CONCLUDING PART OF MY POST ON DURGA & THE ARYAN INVASION …… Final Part Friends, if I’ve been able to increase your interest in this subject, I’ll think that is a good reward to me. But where were we ? We saw that the archaeological dating on ancient civilizations are all wrong. Those are based on carbon dating [the determination of the age or date of organic matter from the relative proportions of the carbon isotopes carbon-12 and carbon-14 that it contains. The ratio between them changes as radioactive carbon-14 decays and is not replaced by exchange with the atmosphere.] Actually, that gives the minimum age, but fails to give the maximum age ! The grains found with the Egyptian mummies inside the tombs can say how old was the grain or the mummy, but how can it say how old was the tomb ? Maybe those tombs and the Pyramids were already there and were used as tombs by the people ! In that case it will be wrong to say that the Egyptian civilization is 4500 years old ! Here, I think it will be appropriate for me to refer the Legend of Atlantis. It is the story of an island kingdom in prehistoric period, which got submerged under the sea. The oldest reference we get from Plato, of 4 th century BC, the famous Greek philosopher. His contemporary, Solon had visited Egypt about half a century earlier; where he visited some temples. There he told the Greek mythology to the temple priests, who told him that Greeks are nothing but children and they don’t have a history which is hoary with age ! Then they told him about this wonderful island civilization which was the cradle of all civilization and which due to the fury of Poseidon, the deity of the sea, was one day engulfed by the raging waves ! And that was around 9500 BP. This story of Atlantis from that time intrigued people at all ages ! And it is thought that there were survivors, those people who were already on ships at the time of the deluge and those are the people who reached different shores and were the fore fathers of future civilizations ! The story of the Great Flood & Noah in Old Testament Bible and Manu of our Puran are almost same and indicates that some thing like that had definitely happened in the distant past ! I don’t have problem with that ! The problem is, archaeologists have till now been unable to locate this Atlantis ! Some say it was in the Atlantic Ocean beside the rock of Gibraltar, some say it was in the Mediterranean Sea and some even say that it was in Indonesia ! My thinking is different. I think there were not one but several islands which had flourishing civilizations ! And one among those were our own Gulf of Khambat, which is between Bhavnagar and Surat in Gujarat ! This is the original home of the Aryans ! Though it is a very dramatic imagination but there are solid reasons for this kind of thinking. If the story of Manu in our Puran is to be believed, it must have happened some where near India. Something happening in the Atlanitc ocean is too far away to be included in our Puran ! Moreover, we know that there were survivors who escaped in a ship and landed at new places where they started afresh. Supposing that happens now with modern people. You may have a laptop with you, but that will last as long as the battery will be alive ! After that you’ll not be able to charge it and gradually it will be forgotten ! Because you’ll not be able to build one new nor you’ll get electricity ! You’ll return to cave age very soon ! The only knowledge that remains is the knowledge of construction of houses, roads and drains. Exactly that is what we can see ! In Harappan cities we find example of that. Another thing remains is the agricultural knowledge ! The grains we consume are not wild and those have been developed after generations of research. But if you have some grains already with you, you can plant those and go forward from there ! Similar are the knowledge of herbal medicine ! In Atharva Veda, around four thousand medicinal plants are described ! To find those must have taken thousands of years of research and testing ! But when was that done ? That was done in our local Atlantis, in the gulf of Khambat ! We know something very severe had happened at that time, 9500 years ago ! Several such islands must have been submerged in the tsunami ! But according to my belief, the Sumerian civilization had already started by that time ! Our survivors from Khambat had landed at different locations from different ships ! One group landed inland, carried inside through the Indus river ! Another group was carried further away towards West and they entered through the Gulf of Persia ! There they landed on the shores of Iran ! Now these are all imaginary ! Imagined by me with some amount of logic ! The existing theory of Aryan Invasion is also imaginary and with much less logic ! I can say that the Harappan ( Indus Valley ) civilization was started by the survivors of Khambat ! And the other group, who landed at Iran ( Persia ), across hostile territory traveled North towards the Caspian sea and settled near Turkmenistan ! There are plenty of evidence of this settlement. Gradually they got settled there by fighting regularly with the Assyrian tribes who roamed that area ! They also started the use of horses and established contact with the people of Harappan civilization which had also encroached inside Iran ! So, there was no invasion, but gradual sifting of groups of people ! Some went further North towards Europe ! The language of those people was the basis of the Indo-European language ! Ultimately, the people who had shifted to Harappa from Turkmenistan, and who had become merged with the original inhabitants, found that due to climatic changes, there was scarcity of water and the river Saraswati also dried up. Then they started to shift towards the more favorable Ganga- Yamuna plateau which was very fertile land and got settled there. And gave birth to the immortal epics, Ramayana & Mahabharata ( Jaya ) !
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:11:18 +0000

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