CHRIST GLORIFIED Scripture: The Lamb which is in the midst of the - TopicsExpress


CHRIST GLORIFIED Scripture: The Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall be their shepherd. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.—REV. vii. 17, xiv. 4. "Lo, I am with you always." Who is this that thus speaks? We must take time to know Him well if we are to understand what we may expect from Him as He offers to be with us all the day. Who is He? None else than the Lamb as it had been slain in the midst of the throne! The Lamb in His deepest humiliation enthroned in the glory of God. This is He who speaks and invites me to the closest fellowship and likeness to Himself. It needs time and deep reverence and adoring worship to come under the full impression—He Who dwelleth in the glory of the Father, before Whom all heaven bows in prostrate adoration— it is none other than He Who offers to be my companion, to lead me like a shepherd, who cares for each individual sheep, and so to make me one of those who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Read often that wonderful fifth chapter of Revelation until the heart is possessed by the one great thought of how all heaven falls prostrate, and the elders cast their crowns before the throne, and the Lamb reigns amidst the praises and the love of His ransomed ones and the praises of all creation. And if this is He Who comes to me in my daily life, and offers to walk with me, and to be my strength and my joy and my almighty Keeper, surely I cannot expect Him to abide with me except as my heart bows. if possible, in a still deeper reverence, and in a surrender to a life of praise and service such as may be worthy of the love that has redeemed me. Oh, Christian, do believe that the Lamb in the midst of the throne is in very deed the embodiment of the omnipotent glory of the everlasting God and of His love. And do believe that to have this Lamb of God as your almighty Shepherd and your faithful Keeper does indeed make it possible that the thoughts and the cares of earth shall indeed not prevail to separate you from His love for a single moment.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 12:44:41 +0000

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