CITIZENS GUARD 17 CENTURY LAWS FOR A 21ST CENTURY DICTATORSHIP When the American citizens started a revolution with the British crown, it was because business interests and taxes along with the inherent rights of the individual were being abused by parliament and the crown. This was the same structured parliament we still have today. Nothing has changed since the American Revolution except the technology. Attitudes of industrialists, the crown, parliament and the politicians, the House of Lords and our elite have not altered in the least. Because the individual has a higher education standard than ever before, we today can see what with and how we are being dictated to by parliament. It is only a free country on day every four or five years on Election Day, the rest of the time we do as we are told as quietly as possible so as not to bring the AUTHORITIES to our doors. This fear, even though you have done nothing wrong, is real and palpable. IT’S ALSO WRONG. As free born human beings we do have a choice, its just that our choices are restricted by people who want our obedience above all. The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which went into effect in October. The legislation defines anti-social behaviour as, “conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises or conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person.” The act also contains “Protection Orders.” Essentially, this means that if someone is deemed to be causing a nuisance to others, police can order that person to do (or stop doing) certain actions. If a police officer regards someone to be an annoyance to any person, then the officer can direct that person — even though they are in a public space — “to leave and not return to the locality (or part of the locality) for the period specified in the direction. Police can also issue fines and make an arrest if there’s been a breach of such an order. Indeed, a police officer could arrest someone for sitting down if that action was deemed to be an annoyance to others. As a result, that person could be either imprisoned or banned from the area entirely. So if a police officer, security personnel, city marshal etc all now have the power to MAKE you do as they want irrespective of your right to your freedom. If the “officer” wants to criminalise you, it wont take much. The list below is the fundamentals of a democratic country that THE PEOPLE control, because the people understand the basic greed of power. 1. Be vigilant, people will seek to use the government for selfish ends. 2. Avoid overgrown military establishments; they are hostile to liberty. 3. Prevent all obstructions to the execution of the laws. 4. Control bureaucracies; make sure they all work together. 5. Avoid political parties; they will cause divisive factions and unscrupulous men will use them to undermine the government. 6. Give allegiance to the Constitution; improve it as necessary. 7. Do not alter the Constitution lightly, or based on hypothesis; apply the experience applied when it was created. 8. Be suspicious of administrators; they may serve themselves rather than the people. 9. Watch for consolidation of power in any department of government. 10. Preserve existing checks and balances and add more where power needs to be checked. 11. Religion and morality are essential to create the virtue necessary to preserve the union. 12. Promote widespread education; democracy requires literate citizens that understand the system of governance and take responsibility for themselves. 13. Avoid debt; and immediately discharge any debt created by war. 14. Taxes are unpleasant; government spending should be candidly conducted. 15. Cultivate peace and justice toward all nations. 16. Avoid alliances and maintain neutrality among nations. 17. Avoid dependency; a weak state that allies with a stronger state will become its servant. 18. Real patriots will resist intrigues, while dupes will surrender to interests. 19. In trade, give no nation a favoured nation status. 20. Be guided by principles, not interests. Our country is driven by interests of politicians, the elite and industrialists. For us in the UK, this will be the first British revolution in history, because we have never (all four nations) all fought the same government for the same issues. This truly will be a British revolution of the consciousness. Let’s make it happen. jsa
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:23:04 +0000

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