Brothers and Sisters, please listen to this BBC report and pray - TopicsExpress


Brothers and Sisters, please listen to this BBC report and pray for our Muslim brethren. It is what we must do, as the militia that massacred the Muslims in the Central Africa Republic claimed to have done (and is still doing) so in the name of Christianity. I know, some of us Christians will excuse this cruelty as caused by socio-political and cultural reasons instead of faith or religion, and that whoever did this were not “real” Christians. But if we prayed for Christians being persecuted for their faith while most of the time not even bothered about socio-political and cultural causes behind those persecutions, and preferred to see such cruelties solely in terms of dualistic Christian/enemies-of-Christianity conflict, then at least extend the same consideration to Muslim martyrs when it is Christians who commit genocide in the Name of Christ. For what made Muslim terrorists more “Muslim” than this Christian militia “Christian”? Either accept that all religions have bad fruits and pray not only for our persecuted brethrens but also for the persecuted of other faiths and for the persecutors, or admit that we have yet to learn how to love our neighbours as ourselves. P. S., And yes, I am positively raging. Not because what our brethrens did, but because when Christians got persecuted all over the world churches will immediately send out intercession requests. But when it is Christians who did the persecution? And don’t tell me we don’t know – for all the antennas the churches have all over mission fields and church networks, I will ask whether it is truly a lack of information or some form of mental filter that made us deaf to such atrocities.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 15:31:54 +0000

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