Brandi says ~ Everyone has there own Plexus story to tell and this - TopicsExpress


Brandi says ~ Everyone has there own Plexus story to tell and this one is mine. When I graduated from high school, I weighed 120 pounds. I pretty much stayed that way for a few more years, gaining a couple of pound here and there in nursing school and when I started dating my husband. Then after I had kids and started working at a home health job (where I spend more time in the car driving than on my feet) my life radically changed. I put on almost 100 more pounds, for a grand total of 220. I became a different person at that point. I never had any major medical problems but I did suffer from depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Ive always had a shy personality, but suddenly I was uncomfortable in large groups. I refused to go out to eat or to the movies. I didnt want to do anything that involved a crowd. Eventually I was to the point that I hated to even be around family and friends. I had trouble speaking to people and wasnt able to look them in the eye when I spoke, instead choosing to look at the ground. I wouldnt go to the grocery store with my mom, in my hometown, because I was scared that someone I knew would see me. I would go to work (only because I had to). When I came home I just wanted to lay on the couch. I didnt play with my kids and if Im really honest, I didnt even interact with them much. In 2010, my daughter (just in second grade at the time), ran a fever. It was flu season, just a few weeks before Christmas. I am a nurse and knew that I could take care of her myself at home. It was just the flu, I would just treat her symptoms and then she would get better. Except, she didnt get better she got worse. What started as a simple fever, turned into iritis and then loss of balance, fatigue, and joint pain and lastly hearing loss. We woke up on the day after Christmas and she couldnt hear anything. After months of taking her to every specialist in St Louis it was determined that she has some kind of autoimmune disorder but to this day we still have no diagnosis. She has to wear hearing aids in both ears and probably will for the rest of her life. After this life altering experience, my depression and anxiety grew worse. I blamed myself for Bellas new disability because if I would have just taken her to the doctor and had her treated earlier, then it would have never gotten to the point of her lossing her hearing. I was in a black hole and didnt know how to get out. In January 2012, I made a New Years Resolution to stop drinking sodas. At that time, I was drinking a minimum of a 2 liter of regular Pepsi every day. Somehow, I managed to kick my soda habit for good. Over the course of that year, I lost close to 20 pounds. I didnt diet at all, that was just from stopping with the sodas for one year. In January of 2013, I told myself that if I could stop drinking sodas, my biggest vice, that I could stop over eating as well. Unfortunately that wasnt so. I started dieting every Monday and by Tuesday, I was right back to my old habits. After all, when suffering from depression and anxiety, self-medicating with food is a simple solution. This went on just about every week until the week of April 15th. On April 15th, something clicked. I started a low-carb diet. I ate no carbs and no sugar, not even fruit. My diet plan worked, but at the expense of my family. I knew that if it was available I would consume it, therefore, I refused to be around it. Absolutely no sugar or carbs in my house. That is not a very happy existance for a 7 year old and a 10 year old. My mom told me about Plexus in May. She had been taking it and had started selling it. I was her first customer. Once I started taking it, I noticed immediately that I had more energy. I didnt have cravings. I didnt have to fight myself to not eat sugar. What I didnt see was a big weight loss, if anything my weight loss stalled. Mom thought that it wasnt working because I was starving my body. She suggested that I add good carbs and sugars back in. I started eating fruits, potatoes, carrots, and corn again. Immediately I could see the results. Over the course of the next 3 months, I lost 35 pounds. I went from 201 pounds to 166 pounds. I stuck with my healthy diet until August. The first week of August, we took a vacation to Disney World. We had the BEST time. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. When we came home, I knew the first weigh-in was going to be hard. You can imagine my surprise to find, that I didnt gain a pound. I didnt lose anything, but at least I didnt gain anything either. Something changed inside of me on that vacation. Its like I realized I could live my life again! Since then, I have eaten anything I wanted within reason. I try not to snack much, but if I want cake, I have cake. If I want a rootbeer, I have one. I have continued to lose weight (just more slowly) by eating what I want but still consistently taking my Plexus products. I am now at 156 pounds. Thats a total of 45 pounds. I have gone from a size 18 jeans to size 9. My shirt size went from XXL to medium. But, this next part is the best part. As the weight left me, so did the depression and anxiety. I felt better. I started interacting with my kids and my husband got his wife back. I have been able to forgive myself for my daughters health problems and see that it wasnt my fault. Im now able to think of all of the blessing that came with the hearing loss. She can hear with the help of hearing aids, she had alreadly learned how to talk so she doesnt have a speech problem, and she had already learned to read so she didnt have any problems learning how due to hearing loss. This weekend, I went to Brads family reunion. I was able to talk, laugh, and feel human. Brad even bought me a Harley to ride! We are even getting a custom paint job. Plexus Pink, of course! And, to me, those are the real victories. I never imagined in April that I would be a whole new person by Thanksgiving. A person ready to live her life and enjoy every minute.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:58:54 +0000

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