COPIED BUT VERY INTERESTING ........................................................................... WHY IS TNA OBBSESSED TO FIX AND NAIL ONE WILLIAM ARAP RUTO? We have information that new evidence has been carted away to the ICC that is going to reinforce the existing evidence, especially on FORCIBLE TRANSFER OF POPULATIONS. We are also aware that a NEW BREED of witnesses from Mt. Kenya have been procured and shipped to the HQ to testify against RUTO and SANG. In fact we are reliably informed that the NO-CASE PLEASE that RUTO/SANG were planning has been stopped due to an influx of a new set of Witnesses procured, shipped and facilitated by TOP government officials as well as TNA machinery. Ruto’s Bank statements, the Muteshi land case verdict, his phone conversations, title deed copies, secret intelligence video tapes, his Tran scripted KASS FM debates between 2005-2008, his travel plans, his very private conversations etc. have been shipped to the ICC. New witnesses have been identified and supported to give a near identical story to nail him. This is a well-crafted scheme to eliminate RUTO from the Country’s leadership. In other NEWS, people saying that IEBC did well by managing the BY-ELECTION in Mathare and therefore should be spared are missing the point. IEBC was not formed to EXCELLENTLY MANAGE BY-ELECTIONS. These fellows cannot manage a GENERAL ELECTION, and that is what is important. That is why we MUST HAVE A REFERENDUM. As a MINIMUM, the referendum will do away with the current commissioners who behave as if they are a department of TNA. Secondly, the Referendum will increase COUNTY allocations to over 45% of the current budget. And we shall have a clause which says that for the 5 (Central Kenya) COUNTIES WHO WILL BE misled to oppose the referendum, they will continue getting their County funds calculated at 15% of 2009/2010 budgets for the next 30 years. Otherwise why should they oppose the good clause in the referendum and at the same time benefit from 45% allocation? In other news, we hear that TNA wants to cap the age limit for a Presidential candidate at 65. We know they are targeting KALONZO AND RAILA. We are not shaken. We shall introduce our own amendment to provide that the MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT IS ACTUALLY 50 YEARS. TWENDE KAZI. And time for DIALOGUE is long gone! SIENJI KABISA WAO.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:57:35 +0000

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