Business sage Peter Drucker is, IIRC, attributed with the idea - TopicsExpress


Business sage Peter Drucker is, IIRC, attributed with the idea that “the purpose of a business is to create a customer”. While all this high-minded talk from Cook may amount to little (measured in political value), it does give some evidence in a different matter, that, at the least, Apple is a singularity in putting the customer above the stock; and a singularity in not abandoning Drucker’s simple idea in favour of the modern Chicago school replacement that the purpose of a business is to increase shareholder value. Quote: “We do things for other reasons than a profit motive, we do things because they are right and just,” Mr Cook growled. Whether in human rights, renewable energy or accessibility for people with special needs, “I don’t think about the bloody ROI,” Mr Cook said, in the same stern, uncompromising tone that Apple employees hope they never have to hear. “Just to be very straightforward with you, if that’s a hard line for you . . . then you should get out of the stock.” Person of the Year: Tim Cook of Apple - : ft/intl/cms/s/2/4064a6fe-7fd7-11e4-adff-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3Lpg71RRR
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:13:29 +0000

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