go seize that day in love, peace out and Armor On!
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:49:16 +0000

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