CARRIE (2013) MOVIE REVIEW CARRIE is the third adaptation of - TopicsExpress


CARRIE (2013) MOVIE REVIEW CARRIE is the third adaptation of Stephen Kings novel & directed by Kimberly Peirce, who made BOYS DONT CRY. I went into this movie with a open mind & see how it turns out. Unfortunately, the new version of CARRIE just doesnt come alive. I wasnt very impress by it & end up wishing I was watching the original. The film is almost exactly the same as the 1976 version, the only thing different is that its set in a modern setting. Its kind of like a cover song perform by a pretty forgettable band, it hits all the right notes, but leave little to be desired. Its not a bad remake, nor its not great. Chloë Grace Moretz does a good performance as Carrie White. Shes a little too pretty for the role & lacks the intensity of Sissy Spacek gave. Julianne Moore does ham it up a bit as Carries mother. Nevertheless, she does give a creepy performance as Margaret White. Gabriella Wilde is okay as Sue Snell, shes not giving much to do. Portia Doubleday is terrible as Chris Hargensen. Her performance is very flat & two dimensional. She might as well be wearing a black cape & twirling a mustache. There is a unnecessary sup-plot about Sue Snell & a very unnecessary opening to the film. This new version just plays it safe & brings nothing new the table. Overall, CARRIE is an okay Stephen King adaptation. For those who havent seen the 1976 or 2002 versions or never read the book, this one will leave a impact. But for those who are hoping to find a new CARRIE film that brings something new to the table...this isnt it. A low rental.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 08:51:10 +0000

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