CITIZENS OF PNG, PLEASE READ THIS. ____________________________________________ I have been working as a Lawyer with SAM BONNER LAWYERS (THE CURRENT LAWYERS FOR THE ACTING POLICE COMMISSIONER (ACP) GEOFFREY VAKI). Mr. Sam Bonner instructed me today at 12:00 noon to prepare a ‘SUBMISSION’ for Mr. G. Vaki to Set Aside or Discontinue the Warrant Of Arrest Against The Prime Minister Peter O’ Neil MP Dated 12th June 2014 for tomorrow hearing at the Port Moresby District Court. I disregarded Mr. Bonner’s instructions and withdrew my legal service on the case and he just “TERMINATED” me straightaway this afternoon at 04:30 PM. Below is my Office Memo I wrote to Mr. Sam Bonner stating my reasons. PLEASE READ IT AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR COUNTRY. __________________________________________________________ INTER-MEMO Admin/LA: hk TO : MR. SAM BONNER FROM : MR. LAKEN LEPATU AIGILO DATE : 26th JUNE, 2014 RE : NCC NO. 821 OF 2014 (GEOFFRY VAKI –V- THE STATE _________________________________________________________ Sir, above is the case which has put Papua New Guinea’s ‘Rule of Law’ at stake and the “Country is now in a Serious Crisis” because the O’Neill-Dion Government disrespected and undermined the Constitutional functions of the Papua New Guinea Police Force and disband Investigation Task Force Sweep (ITFS), a powerful body which effectively tackled corruption in PNG like never before without reasonable explanation(s). As such, our Firm was engaged by Papua New Guinea Acting Police Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki and I was more than happy to defend the ‘Rule of Law’ just like any other citizen would do and get the Prime Minister Peter O’Neil to be arrested and interviewed by the Police Anti-Corruption Unit just like any other ordinary citizen for we have one “Rule of Law” for all, regardless of status, big and small, rich and poor, master and slaves. However, your instruction to me as your employed Lawyer today at 12:00 Noon is in the following words: ………Look at the Case Laws and Constitutional Provisions that vests powers to the Police Commissioner to set aside Information or Arrest Warrants and draft/prepare a submission for the Police Commissioner (Our Client) to set aside or discontinue the Warrant of Arrest against the Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O’Neil MP dated 12th June 2014. Notwithstanding whatever instructions given to you by the Police Commissioner, it defeats all the purposes and intends of the Police Force’s case against the State or PM Peter O’Neil. Sir, The Police Force’s case against the State or Prime Minister, Peter O’Neil is this; The Prime Minister Peter O’Neil as a Leader of PNG, should show example and give due respect to the ‘Rule of Law’ or respect the Constitutional Duty of the Police Force whereby he must withdraw the battle for restraining Order against the ‘Warrant of Arrest” and subject himself to that arrest and interview just like any other citizen of PNG for we do not have separate ‘Rule of Law’ for big man and small man. I’ am confused as to whether we are acting for the Prime Minister Peter O’ Neil or the Police Force. Sir, I feel it within my blood and bones that something is wrong with the instructions you obtained from the Police Commissioner Mr. Geoffrey Vaki. This deviation from the original purpose and intend of the case put forward by then the Attorney General Kerenga Kua, Police Commissioner Toami Kulunga, ITFS Chairman Sam Koim and Solicitor General Jubilee Tindiwi-Paki at the start is highly fishy and questionable.The Police Force must be impartial and perform its Constitutional Duties Independently without control and direction by any person outside the Force or being told what to do by the Prime Minister or Politicians as per Section 197 of the Constitution. Sir, with all due respect, I wish to disregard your instructions and withdraw my involvement or legal service for the reasons aforesaid. Sir, such is not to disrespect or disobey you for you are my boss. I have big respect for you for who you are but as a ‘Patriotic Citizen of this land’, I must stand up for what is right and sensible thing for me to do and I feel that it is highly improper for me to act or render my legal service to this very case that now puts our (PNG’s) ‘Rule of Law’ into disrepute or stake. If I execute your instructions, I feel that I would assist in destroying the ‘Rule of Law’ and this is the last thing I would do for my Country.I love PNG with my very Life. I pray that you understand and respect my standpoint. Yours sincerely, _____________________ LAKEN LEPATU AIGILO Lawyer SAM BONNER LAWYERS
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:11:39 +0000

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