Boxing fans, hear me! This is yet another bogus rant by Fraud - TopicsExpress


Boxing fans, hear me! This is yet another bogus rant by Fraud Not-so-funny Chumpweather. Through the voices in my head, I have acquired a rough copy of Frauds demands for Pacquiao, if this fight is to happen. In no particular order: 1) They must fight in a 36X36 ring. Fraud is concerned that a regular sized ring is too tight of a space for either man to have some breathing room. 2) Manny must agree to random blood and urine testing, mostly blood, every day starting two weeks before he begins his training camp. He will adhere to having his blood drawn 5 times per every hour that hes awake, and twice per hour hes asleep. Urine samples may be collected at random, regardless if hes awake or not. He will also provide 10 additional blood samples leading up to the weigh-in, 5 more immediately after stepping off the scales, 15 blood samples the day of the fight (which may be in hourly intervals or all at once), and 2 blood samples in between rounds followed by 20 after the fight, but before the post-fight press conference. 3) Freddie Roach must also adhere to random blood and urine testing. Fraud is convinced that a 50+ year old man with Parkinsons couldnt possibly be one of the best trainers in the world, let alone the man responsible for producing the greatest fighter of the modern era. (Yeah, Floyd, I said it!) 4) Manny Pacquiao must agree to a 90-10 purse split favoring Fraud. He must also agree to Fraud Chumpweather collecting all proceeds from ticket sales, concession sales, merchandise sales, PPV sales and any other revenue generated by the fight. 5) Manny must train in a facility monitored by Fraud via a satellite feed which will stream live into Frauds bedroom 6) Manny must wear 24 oz gloves. Fraud will have sole authority as to Mannys brand of gloves, and Fraud will be allowed to wear whatever weight and brand he likes. 7) Manny must fight in Wrangler jeans. Fraud is concerned about Manny getting leg cramps, and feels the constrictive nature of Wrangler cowboy cuts will prevent a repeat leg cramp and keep Manny safe. 8) Manny will walk in first, and his entrance music will be Yellow by Cold Play. 9) Manny is only allowed to wear Doc Martens boots during the fight. 10) The contract will contain a rematch clause whereby if Fraud happens to lose, the rematch must take place no later than two days from their first bout, and will guarantee Fraud 100% of the fight purse and all proceeds. 11) The fight will take place in Vegas, because Fraud hates to travel. 12) To ensure a fair fight and non-biased judging, all judges will be from Las Vegas, African-American and must be financially approved by both Fraud himself and Al Haymon. 13) Kenny Bayless will be the referee the first half of the fight. Should Pacquiao become too aggressive and begin fighting dirty (i.e. landing clean punches on Fraud), then Bayless will be substituted with Joe Cortez. Well, looks like well FINALLY get to see this......NOT!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:14:10 +0000

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