Butterflies and Pebbles It breaks my heart when people hold back - TopicsExpress


Butterflies and Pebbles It breaks my heart when people hold back their tears. That they feel embarrassed about expressing true emotions. Or when someone realizes they are in love they try to bury it deep inside to stop the possibility of them embarrassing themselves by trusting that feeling. I wish people would know that when they break down and have their make up smeared all over their face, or their eyes so puffy so that their eye lashes feel heavy, that they are just unimaginably beautiful, right there in that moment. That when they lose themselves for a moment, or have some kind of breakdown, not knowing what to do, or where to turn, that right there in the brutal honesty of that moment wearing their heart on their sleeve like it is really all they are made of, yes, then, right there, they are unimaginably beautiful. When people wake up in the morning and for a moment they forget where they are and they don’t care what the hell they look like, right there they are the most beautiful beings in all the earth. --S.C Lourie True beauty is the untampered light of our honesty. Thank all the situations that have brought out your true honesty. We need more honesty in the world. Honest moments are too beautiful for words, too magical, something so electrifying, something so uniting. Just the therapy that we need. Just the thing to get us out of the prisons of our minds and into the free lands of our hearts. Honesty is love. Love is honesty. Be your honest self and there will be more love in the world for it. Butterflies and Pebbles - Michelle
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 07:50:25 +0000

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