Brief Bulletin of Blessings and Burdens from Brenda September - TopicsExpress


Brief Bulletin of Blessings and Burdens from Brenda September 2014 It has been one month today since I got back to Togo and apart from writing a few blurbs on facebook, I haven’t had time to sit down and write about the adventures of being back here! Here are a few things I have recently heard myself say to myself: “Home again!” To: “They ARE fixing the roads!!” accompanied by a double take. “I’ve been gone too long”, mostly referring to the medical intricacies of the clinic or hospital I’ve forgotten. Or “I started into medicine too late”, meaning I sometimes wish I were a wee bit younger taking call all hours of the night!! But I’m getting adjusted again. Or the other day I heard myself say: “Now tell me why again we (myself and I), like it here?!” That was referring to the no running water situation at my house, which dragged on for weeks and was quite difficult (fixed last week). But mostly I am thinking and saying to myself: “I love it here, this is my home, I love the people here and all that I do here matters for eternity so it is all WORTH it!!” MINISTRY MOBILE WHAT IT IS: a car which is used in ministry, whether that be to and from work at the hospital, to and from church in the village, to and from the city for picking up people and groceries, ministering in churches with a few members of Friend Indeed Association (HIV/AIDS ministry), errands for the restaurant which Friend Indeed will build, and many other various tasks here in Togo, such as transporting the bride or groom to a wedding and/or honeymoon, taking a body to its final destination, giving a lift to someone I know in need on the road, taking an employee/friend home from the hospital….you get the picture - ALL people and ministry-related purposes. Rare is the occasion when I am using it only for personal means, except if I forgot something on the way home and need to run out or a personal trip. WHY IT IS NEEDED: See WHAT, above, for details of needs and use. WHY NEW? 1. My administrators don’t want to worry, 2. Less risk for huge problems/repairs as some people have had, 3. I plan on being a long time, die here! WHEN: as soon as is possible WHERE DO YOU FIND IT: At the port in Lome, where there are MANY new and used vehicles, at a dealership who can provide long-term maintenance and repairs/warranty, word of mouth from missionaries leaving, or a once a year sale of US Embassy vehicles. WHAT KIND: Preferably, one that has the following: - An SUV/Crossover, new (as strongly recommended by my field administrator), good gas mileage, 5-7 passenger seating, manual transmission, diesel engine, good handling, long-term maintenance/repair plan, A/C, no heaters J WHAT’S AVAILABLE THAT FITS THE BILL: Research shows me that there are now several models from which to choose here in Togo, either from the port or dealerships. Some from the dealer: Toyota , Dacia, Honda, Nissan. From the port: notably Peugeot, Renault, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, to name a few. ABOVE is a picture of one car that is available here in Togo, which is called a Dacia Duster. It is a cross-over type car, made in Europe and appreciated for its practicality and fuel-efficient mileage. It also has good reviews for: handling on all-terrains, roomy passenger space, a 1.6 L engine. I have also found out that Nissan models seem to surpass these in the category of fuel-efficiency. WHAT WOULD ONE MINISTRY MOBILE COST? Well…as far as a new car goes, and after doing much research, it seems the price would be around $30,000. This price, bought locally, includes customs and taxes, out the door. If imported as some have, it would be higher. WANT TO HELP ME WITH A PIECE OF THE CAR? Which part? Tires? Wipers? Transmission? Steering wheel? Body? Air bags? Almost 1/3 of the way there!! ($6000 down, $24,000 to go): If you pray and ask God if He wants you to help, and He gives you an amount; please send to Brenda’s Ministry Mobile (Car) fund at ABWE, #011278. You can find the Give page at:, top right. And THANK YOU in advance to whoever could respond to God’s call and being a part of all He is doing here. He is faithful and proves it over and over again by showing He is SO much bigger than our needs and always provides! Blessings/Praises Burdens/Prayer Requests Many happy reunions everywhere!! Living INTENTIONALLY with heaven in view!! Back in the swing of things at the hospital and clinic, Friend Indeed, house, relationships, church, other ministries Choice and the rest of the funds for a car! Running water for a week now!! Umm, my landlord turned it on to our house!! The health of my folks, my brother-in-law, many in my family and church family Adi, my Togolese daughter, has come home, staying with me again!! We need to find a midwife school and help Adi with her future plans. Our graduate nurses are doing very well in the hospital and it’s a privilege to work beside them! Already sick w/ameba or other GI bug, probably something last weekend when out Opportunity to share Christ in depth with a patient who will be back this week to talk more, shared and prayed with many more! Funds for a solar back-up generator ($6000) That there is no Ebola virus to come to Togo. So grateful for the restored health of my friend, Kossivi and for your prayers as God answered so mightily! Construction and furnishing of the Friend Indeed restaurant in January, with a container coming in December, safe arrival and protection of team from my church Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and for caring for me!! Please let me know how I can be praying for you! ([email protected]). With much love and appreciation!! Sincerely His and Yours, Brenda 1 Thess. 1:2-4
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:51:11 +0000

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